• Day 14

    Back inland

    November 19, 2023 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    We left Buffalo Bay after breakfast and drove away from the coastline for the first time. Our goal was the Cango Cave, one of the most famous natural wonders in South Africa. We had decided to skip Krysna and George as we realised we cannot see everything 😩
    Judging by buses, the cave are indeed famous and you get a guided tour in groups of max 50. In the earlier days of the cave discovery (early 20th century), they were allowing far too many people and had events in the first chamber. This obviously led to damages hence why it is regulated now. We saw 3 chambers and these were sooo big, very impressive, especially the amount and type of structures formed by water over time in millions of years.
    After the visit, we decided to go to the Cango Wildlife Ranch where they protect endangered species, but to be honest, it felt more like a zoo than anything else. This Ranch is supported by Mr. Zimmermann who owns a real estate company in Geneva. The temperature where now over 30 degrees-normal for that place.
    We checked in in a campsite in Oudtshoorn - no waves crashing sound as a background this time but a fairly deserted campsite. We had dinner and went to bed early.
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