United Kingdom
London Charing Cross

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    • Day 23

      Whitehall Gardens & Corinthia Hotel

      April 21, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Today we had a chilled morning, did some washing & relaxed! On the way back from the laundromat we found an adorable cafe in a side street called Little Pedler’s street 1 min away from the apartment ☕️

      📍 Walked down Bermondsey Street with Stephan to look at all the cool shops and restaurants. It reminded me heaps of where I used to live in Yarraville
      📍 Jumped on the Uber Boat down Thames River toward Embankment. It was fun to cruise down the river
      📍 Quick walk through Whitehall Gardens, stunning tulips and buildings around it🌷
      📍 High Tea @ Corinthia which is a 5-star hotel in the centre of London. Unfortunately Julia was sick and couldn’t join us but she insisted we go as it’s a classic “British thing” to do. It was amazing, the building and overall ambience was different to anything I’ve ever done. Super fancy! I was on the lookout for someone famous after Julia told me Johnny Depp has stayed there 🤣 There was an Australian guy playing a grand piano who came to talk to us, he was excited to see some aussies!
      📍 Walked back through Southbank & to a pub in Monument to meet Liam and Matt who are old school friends that Jacques used to play footy with back in the day and are now living in London🍺
      📍 Elite burgers for dinner @ Honest on Bermondsey Street 🍔

      Despite the bad rap it gets for its food, we are yet to have a bad meal in London!
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    • Day 10

      Relaxing in London

      October 11, 2024 in England ⋅ ☀️ 7 °C

      I am extremely fortunate that this is not my first time in London and have seen all the touristy things (that I would want to see) so I can check out other fun things.

      We spent the morning at the Aire spa and lucked out as they got us in early and then forgot to kick us out after 90 minutes. The Aire spa is a chain of Roman type bath houses mixed with the Nordic spa hot and cold plunges. You go into a house in a nice neighbourhood and walk down to the basement where it is only candle lit. Oh yes it sounds like the making of a murdah! It was rather delightful and much needed after days and days of walking.

      Then we went to Brityard which is a place I found on Instagram. It had a make you own charcutiere box, coffee and cookies. All the things Ty and I love so we got a wee box and had a mini inner city picnic.

      We then stumbled upon a James Bond 007 bar at one if the Arcades in Piccadilly which was all for the 60th Anniversary for Gold Finger. Since Ty is a Bond fan we had a cocktail there.

      We wandered some shops and made our way to Covent Garden where we decided to stop in at the oldest restaurant in London, Rules and have a wee snack.

      The evening was capped off at the theatre watching Fawlty Towers.
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    • Day 7

      Letzer Abend

      October 5, 2024 in England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      Am Abend sind wir dann nur noch was essen gegangen und haben mal einen Spaziergang durch das nächtliche London unternommen bevor wir dann zurück zum Hotel sind um noch einen kleinen Coktail zu genießen. Da wir ja auch noch unsere Koffer für morgen packen müssen.Read more

    • Day 2

      British Museum/ Oxford Street

      January 18, 2024 in England ⋅ ☀️ 3 °C

      Grundsätzlich ewig geschlafen, was auch dringend notwendig war. Ungefähr 3 Stunden fachliche Diskussionen 😂 Frühstück beim Powerranger, der Kollege wird uns begleiten die nächsten Tog <3
      Anschliessend ins British Museum, weil wir unbedingt das Dino-Skelett sehen wollten, das halt leider im Naturhistorischen Museum steht. Naja, morgen dann halt, ne. Trotzdem wahrlich sehenswert, also das British Museum. Vor lauter Trödeln vergessen wir sogar auf den Afternoon Tea und gönnen uns die Oxford Street, kaufen erste Souvenirs und Mci 20er Nuggets um 6 Pfund!!!!!
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    • Little Louis: Laughable Larrikins 😜

      June 7, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      Cheeky little Louis deserves his own footprint on my journey! He has brought laughter and fun to the masses the world over! It also highlights how hands-on Kate and William are as parents particularly around PDA which Liz not often displayed.

      His behaviour also initiated and delighted us to see the softer side to Charles and even our Queen looked smitten and delighted by her naughty 😈 little great grandson! 😉🥸🤗

      Little Louis you are fantastic!

      The gift that just keeps on giving…
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    • Trooping the Jubilee Colour

      June 2, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Woke up with a very bright spring & bounce in my step this morning. The four day long weekend has commenced! …the alarm was set for 6:30am but I was already awake and up well before that went off in anticipation of making sure I could find a good vantage point along the Mall…Met Marta at the St James Tube to discover that millions of other people had the exact same idea and when we arrived there was already a crowd five lines deep along the entire length of the Mall, leading up to the Palace!

      Clutch the pearls when I tell you that it was an extremely full on day! The reality was that I was hemmed in (sardine-style) a square foot of ground for five straight hours, barely able to move an inch with other people constantly encroaching on my personal space. I became extremely hungry and thirsty and obviously would have liked to be able to use a restroom! I knew though, that leaving my square foot of prime Real Estate would have been jubilant suicide! It would’ve meant forfeiting it forever to the hoards of other people around you!

