Vereinigtes Königreich
Leigh Woods

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      1st Visit To Ashton Court. 🎈

      10. August 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Looking to take in Night Glow at the Balloon Festival so we had a relaxed morning discovering more of our surroundings. We set of to Ashton Court mid afternoon, and part of today's adventure was the bus ride from Portishead head, 27 stops and 40 minutes as suggested. There was certainly a throng at the Balloon Festival that if we are honest, turned out a bit of a let down. A sky diver display acting as an appetiser for the mass launch of as many as 100 balloons was executed well. The mass launch unfortunately ended up, due to weather conditions at higher altitude (?), being ten balloons inflated for half an hour on the launch field. Lina enjoyed the funfair rides and vendors wares, prices like the ten balloons. Inflated! Deciding to cut our losses we thought we'd leave early and give the night glow a miss. The upside being we get back to Portishead on the bus for free with our bus passes. No! Road closures for the festival meant this plan was thwarted with our return bus stop temporarily closed. Our saviour was Jacob and Uber. Home at last!Weiterlesen

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