I was a software engineer at the same computer company for 38 years although the name of the company changed 3 times. In 2012 I retired and spend my time now golfing, volunteering and traveling (for fun and on missions). Читать далее Haymarket, United States
  • День 3

    2nd Work Day in Ahuachapán (11/10/2018)

    10 ноября 2018 г., Сальвадор ⋅ 🌙 68 °F

    ‍Jhenny and I went walking again this morning.  At breakfast I asked for volunteers to go in the morning and afternoon to deliver food.  This is better than "springing” it on them a few minutes before they are to leave to distribute the food.  I don't know why it took me so long to come up with this approach.

    After breakfast and devotions, Carlos picked us up and (surprise) took us to the Missioners' Residence to pack the bags for the Feeding Program.  Once we finished being the food we headed to the work site.  When Fernando got the he told us that we would only be distributing food in the morning.  Rich, Nina and John went to distribute food.

    Tim is the team foreman and figures out what the jobs are for the day and which jobs each of us can do.  My first job today was to help Tim cut the dry wall and hand the sections up to Terry and Jhenny. I also added as gopher for supplies they needed.  It was a good job for me since I don't have the construction skill set for the more involved jobs.  Frank continued working on making and spreading the cement for the sidewalk.  That work work took us almost through lunch.  The three food distributers got back a little before we went to lunch.  John and Nina cut the paper strips that will be needed for the drywall mudding.  Rich helped  install the rest of the lower level drywall. After lunch John showed Nina, Rich and me how to do the initial drywall mudding.  It took a while to get the hang of it.  Both John and Tim had to remind us a couple of times that we need to smooth the mud to reduce excessive sanding when it dries.  John was a good and patient teacher.

    When we finished, Aroche did a worship service for us.  I missed the singing part because I was cleaning up the mudding tools.  Jhenny acted as translator.  The sermon was on gratitude.  It was very good.  I was surprised at how much of what Aroche said I understood without having to wait for Jhenny to translate.

    Then it was back to the hotel for dinner and devotion and a time to talk about our impressions.  Then the nightly walk to the grocery store for Ice cream.

    The drive, in the back of a pickup truck, to and from the work site has been very interesting each day.  The road is bumpy and narrow in spots.  Each day we have seen a man on a motor cycle with a baby sitting on his lap wearing a pink helmet when we head for the work site and when we head back to the hotel in the afternoon. There is a man on a house driving his cattle one direction on the when we head for the work site and in the other direction when we head back to the hotel.  The are always fearless dogs on the roads as well as approaching buses and trucks on the basis road.  As Rich pointed out, it is amazing any cars have side view mirrors.  And most cars we pass have their side view mirrors.  It is a sign of the web and flow of the population. 

    Tomorrow we will go to Ataco.  There the team can do some shopping and I can enjoy a cappuccino or two.

    This was a very good work day.  I think everyone felt they had contributed and enjoyed the jobs they were involved with.  And most were tired in a good way when we returned.  We are gelling as a team.
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  • День 2

    First Work Day in Ahuachapán (11/9/2018)

    9 ноября 2018 г., Сальвадор ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

    ‍Jhenny and I walked before breakfast this morning.  I did the first devotion this morning and Tim agreed to do the evening devotion.  Brian arrived at 8 and we left for the work site.  Shortly after we arrived the team from Georgia arrived.  The first job was to move the dry wall into the church to be installed.  Although it was heavy I was able to help pick it up and carry it with the help of 2 or 3 others.  Tim and Rich worked with the Salvadoran workers to measure the drywall segments that needed to be to cut to install on the wall.  Frank, Nina and I smoothed out and leveled the dirt where the cement would be poured to complete the sidewalk around the church.

    When we finish that, we were asked to select 3 or 4 people to go with the Georgia team to distribute the food.  I volunteered and Nina agreed to go, too.  I spoke with Tim and he suggested I ask Terry.  Terry agreed and we went to give out food.  I was in the group with the two women from the Georgia team and Nina and Terry were in the other group.  I always learn new things when I deliver the food.  One family had a son in the Navy and I learned a lot about being in the military.

