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    • Giorno 6

      Wandern im Taroko Nationalpark

      4 agosto 2019, Taiwan ⋅ ⛅ 28 °C

      Gleich nach dem Frühstück machten wir uns mit dem Roller auf den Weg in den Taroko Nationalpark. Dieser ist für seine Tarokoschlucht bekannt, in der man auf verschiedenen Trails einige Runden wandern kann. Zunächst fuhren wir einmal längs durch die Schlucht hinauf, um das Feld von hinten aufzurollen. Dadurch wollten wir der touristischen Massenabfertigung entgehen und den Park in Ruhe genießen. Auf dem Weg durch enge Höhlen, wackelige Brücken in schwindelerregender Höhe und schmalen Pfädchen genossen wir eine super Landschaft. Natürlich kam dabei auch die Kultur nicht zu kurz. Neben den obligatorischen Tempeln entdeckten wir auch wieder eine kleine Kapelle, die jedoch wieder relativ schlicht gehalten war. Der - im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes - Höhepunkt war der Aufstieg auf den Bell-Tower, der zu einem buddhistischen Kloster gehörte und bei dem man selbst die Glocken läuten durfte. Als Belohnung für das Wandern in tropischer Hitze gönnten wir uns am Abend leckere Maracuja und Drachenfrucht und frisch gemachte Zitronenlimonade mit Blick aufs Meer.Leggi altro

    • Giorno 14

      Yey - Back to normality!

      8 ottobre 2018, Taiwan ⋅ 🌧 21 °C

      We both woke up with a spring in our feet as we knew we were going to have an amazing day. We were finally able to get hold of a scooter and were going to go to the mountains!! Taroko Gorge is the number one place to go in Taiwan. Although very touristy its easy to get off the tourist trail by heading a bit further and not going on the smaller trail roads. To be honest we didn't care, we had sunshine, a scooter and mountains. Perfect.

      The drive was soo gorgeous, first along the coast and then through the mountains. Gosh it was good to be back to normality!

      First stop was to go to a hidden natural hotspring. Annoyingly I'm a stickler for rules and I just couldn't bring myself to go in as it was actually closed off. Will on the other hand went for it. He said it was very very hot and came out sweating like mad. I definitely had a bit of FOMO on this occasion but ah well.

      For lunch we made peanut butter and jam sandwiches from breakfast at the hostel and ate them on our next stop, Baiyang Waterfall. At the moment it's the end of rainy season and you can definitely see it from the fast flowing river! I can see why its the number 1 place to visit in Taiwan.

      Next we did a bike tour round various photo ops and on our way down hit "total grid lock". It was crazy busy and there was a very narrow road and the traffic was being managed. Luckily we were on a scooter and were able to race to the front 😊 We soon jetted off and as it was beginning to shower we decided to head home before it got dark.

      For dinner we went to a really tasty beef noodle soup restaurant and for 25p extra you could order a large, so we did. It was ridiculously big, so I gave half to Will to finish off. Well at least he didn't need a second dinner today!

      It was only 6pm when we finished. I went for a much needed haircut and then chilled in the hostel with a hot chocolate.

      I'm not sure if I told you about a tune that we keep hearing everywhere? It's driving us bonkers and as I write this blog it's going on repeatedly outside. It's a tune that the bin lorry makes to alert residents it's coming round. All residents have to throw their own rubbish in the wagons so everyday from dawn till dusk this annoying tune is played and it is constantly stuck in our heads! But not going to let that ruin our amazing day 😊

      I'm so so so so so so glad we are finally getting back into the swing of things and able to visit the mountains, its made such a big difference on our mood!
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    Wenshan, 文山

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