Kanton Luzern

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Los 10 mejores destinos de viaje Kanton Luzern
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    • Día 1

      And So it Begins

      14 de septiembre de 2023, Suiza ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      A couple of people, knowing we were heading off to Switzerland for a long anticipated 10 day break, suggested I might continue to write about our adventures. I won't say who, just in case you don't agree.

      It has been a long day of planes, trains and automobiles (well a bus, a plane and 3 trains), starting with the 08.00 airport bus from Corstorphine. The offer of overnight accommodation from our good friend Glynice gladdened the heart as it also came with free long stay car parking, a lift to the bus stop with our luggage and the chance to use our bus passes to get to the airport. Us wee lads from Lanarkshire do like to save a bob or two.

      Even before we reached Switzerland everything ran like clockwork, with only short queues for the bag drop and security and a flight that landed on schedule, despite a brief delay in Edinburgh. The only slight wrinkle was the additional body scan as a result of my wrist brace setting off the metal detector. I forgot it has a stiffening rod inside. On the plus side, the time taken for the scan allowed me to be reunited with my hand luggage just in time to help the security agent confirm that the suspicious object in my luggage was a travel speaker and not a hand grenade.

      The trains in Switzerland are everything I had expected. Clean, tidy, on time and with connection that just work. I am reliably informed that the Swiss Railway is based on the Hub and Spoke system. All the express and local trains and buses arrive at key hubs all at the same time allowing passengers to interchange seamlessly between them. Less efficient in terms of rolling stock, but much more efficient in terms of the passengers (thanks Alastair). So Geneva airport to Olten, a platform change, the specifics of which were included in the timetables and also announced by the guard on approach and on to Lucerne within 10 minutes. It was then we fell foul of Swiss efficiency. The connection time for the local train from Lucerne to our hotel was 7 minutes and we had to buy tickets at the machine. As I lifted my case and prepared to board, the doors shut in my face and the train headed on its timely way. Twenty seconds were all we needed, maybe 15 at a push, but that was not to be. Still the next train would be along in 10 minutes.
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    • Día 14

      Day 14: Luzern

      25 de septiembre de 2023, Suiza ⋅ 🌙 17 °C

      We had a (somewhat) relaxed day today exploring the Musegg Wall - a wall built in 1370 to protect the city. As we were walking up some very steep steps, Matt saw something move and said " Look at the squirrel" as a dirty, big rat ran towards me. After my heart rate returned to normal - and not from the climb! - we walked along the top of the wall, stopping to climb 6 of the watch towers along the way. Lunch was baguettes and sandwiches by the water, before we found 4 churches - before Matt found 4 churches! - very pretty and totally different from any we have seen before. Midafternoon, washing done for the next 4 days, Matt went out wandering while I lay in the sun reading. Cambeys returned with make-your-own fondue for tea, washed down with a 3.55 Frank bottle of wine. Time to repack our bags; tomorrow Matt and I leave the Cambeys for a few days, to drive across France, before meeting up with them in Paris!Leer más

    • Día 3

      Nadelwehr e parte delle mura

      8 de febrero, Suiza ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Storica diga che regolava lo scambio tra il lago e il fiume, bloccando trasversalmente, ma non chiudendo mai il percorso all'acqua.
      Le altre foto sono le torri perimetrali delle mura della città vecchia, che arrivano sino al fiume.Leer más

    • Día 3

      Il giardino dei ghiacciai

      8 de febrero, Suiza ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Parte museale
      Ci sono reperti di questi spedizionieri alpini, raccolti in una dimora storica, degna di nota anche senza la mostra. C'è anche un mega plastico di una battaglia (mi interessava poco e non ho approfondito ma penso fosse della guerra franco-prussiana).
      Comunque la cosa più interessante è questa mummia di cucciolo di mammuth, attaccata al muro come un trofeo di caccia.
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    • Día 3

      Il giardino dei ghiacciai

      8 de febrero, Suiza ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Bella anche la collezione di fossili rinvenuti nelle valli svizzere.
      Vabbè, per chi non ci crede, non sono fossili, sono puzzle con cui giocavano Dio padre e Dio figlio il sabato sera, aspettando che la signora Padreterno rientrasse...Leer más