    When we finished up we returned to the work site and Nina and I helped with the group clearing the cut down plants.  I borrowed the wheelbarrow to move the stuff to the pile of cuttings and trash.  Soon it was time to go to the Missioner's residence for lunch.  After lunch we returned to the work site.   As we were heading back Brian told me we would be going to the school for dinner and the marching band would be performing.  We would leave the hotel at 4 pm and need to be at the school by 5 pm.

    We didn't finish up until well after 4 and it was much later by the time we got back to the hotel.  We rushed to change and then headed to the school.  The marching band, majorettes and a rhythm dance group performed.  They were very good.  There was also a girl there that retrieved batons, wiped sweat from the dancers' faces and when helped with hair problems. - all white the other girls continued to perform.  A lot of the music played was Christian Praise music.  After the performance we had pupusas for dinner and a sugar cookie for dessert.  After eating, I went upstairs to see the upper level addition to the school - very impressive. Then we returned to the hotel and everyone decided to take showers and head to bed. 

    It has been an interesting first day.  It was definitely a day to work on being flexible.  But the day was filled with many pleasant surprises and I once again learned a bit more about El Salvador and life here.
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  • День 1

    Arrival in Ahuachapán (11/8/2018)

    8 ноября 2018 г., Сальвадор ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

    Leslie Oakes drove Rich, Tim, Terry and me to the airport.  We left the church at 6 am.  The check-in line for those who had done online check-in wasn't very long.  What was amazing was that the line for TSA-Pre security  was considerably longer than the regular security line.  The flight was fine. The flight was almost over before I figured out which earphone jack got you sound (thank you Rich).  But by that time it was a bit late to start a movie.  But I had stuff to read so I was fine.  The Immigrations line was slow and we saw John Ellis, whose flight got in 45 minutes after ours, in line not that far behind us.  For those who tender it, the airport has done away with the Red/Green light - no more drama.

    Jhenny meet us after we retrieved our bags, took us to where Frank and  Nina (pronounced Nine-na)  were sitting and went back for John.  Then Fernando took most of us to find the toilets before we started the 2 hour drive to Hotel Atillo (our home away from home for the next 8 days).

    Today I spent time getting to know Nina, John and Terry (Tim would call it "talking their ears off").  They are all very interesting people and I am looking forward to getting to know them better during the week.

    It was great to see Meme and Marilyn again.  Brian dropped by to introduce himself.  It was good to see him again, too.  We won't be working on the school we were scheduled to work on because the permits still haven't come through.  There will be roofing and dry walling to do at the project we will be working on.  Tomorrow we will be working with the team that is already here (it will be their last day).  I am looking to see what God has planned for us. 

    After a delicious Chicken soup/stew everyone but Nina tried down to the Supermercado for ice cream, Gatorade, snacks and whatever else took our fancy.  I bought a coffee mug so I don't use styrofoam (that makes John Ellis and the environment happy).

    I am going to try to get to bed earlier than I normally do because Jhenny and I are going walking at the very track tomorrow morning.  Going to Central Time is like going through the time change again  (falling back one more time).  Can't wait to start working tomorrow.
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  • День 15

    Day 14 - Exploring Venice

    24 августа 2018 г., Италия ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

    ‍John and I decided to forego the glass blowing factory tour.  Instead we decided to do as the slogan says and "get lost in Venice".  Which really means to just wander aimlessly which was very relaxing. One nice thing about Venice is there are signs on all the streets pointing to one of the bridges, so it's ready to travel around without getting to lost.  First we went to the Rialto bridge and to the fish, meat and produce market.  Then we wandered around and had lunch in a little shop.  John got mini ham and turkey sandwiches.  I got a vegetable and cheese in half a toasted pita.  I also tried the Spritz (a mix of white wine, Aperol and a spritz of Seltzer water).  It was okay, but more but then I expected.

