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East Calder

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      East Calder

      3. Juni 2019 in Schottland ⋅ 🌬 12 °C

      Two bits of good news today. The problem with the engine was fixed very quickly - it is amazing what two little misplaced pins in an injection plug head can do. We are now on first name terms with the staff at Donald Mackenzie's garage!!!!
      Karen also visited the Physio Clinic and progress has been made - K has a partial rupture which will heal more strongly than a full rupture. Also, she was told that she can now put weight on that leg as the boot supports it in the correct position for the tear to continue to mend. Replacement crutches were issued, and we were on our way.
      After a stock up at Morrissons we headed south in sporadic but heavy rain showers through the beautiful Cairngorm National Park. We reached as far as Edinburgh before deciding to stop.
      We have found a good site here which gives good access to Edinburgh by public transport. We will not be lingering as we have resolved to move southwards so K can continue her treatment through our own doctors

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    East Calder, GBESQ, Q5327978

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