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  • Day 4

    Gol Gol

    May 14, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Regrettably there was no time to enjoy S.A. like tourists. We spent the night at 'Riverbend Caravan Park'. The spot allocated to us was not on the river but rather a corner with roadworks and lots of red wet soil. It didn't matter anyway as we ended up spending the evening communicating with the solicitors and then tried to work out how to cook dinner as all our gas bottles seemed to have failed. Even the new van had hardly any gas in it - how can that be?
    Tired, hungry and cool, we all waited for dinner - including Josie's chicken mince. Eventually we got one gas bottle working and we all were thankful for our evening meal.
    In the morning our wish to find a local produce market was not fulfilled. Instead we visited Woolies, got petrol and drove on. Just across from the old historic Peringa bridge we stopped at the Bert Dicks Memorial Park (see photo of our two Casitas). Josie jumped out and before we knew she was limping. There was no hint of what may have caused this, we suspected she might have been bitten by an ant. She seemed ok, no allergic reaction although we were super vigilant and kept checking as we drove again past the Quarantine station from S.A. into Victoria.
    Gol Gol just outside from Mildura was as far as we could possibly drive that day, about 3 hours.
    The scenery with a little sunshine transformed into magic, with much regret we powered on - leaving with each kilometre this amazing landscape behind. S.A. is so underrated, without getting out of our vehicles the landscape that flew past was stunning. The colours, the trees, the multitude of greens ranging from bright to almost yellow to grey or olive is wondrous and deeply satisfying.
    Gol Gol also has incredible beauty, plus huge homesteads and what we thought to be a 'millionaire's row' with large properties along the river front. Then there are the houseboats and the wide & slow flowing beautiful Murrumbigee River and the stunning gum trees with dark bark and olive leaves. Isn't it a disgrace, we have no idea what they are called.
    We parked Casita Neuvo on the outside the River Gardens Caravan Park, just meters from Casita. Josie of course required some exercise and we had a few photo opportunities as well.
    After dark a man questioned me, wanting to know who is staying there. It was the park manager (although we asked for a spot next to this side street to be near our 'neuvo' home). The misunderstanding was cleared up quickly and finally we fell into our beds exhausted as so regularly on this trip.
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