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  • Day 45

    Slovenia, really?

    May 24, 2023 in Croatia ⋅ ☁️ 75 °F

    Slovenia is really a country all on its own. Melanie Trump was born here. It’s does better economically than others around. Mainly it’s tucked under Austria, above Croatia and beside Hungary. Americans learn geography by who we bomb so it’s okay. (Iran or Iraq, still don’t know which is which). I think the coast is gorgeous but they only got a little after separating from Yugoslavia. Just 47 km, that’s 29 miles in Freedom Units. The rest is mountains and forests, sounds good to me.
    Watched the sun go down on a hill top so had to sleep in the woods. 100 Euros if I get caught, didn’t. Can you see my tent in the trees?
    Aquilea was an ancient Roman town I ran into, technically just inside Italy but nobody in togas. Weird to see tile work that ancient Romans walked on in bare feet.
    Down from the mountains to the Adriatic Sea (that’s what this part of the Mediterranean Sea is called) for a fish market.
    That is what’s called a sailing yacht. Bezos now has one bigger than all the rest. (that’s not it) Undersail it really must be breathtaking. But as I’ve been told by someone who knows, the bigger the boat the less it actually goes out and ever gets used.
    A pair of Apersol spritzes. Why am I obsessed? Never tasted Zima either.
    Next is plain old world technical problem solving.
    Last is just a point of pride found a long way from Pittsburgh.
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