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  • Day 26

    Day 26: Meet Michael Bowie

    January 17, North Pacific Ocean ⋅ 🌙 72 °F

    Michael Bowie, is the Neptune’s Assistant Cruise Director. Michael supports the many happenings and events administratively that go on to make the entertainment, excursions, fun parties, and many other activities to keep us all active and entertained.

    But wait, he can sing too.

    Michael put on a great show for us out of The Great American Songbook. Emily & Lois surprised the stage as they joined Michael for a song. Ralph and Michael also shared in a nice duet.

    As a photographer I can not stress how hard it is to take great pictures of singers - Their mouths, eyes, bodies can be contoured into shapes which don’t seem possible - and in pretty much all cases can be quite embarrassing - to this end I took over 400 pictures to narrow it down to these 20 “keepers” - I did slip in one goofy one - Can you find it?

    Please take a moment and flip through the twenty images I posted. Let me know your favorite. There is one photo in which Michael looks like Dean Martin - Can you find it?

    I think my favorite is the last photo as he closed the show - you can sense the joy and humility - and he knows he nailed it!

    Great show Michael, we all enjoyed it.

    #MichaelBowie #myVikingJourney #myVikingStory #vikingNeptune
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