    • Día 3

      Il giardino dei ghiacciai

      8 de febrero, Suiza ⋅ ☁️ 11 °C

      Un capatina al sottosuolo per vedere un paio di plastici della città e delle valli circostanti, e poi un viaggetto tra gli strati di roccia, per vedere l'opera della terra, dei terremoti, degli smottamenti sull'attuale stato delle sedimentarie.
      ...e interessante immaginare che impronta lasceremo noi sul pianeta!
      C'era anche un cronofonografo in cui si chiedeva di lasciare un pensiero: l'ho lasciato in italiano, ovviamente!
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    • Día 25

      25. Lucerne

      29 de febrero, Suiza ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

      Wow, what can I say. We have found the Switzerland we were looking for!!
      We woke up today to a hazy yet warm day and quickly headed to Lucerne to explore. We were struggling a bit as we had no phone sim card sorted to plan the trip,so we followed our P4N app to a recommended car park to get the bus into Lucerne.

      The Short 20 minute drive was so scenic with the Alps peaking through over the beautiful lake next to the city. We drove through the middle of the town, which yet again was slightly stressful, but we arrived safely. We left Maddy in the van today as we weren't sure how dog friendly Switzerland is and she does stop us visiting shops together.

      We got on a very expensive bus (it was a short 10 min ride and cost us £14), we both said the bikes should have come out. Arriving in Lucerne was so exciting after the sneak preview we had earlier. The town is very old and has a 14th century wooden bridge which crosses the river. On the roof of the bridge was original paintings which were mad to see, sadly in 1993 they had a fire and 5 paintings were ruined and you could see where the flames had affected the bridge. In the middle was a tower which was used as a dungeon. This gave us a cool insite into the citys history.

      We had a bit of a wander through the colourfully painted streets and went to a souvenier shop to buy some badges and magnets for our collection. One thing we have learnt is how expensive Switzerland is , you can really tell that the wages are high here when a small sandwich is £10 and a bottle of coke is nearly £5. Mental really, so we headed to a local supermarket and brought some lunch there and headed to the Lake to eat and enjoy the view.
      As the day went on the Alps made more and more of an apperance and the view across the lake was literally amazing, the best view we have seen since our Himalayan trek.

      We got some Swiss sim cards so we can plan our trip and managed to get a fairly good deal, suprisingly. Afterwards, we headed along the lake front passing the Casino and some very posh hotels and resturants. Pasta dishes for £35 was funny to see.

      The last stop was a trip to a famous lion monument which was built for the soldiers who died during the french revolution. The sculpture is cut into the cliff and was very intricately designed. We took some photo's of us stroking him and slowly headed back towards the van.

      After letting Maddy out and sorting recycling out, we headed onto our next free park up and the route there, well we can't explain how scenic it was! This made us both realise that this was the exact reason we built a van, it felt like this was the moment we had been longing for over the last 3 years building the van, cruising through the mountains , music blasting on our soundsystem, sun glasses on. It was such a hype and we loved every second of the journey to the park up. We have found another free gem park up in Switzerland, the view from our windscreen is insane.

      We played basketball and had a kick around with the ball for a bit, Maddy decided to eat some disgusting things and we headed inside when it got dark and cooked a lovely noodle chicken dish.

      Then spent the last 2 hours updating Penguins before chilling and ready for our next day in Switzerland. Weather not looking great tomorrow, Heavy snow at times so that should be entertaining.
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    • Día 5

      Day 5 - Stunning Scenery in Switzerland

      3 de marzo, Suiza ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Woke up at 8.10am feeling decidedly groggy, I really shouldn’t have finished off all of my wine on a pretty much empty stomach. I finished off my blog & tried to post it with 2 videos. I later discovered that it didn’t go. Uploading videos takes too long, so I won’t be doing that again.

      After a shower & getting packed up, I left the Green Marmot Capsule Hotel at 9.58am, just 2 minutes before I had to be out. I loaded up my bike and set the SatNav to take me to Interlaken on the Windiest Route to ensure it took me past the lakes. My plan was to stop early at a supermarket to get some much needed sustenance, but I soon came to realise that no supermarkets are open in Switzerland on a Sunday.

      Somewhere near Zug, I stopped at McDonalds for a coffee and Big Mac that cost me close on £10. I used the opportunity to make a few phone calls, including to my parents who were celebrating their anniversary today. My mum told that she had been reading the blog, but was upset by the derogatory comments by someone called Andy Mays.

      Back on the bike, now feeling much better, I was soon in the attractive town of Lucerne sitting on the shore of Lake Lucerne with snow capped mountains in the distance. I stopped for a quick photo & continued on. The road followed Lake Lucerne, then Lake Sarnersee, Lake Lungersee and Lake Brienzersee, before arriving at Interlaken. The sun had been out throughout this leg of the journey. It could not have been a more enjoyable ride…..or could it get even better.