    After eating we returned to the hotel and took the hotel water shuttle over to another island and wandered around there for a while.  When we returned we meet or group for a gondola ride.  It was so much fun.  And we had Musicians in our gondola.  One played a guitar and the other sang.  I think the serenading was for Bretna and Lonnie since their anniversary was a few days ago.

    Then we returned to our room to shower and dress for our farewell reception and the private St. Mark's Basilica tour.  While we were getting ready John got a call that Matt was being discharged today.  The hospital was arranging for ambulance transportation.  However, the snag was getting his prescription filled and put in his pill box. John tried to get someone close to Merica House to get the prescription, but could not get in touch with anyone.  So I contacted about friend, Marian,  and she agreed to pickup the pills and put them in Matt's pill box.  John continued to work on getting the prescription filled and the logistics off the discharge.  While John worked on that, I went to the reception to let Florence, our Tour Director, know we would probably not be going to St. Mark's.  It started raining a little after the reception began, so we moved indoors.  I stayed for the reception and then returned upstairs to our room.  Then we went to dinner in the hotel, so we could ensure we had cell service to contact the hospital and anyone else.

    We had dinner in the hotel restaurant so that we would be assured of Cellular service and WiFi.  Finally, the prescription was sent to the CVS near Matt and I could let Marian know.  And while we waited we got packed for the 9:45 am luggage pickup to head home.  Marian texted me when she got to Merica House and put Matt's pills in the pill box.  Now everything was settled and all we needed to concentrate on was going home.  It has been a fun trip and we have made a lot of new friends.
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  • День 14

    Day 13 - Arrive in Venice

    23 августа 2018 г., Италия ⋅ ⛅ 88 °F

    ‍‍We said good-bye to Florence and took the high-speed train to Venice.  The train ride to about 2 hours.  From the train station in Venice we took water taxis to our hotel.  At the hotel we had a buffet lunch.  On the buffet was a penne pasta with pesto sauce.  We were being served and without thinking I accepted the pasta or on my plate.  I also got chicken and green beans.  As I was heading for a table, our Program Director, Florence, stopped me to give me a plate of pasta in tomato sauce since I am allergic to the pine nuts in the pesto.  Thank goodness to Florence for looking out for me, since it would not have been good if I had eaten the park on the penne pasta.  And up to that point I had been so careful.

    Once lunch was over, we meet or our local guides and headed for St. Mark's Square and the Doges Palace.  There were a lot of steps and it was hot and the building was not air conditioned.  Our group was fine but the other group did not do well and some cut the tour short and returned to the hotel.

    After the tour we returned to the hotel to check-in and get our room keys, go to our rooms and shower and meet again to go to the restaurant.  This was our farewell dinner so the attire Evening Smart (aka dressy).  Our meal consisted of three courses.  For my first course I selected a vegetable roll.  Since John didn't think he wanted either, he selected the Caprese salad. The vegetable roll was like a spring roll, so I let John have that and I took the Caprese salad.  For my second course, I chose the vegetable lasagna; John chose the steak.  For our third course, we both chose the gelato.  It was a scoop of vanilla and a scoop of chocolate.  And there was lots of wine, of course.  Then it was back to the hotel and time to relax and then go to bed.

    John called the hospital and Matt was doing better.  The nurse said that they migh discharge him on Saturday, but they still hadn't gotten word back on what bacteria was the culprit.

    I was struck today by all the different ways there are to turn on the water in sinks; get soap for my hands; and dry my hands.   
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  • День 13

    Day 12 - Second Day In Florence

    22 августа 2018 г., Италия ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

    ‍When I returned to the room after breakfast, John was on the phone.  It turned out that during the evening Matt's fever Rose to 104 and the aides called 911 and Matt was transport to Alexandria Hospital.  He was admitted to the ICU there (John didn't mention that Matt was in the ICU until later in the afternoon when I asked him about the phone call).  John spoke to the nurse who told him that they thought the fever was because of a urinary tract infection.  John provided or health insurance information and said he would call them later in the day to get an update.

