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Cheshire West and Chester

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Os 10 melhores destinos Cheshire West and Chester
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    • Dia 12

      Ruins of St John's Church

      8 de maio de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      These were a surprise! Beautifully preserved ruins next to the more modern St John the Baptist Church.

      The King of Mercia, Ethelred I founded the church on this ground in 689. The Normans added more to the church. Before the Dissolution of the Monasteries under Henry VIII, it was a collegiate church and after the Reformation, the church became a parish church.

      The ruins are from the east section of the church which happened in 1581.
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    • Dia 20

      Back to England

      19 de junho de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

      Wir sind wieder in England. Wir haben wegen Irland lange überlegt und haben uns schweren Herzens entschieden, es ausfallen zu lassen. Die Zeit reicht einfach nicht.
      Nachdem wir den Hadrianswall besichtigt haben (er sieht eigentlich aus, wie jede Mauer hier auf den Feldern) haben wir Kilometer gemacht. Da es unterwegs geschüttet hat, war das nicht weiter schlimm.
      Wir haben heute Probleme gehabt, einen Stellplatz zu finden. Ausgebucht, ausgebucht, ausgebucht. Stehen jetzt in Chester auf einem Bauernhof. V+E, Duschen und Toiletten, die ich aber laut Frank nicht nutzen möchte 😂 20 £.
      Sehr ruhig, sehr ländlich, sehr schön.
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    • Dia 11

      Chester, Cheshire

      7 de maio de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      Suzie - Welcome to the Cathedral City of Chester!! Chester or Caer in Welsh (we are very close to the Welsh border with England), was founded and walled by the Romans in the first century AD who named their new fortress Diva, as the River Dee flows through Chester.

      The Dark Ages saw attacks by Viking Raiders, who sailed up the River Dee in their longboats and after the successful Norman invasion in 1066, William the Conqueror created the first Earl of Chester and built Chester Castle.

      The Middle Ages saw Chester become a wealthy trading port and the English Civil War brought battles between Royalists who were loyal to King Charles I and Parliamentarians loyal to Oliver Cromwell. Chester was under seige for two years before starvation made the people surrender. There is still evidence of these battles with marks made from cannons in the walls, which we will explore tomorrow.

      The walls on a clear day have views to the mountains in Wales. Chester also has ruins of the largest amphitheatre in Britain. I'm looking forward to seeing it!!

      Nik - We left London today. It's a bit sad because it marks the end of our first stop on our trip. But also, to be honest, the press of people in London has been getting to me a bit. Particularly on the trains. So it's also a bit of a relief.

      Excited because the move also means we will soon be at Eurovision! Which after all is what inspired this trip in the first place.

      We had a bit of an explore around town. It's obviously a tourist town with stalls in the middle of the main shopping area selling cheap gimmicky souvenirs and buskers too. It's a very picturesque town and I can't wait to explore more.

      Suzie got her nails done then we went to dinner at a place called Botanist and had a Sunday Roast. Very tasty.

      We were full and tired then, so back to our room to rest up.
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    • Dia 18

      Our Last Day In Chester

      14 de maio de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Suzie - It's our last day in this beautiful Roman-walled city.

      We walked around and went to Evensong at the Cathedral which began as a Benedictine monastery in 1093, by the first Earl of Chester, Hugh Lupus.

      It was my first Evensong and it was absolutely beautiful 💜

      Nik - Quite tired today but no wonder considering we didn't get to bed til 2:30 this morning.

      A quiet day for our last day in Chester. It was very much needed. Visited some more shops then explored the Cathedral. Built by Benedictine monks in 1093 but the side was used as a place of worship by the Saxons before this. Stunning gardens and stainglass windows. It is a very peaceful place.

      I've been reflecting on Eurovision as we wondered today. I could not have hoped for a better experience. Being able to share the joy of it with others who understand it has blown me away. The locals who have been so welcoming and genuinely amazed that we traveled all the way from they put it...'just for Eurovision.'

      Seriously. Pfft.

