La Mata de Bolaimí

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    • Day 25

      In der letzten Wüste Spaniens

      April 25, 2023 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Wir sind auf einem kleinen Öko Hof gelandet. Das Paar, welches den Hof hier leitet ist unheimlich freundlich und läd alle Camper morgens zu einem Cafe. Wirklich schön und wir haben sogar einen Platz mit Schatten. Morgen geht es dann weiter nach MalagaRead more

    • Day 39

      From Geode at Pulpi up to the mountains

      January 18, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Further to earlier post today, I was a bit apprehensive about going underground for 90 mins with the need to descend 5 floors on an open spiral staircase. My fear of heights did set in, looking such a long way down gave me the heeby-jeebies and I was shaking. I couldn't face going back up so asked if I could use the lift, along with 3 others but only 2 at a time.
      One chap got as far as the entrance and knew straightaway that he couldn't face it. The guide cajoled him to join, which he did, but not for long. Claustrophobia, I presume.
      Anyway, it was pretty amazing. Well maintained rabbit warren, which used to be a mine. In 1999 a meterological chappie took a wrong turn and found gypsum crystals and then that there was a huge geode. We each got to put our heads inside the geode, it was a WOW moment. The guide was very animated and I'm sure we missed a lot by not understanding her, but we had a prerecorded audioguide between us.
      After that we did a quick shop, well, John stayed outside minding the van as the place didn't have a good feeling about it.
      We're now up in the mountains at a place which welcomes artists and digital nomads. It's double the price that we thought though. Very friendly welcome, the expectation was to join in for wine around the campfire. We did and chatted to Bart, the Polish owner of the place and then Dieter, who's living and travelling in his camper with his wife Christina. He showed us lots of photos of his UK east coast visit last year.
      Dogs everywhere.
      The next join up is coffee in the kitchen for breakfast. It's a co-housing project too. You can make things and there's a chance for everyone to have an open campervan session. Plus I believe games etc. Not our scene really, plus we need toilet emptying facilities, which they don't have.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    La Mata de Bolaimí, La Mata de Bolaimi

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