Sri Lanka

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    • Día 179


      29 de julio de 2023, Sri Lanka

      🇨🇭: in Colombo han i nur no so 2 Täg verbrocht. Sehr schöns Hostel gsi, cooli Atmosphäre, endli eh klimaahlag im Zimmer und ehn Pool! Ich han au am einte Obet Wii trunke mit ner Dütsche wo ich kenne glernt han. Am nögste Tag binnich nur no geshoppe und den an Flughafe. Han denn am Check in Schalter usegfunde das ich sogar Business flüge wird😂 eigentli bini ziemli sicher das i Economy gha han aber egal, bin sogar so günstiger cho und richtig Premium unterwegs gsi. Au id Lounge chöne, Han Whisky ide Lounge und im Flugi gha. 3 gänger bim Znacht und eifach richtig geile Konfort. Hani scho seeeeehr gfühlt😂 nach 16h permium flüge bin ich denn am morge am 5ii in Malaga glandet. Jetzt heissts warte uf die 3 habasche.

      🇺🇸: in colombo i just stay 2 days. Was a very nice hostel, a cool atmosphere and finally a airconditioner in the room and a pool! At one evening i share a bottle of wine with a german girl i met at the same day. Was really nice. At the next day i just go shopping and than after this day to the airport. At the check in i figured out, that i will fly business.😂 was a big suprise, because i was pretty sure i would fly ecenomy. The funny thing is this way was cheaper than when i would fly economy idk why 😂 i also could use the lounges, free food drinks and alcohol!
      I started with a whisky on the rocks and do the same in the plane xD
      Also had a 3 dishes for dinner and just awesome comfort. I really feel it😂
      After 16h premium flight i arrived in malaga at 5am. Now i just have to wait for this 3 weirdos.
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