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  • Day 16

    Beach day at Rota

    February 16, 2023 in Spain

    After breakfast Andy and Natalie picked up Emily and Finlay and drove out of Jerez to spend the day at the fantastic beach at Rota, about 30 mins drive away. Lynette and I walked across Jerez and went to Rota in the bus and met them on the beach. The buses here are marvelous, although they less frequent than they used to be, the bus to Rota was only 2 euros each!

    Lunch in the sun on the prom in time for Andy to give us a lift back to the bus station for the afternoon bus back to Jerez.

    In addition to a huge wonderful beach, Rota has a huge US navy and marine base so you can sit on the beach and watch the ships going in to the base, or over the bay to the port at Cadiz.

    Tonight Andy and Natalie have a dinner out at one of Jerez's best restaurants, which they have been to before and absolutely love.
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