    We had the day to ourselves to explore, but talking with the hospital resulted in us getting out later than planned.  We decided to go to the Cathedral Museum first.  We learned a lot about the contribution of the Duomo.  As we were leaving the museum John noticed the skies are darkening, so we returned to the hotel to pick up our umbrella and the rain ponchos we had been given in Rome.  While we were in the hotel we heard a lot of thunder. 

    We decided to get lunch before going to the next museum.  We selected two restaurants near the hotel, but in the direction we would be heading to the museum.  We found the first restaurant on our list easily enough and were seated right away.  We were given menus and began selecting what we wanted to eat and drink.  But no one came to our table to take off order.  Then I noticed a table that had been empty when we were seated who had drinks and bread.  We waited a few minutes longer and then left.  Our second choice restaurant seated us; provided menus and told us about the specials; and came back and took our order.  Meanwhile, it began to rain pretty hard.  Our meal was good and we finished when it looked like the rain had subsided.  Unfortunately, it was just a false sense of security, because it started pouring within a about a block.  We tried sharing an umbrella, but I just got soaked, so we both stopped and put on our rain ponchos. 

    At the Galileo Museum we stuffed our backpack, ponchos and umbrella in a locker, and purchased our tickets.  We were able to download the Museum app and because I had my Bluetooth headphones with me I could listen to commentary on each of the rooms.  John was only able to read text.  However, most of the display cases include information in English.  We toured the museum long enough for my sandals to dry out (no need for the hair dryer).

    We completed the tour and returned to the hotel to shower and meet the group at 5:30 for a tour of the Ufitzi Gallery.  The Ufitzi was very impressive and I got to see several paintings I have seen in books.

    After the tour, John and I walked to the river and crossed the bridge with all the gold shops just to look.  We considered having dinner on the other side of the river, but since we weren't very hungry, we decided to get soup or something light near too the hotel and to get some gelato at the shop or guide recommended (Perché no!). So we went back to the Yellow Bar.  I had vegetable soup and John had bread soup.  Both were closer to stews than soup.  I enjoyed mine, but there were too many green vegetables in his four hours liking.  I also had a bottle of the Toscana beer.  Then we had for the Gelato store where I got black cherry and hazelnut and John got black cherry and a cream.  I liked mine a lot, John thought his was just okay, since he prefers Lemon and they didn't have that.  We returned to the hotel and John called the hospital to get an update on Matt.  Matt's fever had gone up again and they still didn't know what the bacteria was, yet.  Matt was asleep, so we didn't get to speak with him.  Then it was time to pack so we could leave for Venice in the morning.  Looking forward to Venice.
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  • День 12

    Day 11 - First Day In Florence

    21 августа 2018 г., Италия ⋅ ☀️ 91 °F

    ‍At around 3 am John's phone rang and it was the aides from Merica House where Matt lives called to let us know that Matt was running a fever. John suggested they give him aspirin or Tylenol. He also told them that we were in Italy and 6 hours ahead of them, but to call us if the situation got worse (not that we thought it would.

    After breakfast, we enjoyed a wonderful lecture on At and History by Elaine Ruffolo, an Art History expert. Her specialty was Economic Art History and she teaches at the Syracuse University in Florence.

    After the lecture, we met our guides and walked to the Accademia to see Michael Angelo's sculpture of David (among other statues).  After seeing the David statue, our guide took us to the Duomo and then to the Piazza della Repubblica.  Then we had free time to explore on our own.  We decided to get lunch first and we went to the Yellow Bar.   Prior to being seated, they showed us where their homemade pasta is made.  I had their pasta stuffed with ricotta and spinach. It was wonderful.  And I had my first Italian beer - Toscana.  John had a pizza with ham and Tonic water.