      'Just for Eurovision?' My friends. EUROVISION IS LIFE!
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    • Dia 7

      Chester - England

      15 de julho de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Established in 1539, Chester is the oldest racecourse still in operation in the world. The racecourse has consistently been awarded the Gold Standard Award by the Racehorse Owners Association (ROA) since the award’s inception and was awarded the prestigious title of Large Racecourse of the Year, when the award was launched in 2015 and again in 2018 and 2019.Leia mais

    • Dia 31

      Chester - Walled City

      7 de janeiro de 2020, Inglaterra ⋅ ☁️ 48 °F

      Walked 3/4 of the way around the City on the walls. Past gates, canals, warehouses and even a falconry. One of my favorite cities on this trip. The city has been around forever and has more history than will fit in a couple day visit.Leia mais

    • Dia 19

      Train to Scotland

      15 de maio de 2023, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Suzie - Farewell Chester, I will be back 💜 💜 💜 💜 💜 We are on our way to Scotland 💜🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💜🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 A large portion of my family are Scottish, so I'm very happy to be going back 💜💜💜

      I brought a little dragon in Wales for my sister Vicky, who she has named Aijā, which in Latvian means 'sway' and is used in lullabies. It's also the name of my favourite song from this year's Eurovision, performed by Sudden Lights representing Latvia. Vicky has requested Aijā come with us on the remainder of our journeys!

      So, I am proud to present Aijā the Welsh dragon!!
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    • Dia 17

      Wrexham l

      Ontem, País de Gales ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Catsit No 7, diesmal als supplement noch Hühner😊

    • Dia 5

      The Parrys have Landed

      10 de junho de 2019, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Hello from Frodsham, England
      The Parrys have assembled.
      Mike and I had a long but smooth journey via Frankfurt then back to Manchester. ( long explanation than involves not wanting to fly Rouge). Al and Natalie met us and we had a fairly quiet first couple of days that included the required first trip to pub to help with jet-lag. Mike assures me this is evidence-based- [picture enclosed]. On Sunday morning , very bright and early , the Parrys from Whitehorse and Ottawa arrived bleary-eyed but smiling. Natalie and Al have been the perfect hosts and they filled everyones’ bellies with porridge, toast and bacon upon arrival. Sounds like Air Transat was fine to travel with but they didn’t waste extra money on a hot breakfast . We all managed a walk in the fields and some shut eye before we headed out to pub for a rendezvous with Al’s sons Dan and Mike and their families. It was a great evening with lots of laughter and photographs. Mike and Rian brought Welsh soccer shirts and hats for the boys which they have been proudly sporting. Tara mentioned over and over just how nice it was to see her cousins again and to meet their families. We returned to Al’s place for the “after party. “. Then we all crashed for a long rest last night. Rogan was first up at 5 am and completed a workout before the rest of us got up. He is committed to his training for paddling this summer.
      Today after another hardy breakfast we headed into Chester. Mike led the group to see the old Roman city walls. We then headed into Wales with a stop at another great pub The Eagle and Child for lunch. More large plates of hearty food including huge, stacked hamburgers. The boys are in heaven! We visited the village of Meliden and found the graves of Mike’s Aunty Joyce and Uncle Bill. Some of you will have met Mike’s Aunty Joyce. She died only 2 years ago. We also found Mike’s Grandparents’ grave in the church cemetery. Finally, we climbed the Gop ( a large hill) where Mike’s parents ashes were scattered. Beautiful views over Wales from the top. So it was a day for Mike to share his stories and memories. Tara, Ryan, Niki and I also have some memories from the area and it was nice to go back.
      We now have two rental cars. Ryan and Mike are driving with Niki and I taking the lead as navigators. Some of the Welsh laneways we were on today were very, very narrow and the car alerts were beeping often. Tomorrow we load up and head to the Snowdonia area. Unfortunately, weather forecast is not looking great for the “big Parry Mount Snowdon ascent” planned for Wednesday.
      More to follow from Bedgelert.
      Hope all is well at home.
      I’ll send pictures in a couple of batches.
      Love Heather (Mom) xx
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    • Dia 113

      Anderton Boat Lift

      22 de agosto de 2018, Inglaterra ⋅ ⛅ 70 °F

      Boat lifts were used if there wasn't enough room for a staircase lock to be built. This one, called Cathedral of the Canals, was built in 1875 between the river Weaver and the canal. It has two caissons (tanks) of water in which the boats float. Then the lift brings the boat 50 feet to the next level.Leia mais

    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Cheshire West and Chester, Cheshire, CHW, Западный Чешир и Честер, Західний Чешир і Честер

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