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      Strangord loch

      23. April 2023 in Nordirland ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Yet another up wind day, but sunny. Getting through the entrance to Strangford lock had to be accurately timed. The book said 4 to 6 knots and we had more than 7 in reality. A beautiful drift past the various small towns in the entrance and into the main loch. We picked up a bouy outside Killyleagh yacht club not knowing who it belonged to. We decided to head to town for supplies and to find a place for Mark to watch the football. First stop was the Pub in town which was busy and noisy but had a back room with a TV. We ordered food and convinced the landlord to switch the teller to the foot ball. All settled in, Guinness food and the best seats in the TV area. A big lad with a thick northern Irish accent approached. We thought we might be in his seat. He said “did you boys come on that yacht”. Yep, I said thinking he was not to happy. In a totally Irish way he said “ I’m not sure its big enough for your boat I will have a ring round and ask” turned out he was part of the yacht club. He came back and said “you will be fine there”. Who do we pay, I said. Don’t worry about that, he said its good to have you here, have a good time. And off he went. We felt very at home after that shopped in the coop before returning to the boat.

      Strangford Loch Clearly has a plenty of beautiful inland sailing and it was a shame to be rushing off in the morning

    Möglicherweise kennst du auch folgende Namen für diesen Ort:

    Killyleagh, GBKYH

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