    Our plan was to visit the Galileo Museum and the Cathedral Museum after lunch.  However, both Museums were closed on Tuesdays.  So instead we wandered around for a while and then gathered up our dirty laundry and found a nearby self-serve laundromat.  To kill some time and to get change, I found a little shop where I could get fresh squeezed orange juice (squeezed while I watched).  Once our clothes were did, we returned to the hotel to shower and change for dinner.

    Dinner was at Restaurant Paoli, a medieval restaurant, where we enjoyed a typical Tuscan dinner.  We could again select three courses.  I decided to forego pasta since I had had it for lunch and instead chose a "vegetable pie" that was more like spinach torte with no crust for my first course.   For my second course, I selected the beef filet with a balsamic and mustard sauce.  It was delicious and very tender.  For the third course I selected dessert from the dessert cart.  The best part of the dessert was that I could get small pieces of more than one of the dessert.  I selected the chocolate balls that were like round Nepolians in a chocolate sauce and I selected a custard torte.  Both were wonderful.   And of course there was plenty of wine (everyone at our table had the white one - although all of us had either beef or pork).  

    We returned to our hotel around 9:30 pm. I read for a while and then turned in.
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  • День 11

    Day 10 - Cinque Terre and Florence

    20 августа 2018 г., Италия ⋅ ☀️ 90 °F

    ‍Today we left the hotel at 8:30 am and headed to Cinque Terre and then on to Florence.   We took the tour bus to La Spezia.  Then we got on a boat and sailed to Vernazza the 4th City of Cinque Terre.  We had a guide on the boat who told us all about Cinque Terre and he also gave us a short introductory your of Vernazza.  John and I decided to climb the tower  (150 steps) to get some good pictures of the city.  Then we found a little restaurant and bought pizza and lemon sodas. While we were eating I saw people stopping over a rope into an area with a No Trespassing sign. When I finished eating, I went to see where everyone was going.  It turned out the area lead to a beach area.  When we finished lunch, we scouted out the location of recommended Gelato shop.  John got lemon and strawberry and I got pistachio and cinnamon.  Cinnamon is now my new favorite.

    For the let of the trip from Cinque Terre to Florence we took the train. When we arrived in Florence, we got on a bus that took us to our tour bus and the tour bus took us close to the hotel.  Near the hotel, we said goodbye to our driver Daniele.  We got our room keys and were taken to our room.  Our luggage was waiting on our room.  We had a connecting room and one of the couples (Deb & Pete) had the other room that connected to ours.  We discovered that the connecting does were not locked and if we tried to close either door it opened the other for.  Pete called the front desk and they sent someone up to lock both doors.  Then we showered and for ready for dinner.

    We walked the 5 minutes to the restaurant, Il Caminetto.   Our reservation was for about 7:45 pm. We could select the courses.  I selected pasta stuffed with ricotta and spinach, the filet in chianti wine sauce and for chocolate candies and Sherry.   John chose the filet in chianti wine sauce, roasted potatoes and Pana Cotta.  Florence recommended we ask for our steaks medium or they would come out too rare.    She was correct, mine was cooked perfectly.  The filet was high (almost twice the size of a filet in the States).  And of course we had all the wine we wanted.  Whoever told me they had small plates in Italy hasn't been here recently.  We headed back to the hotel at about 10:20 pm.  We relaxed for a bit then headed to bed.
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  • День 10

    Day 9 - Tuscan Countryside & Viareggio

    19 августа 2018 г., Италия ⋅ ☀️ 82 °F

    ‍‍‍I went to breakfast at 7 am.  I had pain yogurt with honey and pumpkin seeds.  We boarded the bus at 8:30 am. We drive through the Tuscan Countryside.  We took a detour so that we could get a picture of the Leaning Tower of Pisa. 

