Sri Lanka

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    • Day 11

      Back to Jungle Beach

      March 15, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ ⛅ 30 °C

      Weil es dort so schön war, heute nochmal den Weg zurück nach Unawatuna zum Jungle Beach (diesmal aber der etwas größere von beiden). Auf dem Weg haben wir noch Stopps eingelegt . Stelzenfischer in Koggala und beim Rope Swing im Dream Cabanas.Read more

    • Day 10

      Karen allein unterwegs

      March 14, 2024 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

      Whale Watching in Mirissa mit Raja and the Whales. Pick up 5:30 in der Unterkunft…eigentlich. Aber Rashandra, unser liebgewonnener Tuktuk-Fahrer hat verschlafen. Wake Up Call 5:31 und Rashandra war 5.40 endlich da. Das Boot legte pünktlich 6:30 ab. Los ging es zu Delfinschulen der Spezies Spinner. Gegen 9:30 waren dann die Delfinsichtungsbedürfnisse aller Bootsinsassen befriedigt, sodass wir weiterzogen, um einen der beiden Blauwale in diesen Gefilden zu finden. Er zeigte sich nicht, wie schon 76 Tage lang, dafür aber ein Brydewal. Vom Schaukeln und der Hitze des Bootes ermüdet, erreichte ich 13 Uhr wieder unsere Unterkunft. Erschöpft vom Planschen im Pool schliefen unsere Mädels auch schon im angenehm kühlen Bungalow. Am späten Nachmittag gings an den Strand von Koggola Abhängen im Heimat Hugs. Ein paar süße einheimische Mädchen gesellten sich neugierig zu uns und spielten schlussendlich mit.Read more

    • Day 11

      Day 9 - Mirissa, massage, dinner locals

      February 26, 2022 in Sri Lanka ⋅ 🌧 27 °C

      Today we go out together, for the first time since we've been here. Enjoying Sri Lanka together like a tourist. Robin takes me by bus to Marissa. The bus is full of locals and not one tourist. While it’s super easy to travel by bus AND super cheap. Our half hour ride to Marissa only costs about €0.06 cents. Bizarre right? The bus drivers here think they are God and they drive like idiots, the buses are decorated with photos, texts, loud music, again a nice experience.

      Once in Marissa we go to Shady Lane. We have a delicious breakfast here, they also have little shop in the restaurant. Kind of a best practice for Ciao Bella actually. People are literally queuing up to eat here, we get a lot of inspiration! We have a chai pudding, smoothie bowl, coconut latte and a chocolate cake. All super tasty. We enjoy this while playing our games.

      After this we walk for a while on the beach of Marissa and then decide to take the bus to Unawatuna. In Unawatuna we take a massage. Oh my god, how amazing this was. For only €15 a full body massage, it is really wonderful and relaxing. We are going to do this more often, 100%, we are completely zen now haha.

      We take the bus to Habaraduwa to Robin's father. He says he's taking us all out to dinner, including the neighbor kids, he's taking us to Shack in Galle. Awesome! The children are very excited. We go home, get ready and take 4 tuk-tuks to Galle. Special moments because the kids don't often visit a restaurant and the beach. We order pasta and pizzas and Edward shows the kids best way to eat pizza. We take pictures on the beach and drink chocolate smoothies. They absolutely loved it. Amazing kids.

      We bring them home after this. They show their houses, meet their parents, show pictures of the past. Had a great evening with these super nice people.

      Now a weekend working at Ciao Bella in the restaurant. Hope you dutchies enjoy the carnaval hihihihi.

      X Ciao ciao
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