      In Interlaken I found a convenience store, where I bought a large bottle of water, a Coke Zero and 2 packets of my favourite Biscoff biscuits. I didn’t stay in long in Interlaken, mainly because there was no focal point of a lake. Instead I took a diversion from my planned route to visit a little town called Lauterbrunnen, which was 16 km south of Interlaken and had been recommended by my brother, Jonathan who is holidaying there later in the year.

      The narrow windy and windy road took me through a brewery and then a farm. The road was flanked on both sides by steep mountains & it followed a river and a train track. Lauterbrunnen looked like a scene on a chocolate box. It was crammed into the valley between two mountains which had waterfalls falling from them. It was very picturesque. Lauterbrunnen looked like the perfect place to take a ski lift up the mountains and walk back down. Strangely this small municipality in the Swiss Alps was absolutely heaving with Asian tourists. They didn’t look like they were there for the skiing!

      I returned to Interlaken then headed west where I followed the winding road on the northern shore of Lake Thunersee. It was absolutely stunning. I felt compelled to keep stopping to take photos and admire the beauty of the lake with its backdrop of the snow covered alps. To make this absolutely the perfect ride the sun remained out the whole way.

      My left arm was aching from waving to all my fellow motorcyclists. I wasn’t doing it like I was a village idiot, I was doing it because it is the done thing that every motorcyclist does on the continent. We ignore the moped and scooter riders.

      This road, the ‘Seestrasse’, took me through the villages of Merligen, Gunten, Oberhofen am Thunersee and Hilterfingen, before arriving at the town of Thun at the other end of Lake Thunersee. The villages I passed through had beautiful castles, hotels, restaurants and mansions to just increase the pleasure on the eye.

      By now time was pushing on, so I hotfooted it to the outskirts of Bern, where I located Muhle Hunziken, the venue for tomorrow’s gig. It was then a 25 minute ride into Bern and to Hostel 77, my accommodation for the next 2 nights. My heart sank when I pulled up outside at 5.10pm. There were about 50 children and a handful of teachers hanging around at the front. I had visions of sharing my dormitory with a load of 10 year old boys.

      Daniel, the receptionist, checked me in and assured me that the children were all on the floor above me. Daniel gave me lots of information and surprisingly all the buses and trams in Bern were free of charge to me. I just needed my hotel receipt which had a QR code for them. Breakfast is also included.

      I went up to my dorm 309 and got the feeling that I would probably have the whole dorm of 6 beds to myself. It is now gone 9pm at the time of writing and no-one else has arrived. What a result.

      I settled in & listened to the football commentary in time to hear Utd concede 3 goals. I decided I couldn’t be bothered to go out. I made do with my biscuits and water and enjoyed the luxury of the dorm to myself.

      Today was a (very) good day. My ride should have only taken just over 2 and a half hours, but actually took over 7 hours.

      Song of the Day - Slow Ride by Foghat.

      NMA Song of the Day - Today is a Good Day by New Model Army.
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    • Día 7

      Vorletzte Etappe Bern - Luzern

      20 de mayo, Suiza ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Heute Morgen habe ich mit Bernhard am Jaguar geschraubt, leider hatten wir kein Relais für die Benzinpumpe ⛽️ naja es war trotzdem schön. nach einem kleinen Dessert haben wir uns kurz entschlossen eher aus Bern abzureisen und Luzern einen Besuch abzustatten. In Laupen war ein Schwingerwettbewerb. Mit der S-Bahn über Bern nach Luzern vorbei am Eiger, Mönch und Jungfrau zum Vierwaldstättersee. Es war eine sehr aussichtsreiche Zugfahrt und wie immer pünktlich am Ziel.Leer más

    • Día 7


      20 de mayo, Suiza ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Das war eine spontane Idee 💡 wie sich später rausgestellt hat eine sehr gute. Luzern ist wundervoll. Am Vierwaldstättersee, es war super Wetter und die Stadt zeigte sich von seiner besten Seite. Im Hotel des Balances haben wir gegessen es war wirklich gut.
      Das war ein gelungener Abschlusstag. Morgen gehts nach Konstanz und so langsam auf Heimatkurs.
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    También podrías conocer este lugar por los siguientes nombres:

    Kanton Luzern, Luzern, Lucerne, Lucerna, 루체른 주

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