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  • Giorno 159

    Foz do Iguaçu

    11 febbraio 2023, Brasile ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

    I mean, what can you say?

    It's marvelous. It's on every list of the 7 natural wonders of the world, and there is absolutely no doubt as to why.

    These falls are HUGE. They're gorgeous! It's an absolute must on any trip to either Brazil or Argentina.

    Both countries have a share of the falls, and they offer a slightly different experience.

    The first photos are from the Brazil side, you get panoramic views of the falls, and the walkway will take you right in to the 'Devils Throat', right next to the largest of the falls, where the sound is deafening and you will get absolutely soaked from the sheer power of the falls. It's amazing to be able to see them in all their glory and get so close that ALL of your senses will be lit up by the experience.

    We also took the helicopter tour from the Brazil side, which is an amazing experience in its own right, but the views from the air over these falls are just incredible.

    On the Argentina side, their walkways go out to the edges of the falls at the top, and you can peer right down over them. It really gives you an appreciation for how much water is going over, and just how fast it moves.

    We ended up with extra time here because our plans changed, and boy, are we glad we did. Amazing, amazing to see with our own eyes!
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