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  • Day 16

    A Home Cooked Dinner & Parting Thoughts

    July 19, 2019 in Indonesia ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

    We got back to Munduk in the mid-afternoon. While sitting on the verandah, another man named Putu came by on his motorcycle. We struck up a conversation and he invited us to his house, which was just down the hill from our accommodation, for dinner (for a price). While the price was a little steep (it was cheaper than restaurant meals but dearer than street food) I couldn’t say no as this would be an interesting way to observe a Balinese household. Besides, you can’t help but admire his entrepreneurial spirit.

    Putu’s 12-year old daughter Sophie came to get us later that evening. We first sat on a carpet on the floor of his verandah drinking tea. We chatted and learned a little bit about Putu, his family, and their lives in the village. We were then invited to a little pavilion, where dinner was served. Dinner was a chicken curry, urap (vegetables with a coconut dressing), jagung begedel (corn fritters), and rice. The two vegetable dishes were amazing. Dessert was dodol (sweetened grated coconut wrapped in a pandan skin; Sophie made this dish) and freshly harvested papaya. All the ingredients of this meal were so fresh. I couldn’t think of a better way to wrap up this trip.…
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