África do Sul

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Viajantes neste local
    • Dia 17–18

      Abschied nehmen

      27 de fevereiro, África do Sul ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Heute ging es zur letzten Station, nach ca 400 km, größtenteils Landstraße über Wartburg und Pietermaritzburg, erreichten wir nahe an der A3 gelegen, das B&B Thanda Tau. Ein letzter gemütlicher Spieleabend hat unseren erlebnisreichen Urlaub ausklingen lassen.. Am nächsten Morgen, dem, Abreisetag konnten wir noch die Löwen, Leopard u. a. Tiere der Wildfarm besuchen. Gegen Mittag ging es für letzte 200 km zum Flughafen. Nach der Autorückgabe haben wir Vier uns voneinander verabschiedet. Ein wunderschöner Urlaub ging zu Ende. Um 20 Uhr flogen Annett, Conny und Holger nach Deutschland zurück. Ich fuhr zur Übernachtung ins Touraco, von wo aus ich am nächsten Morgen wieder zum Flughafen startete und Katrin und Matthias in Empfang genommen habe. Die Reise startete aufs Neue.Leia mais

    • Dia 23

      Memel Day 1

      7 de fevereiro de 2017, África do Sul ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      Schalk came for breakfast and then we went birding in the Seekoeivlei. It was quite wet and there were one or two watery 4x4 spots we had to swim through.
      We checked in at the first bird hide - which we all reckoned was not ideally designed; at the second hide the road was a river so we couldn't stop 😫 Juanita swam through and then we turned around and swam back - to get back to the entrance.
      The official at the gate was a Mr Manganye who said the Waterberg is his home area.
      We then drove all the way around the Vlei. The road wasn't too hot but the birding was great ( except for several LBJ'S 😏).
      It was lunch time by the time we got home, so we had bread and cheese and then decided to take the afternoon off.
      POps wasn't feeling well and both he and Schalk wanted to watch cricket and then it rained and rained so that was OK.
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    • Dia 24

      Memel Day 2

      8 de fevereiro de 2017, África do Sul ⋅ 🌙 18 °C

      Schalk arranged for us to visit the Lion Farm (we have been there once before) owned by Ted and Kiewiet. We picked him up at 10h30 and headed south along the Vlei. Had to stop on the way for a bunch of birds - including both glossy and bald ibis and a black raptor we couldn't identify. (I reckoned it was a black harrier but Bill insists they only come here in winter. We've had this argument a couple of times on this trip 😊)
      At the Lion Farm the daughter, Mieke, served us drinks then took us on a game drive - in a special game viewing vehicle. It was interesting: 2 dogs shared the front passenger seat while the guy who helped us on to the vehicle and opened and shut farm gates had to hang on behind us...
      This is obviously a game breeding farm: white springbok and blesbok, black impala. There were both black and blue wildebeest on the farm but we didn't see a golden one. We saw roan, sable, waterbuck, kudu, nyala and buffalo - not all grassland species.
      Their big deal of course is breeding lion. We missed that part of the tour 'cos Kiewiet was supposed to do it but was busy with other visitors. We did see some very small and some older cubs - in separate enclosures so not in prides. There was also at one point on the game drive a lioness with 2 very little cubs.
      It's much better seeing these animals in the wild.
      We had a very nice lunch at the farm, then spent a quiet afternoon catching up on pictures and stuff.
      We met Schalk at the Pub for a drink and then said our goodbyes.
      Now we just need to pack for the final leg tomorrow.
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    • Dia 22

      Ladysmith to Memel

      6 de fevereiro de 2017, África do Sul ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      We were a bit lazier today as we didn't have far to go. After all the excitement of baby cuckoos we had breakfast in Naunton's dining room (R100 each - ouch!) and then packed up the car in the rain. Yes, it was still raining.
      Decided to do a bit of shopping at Newcastle as it was still too early to get to Memel. The Newcastle Mall is new since we lived there and is much bigger than the Modimall (it has Checkers AND Pick 'n' Pay). So we provisioned ourselves for a few days at Pick 'n' Pay.
      We called Schalk and arranged to meet him for lunch at the Memel pub, then set off over yet another mountain pass - Botha's Pass. Of course it's tarred and mild compared with some we've recently experienced 😊
      Steak, egg and chips for lunch and it was good to meet up with Schalk again. Turned out it was Rita Bodde's birthday so Schalk invited us also for coffee at Rita's in the afternoon.
      Coffee and cake turned into champagne and snacks with about 10 people at the party!
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