    At around noon we stopped at an Italian Manor house. We were greeted with prosecco; Parmesan cheese (with honey); brocheta Witness chicken liver pate; brocheta with mushroom pate; olives and prochetta. Then we went to the table where we had smelt pasta with bougenaise sauce.  And wine, of course.

    Then we returned to the bus and arrived in Viareggio at around 4 pm.  We were welcomed to the hotel with a glass of fresh squeezed lemonade.  Instead of waiting for our luggage to be brought up to the room, we went across the street to the beach.  I walked to the end of the beach, took off my shoes and walked in the water for a few minutes so I could say I had been in the Adriatic Sea.  Then I cleaned my feet, put on my shoes and John and I walked down the beach avenue.  Then we returned to the hotel showered, changed and headed down to dinner. 

    The restaurant staff recommended that I avoid any dishes on the menu that had not been made in house.  I ended up selecting the shrimp ”cocktail” which was actually shrimp on a bed of shredded cabbage and drizzled with a mayonnaise and spice sauce.  For my second course I chose the Minestrone soup. For my third course I selected the grilled salmon with a side of artichoke mousse and a side of grilled potatoes.  For dessert I had Panna Cotta. Muy entire meal was delicious.   And, of course, we had wine.  I have been photographing all bottles of the wines we have been drinking since I can get many of them in the States.  John has liked all whites we have had so far.

    After dinner we headed up to our room to pack for luggage pickup at 7:30 am.  Then, after reading a bit, I headed to bed.
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  • День 9

    Day 8 - Assisi

    18 августа 2018 г., Италия ⋅ ☀️ 81 °F

    ‍‍‍Breakfast at this hotel was self service.  Without eggs to order, there were fewer choices.  But they had yogurt, honey and nuts so I was fine.  And being able to get coffee without waiting was was an added benefit.  There was a bowl of brown eggs that I had assumed were hard boiled eggs, but when I read the sign next to the eggs, I realized that the eggs were raw and you had to use the appliance near the eggs that was evidently an egg cooker.  I was so glad I read the sign before I cracked the egg. 

    We left the hotel at 9 am and headed for Assisi.  On the ride to Assisi we learned a lot about Francis of Assisi.  We meet or guides when we got of the bus.  Our first stop was the Basilica of St. Francis. The Basilica is actually a cathedral and a tomb for St. Francis and his four friends who became monks with St. Francis.  The tomb also includes a simple church.  The art work was beautiful.  Once we finished touring the Basilica, we returned to the bus Android drive a short distance to Historic Assisi.  We drive because the walk from the Basilica to Assisi was extremely steep.  After a short tour we had free time.  Our first order of business was to get some lunch.  Porcuetta (sliced cooked ham) was recommended.  John and I each ordered a panini with flat bread.  The sandwiches were so large we could have easily done with a single sandwich.  In fact, I only ended up eating about 2/3 of mine.  After that we toured a small archaeological museum.  It was very interesting.  It contains the ruins below the temple that was turned into a church.  After touring the museum, John got a soda and finished his porcuetta panini and I got a scoop of pastachio and a scoop of strudel gelato. Then it was time to return to the hotel.

    Six of us had chosen an optional tour of Perugia.  So, after a quick break we returned to the bus and headed for Perugia.  The town was a mixture of the original Perugian buildings of the Middle Ages most of which now house commercial businesses and shopes.  Although the architecture was different it reminded me of Bath, England.  At the end of the tour, we opted to return to the bus because it was beginning to look like rain.

    When we returned, I showered and changed and headed to the optional wine tasting.  John opted for a short nap.  We were given tips on how to evaluate wines and some tips on food and wine pairing.  Then we a all went to the dining room for dinner.  John was waiting for us there.  Tonight I chose the fettuccini and truffle pasta, veal rump with potatoes and dessert with pastachio angel food cake and white chocolate.

    After dinner we walked around the grounds again.  The two teens from Canada showed us address of the hotel grounds we had missed the night before including a small crypt. 

    Then we returned to our rooms to pack up and head to bed.
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