Off We Go Again

sierpnia 2019 - czerwca 2024
Otwarta przygoda według Shahnavaz Czytaj więcej
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  • And we're off (again!)

    18 września 2018, Anglia ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    And it begins again! I know what you're thinking. So where are they off to this time? How long are they going for? How on earth can they afford it? And my answer to your questions are, Watch this space, God only knows and we are cheap!

    For the past 2 months in the UK we have been meeting people and everyone's been asking us so have you booked anything, where are you thinking about going etc Honestly we didn't have anything planned until 2 weeks ago when we both sat on Skype at our parents house and decided to have a gander on Skyscanner. We found cheap tickets to Singapore for the 19th Sept and thought, meh that's a start!

    Technically my journey started on the 15th September after enjoying an amazing birthday lunch with our families and saying bye to my family. I then stayed in Macclesfield for a couple of days watching Will run round like a headless chicken trying to cram 2 months worth of things into 2 days. It all came together in the end and we are now both looking rather calm (inside terrified and utterly excited) on our phones enjoying the slow rocking of our Virgin Train to London where we will see a few people for farewell drinks and sleep on Monique's sofa before our early morning flight to the one and only Singapore.

    Well it was a bit of a rough morning so we grabbed lots of water and a croissant for the train.

    As mentioned our flight was an absolute bargain (no joke it was £163!), but it doesn't include food, drinks and luggage. Fine with us! We decided to have a slap up spoons breakfast and grab M&S sandwiches for the flight.

    Fed, watered and boarded! Singapore here we come!
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