      I was going to resist applying & revealing my true feelings about the day but, the reality was, yes, it was wonderful to know you were part of real history making stuff but anybody who was watching it on TV would have seen way more than we did as part of the crowd! I hope that doesn’t sound ungrateful… Don’t get me wrong, I feel extremely privileged and grateful to be here for this historic moment in time but today was extremely full on in every way shape and form! (I haven’t been sleeping that well, perhaps not recovering as easily from jet lag as I get more “mature” 🤦‍♂️😜

      We all hoped to get a glimpse of Her Majesty being escorted down the Mall in, at least, a land rover, but watched her come out onto the balcony on the huge screen set up in St James Park…we did get to watch all the other significant Royals pass by in coaches though, including William, Charles, Camilla, Kate and the 3 Royal Rugrats!

      I’m sure, with a more rested perspective I’ll will gratefully appreciate the opportunity to stand among the masses as a part of Royal history but right now I’m spent; exhausted & overwhelmed…

      Noteworthy side events where the crowd went wild were when 5-6 protesters who jumped the barricades and were instantly set upon by extremely efficient bobbies and carted off to the full roaring “boos” of the masses. The other notable cheers went out to the street sweepers (which, I’m certain, wouldn’t have made the telecasts…) as they busied themselves scooping up the horse 🐴 do-do… they willingly played along; giving a Royal wave as they essentially vacuumed up the mess 💩

      So, in retrospect, it was an enjoyable day…just HUGE in every way! Every street in London is flooded with crowds: every eatery has lines waiting to get in; including McDonalds & Pizza Hut! London is like a rock concert on steroids! The absolute and total gratefulness and love for Queen Elizabeth is palpable and so genuine! It is beautiful to witness this emotion ❤️❤️❤️

      As my body, once again, fills with hydration I am, even now, beginning to realise the significance of my place in this historic and jubilant celebration! God save our Queen 👑
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    • Airbnb Accomodation Relief!

      May 31, 2022 in England ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

      AirBnB have redeemed themselves… For today! Thankfully, the accommodation is luxurious and very lovely. To be honest, it ALMOST makes up for the grief they gave me with all the changes and cancellations. I have even added my own touch to the “Juliet balcony” as you will see in the photos! God save our longest reigning Queen in history 🇬🇧🥰👑👜

      The apartment has a lovely park behind it which leads onto Embankment on the Thames! (For the uninitiated, it’s a simple 10 minute stroll to Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden & Leicester Square.

      Perfect location!

      Even went for a wander through the West End & Old Compton Street past Admiral Duncan’s but just couldn’t pluck up the stamina and courage to head in…perhaps tomorrow! Once again, had Richard been here I’m sure we’d have added that extra spark of Dutch Courage.

      It’s 9.42pm. The sun ☀️ has gone to bed and so must I…
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    • Day 2

      Hungerford Bridge/Golden Jubilee Bridge

      June 5, 2017 in England ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Hungerford Bridge (auch Charing Cross Bridge) ist eine Eisenbahnbrücke über den Fluss Themse in London. Die Stahlgitterbrücke bildet die Hauptzufahrt zum Kopfbahnhof Charing Cross und wird auf beiden Seiten von Fußgängerbrücken flankiert, welche die Bezeichnung Golden Jubilee Bridges tragen.

      Ursprünglich geht die Hungerford Bridge auf Pläne von Isambard Kingdom Brunel zurück. Sie wurde 1845 als reine Fußgängerverbindung eröffnet und 1859 durch die South Eastern Railway erworben, die am Nordufer den neuen Bahnhof Charing Cross baute. Die Bahngesellschaft ließ die Hängebrücke durch eine neue Eisengitterkonstruktion von John Hawkshaw ersetzen, die 1864 eröffnet wurde. Die Hängeketten wurden bei der Clifton Suspension Bridge wiederverwendet. Die gemauerten Stützpfeiler von Brunels Hängebrücke blieben erhalten. Der nördliche Pfeiler steht seit dem Bau der Victoria-Uferstraße im Jahr 1870 bedeutend näher am Flussufer, am südlichen Pfeiler existieren noch immer die Treppen hinunter zur ehemaligen Anlegestelle der Dampfschiffe. Die Maut für die Fußgängerbrücke wurde 1878 aufgehoben.

      Die enge Fußgängerbrücke hatte den Ruf, heruntergekommen und bei Nacht gefährlich zu sein. Mitte der 1990er Jahre wurde beschlossen, diese durch zwei neue Bauwerke an beiden Seiten der Eisenbahnbrücke zu ersetzen. Die Bauarbeiten begannen 1996 und dauerten bis 2002. Die neuen Brücken nannte man Golden Jubilee Bridges, zu Ehren des goldenen Thronjubiläums von Königin Elisabeth II. im selben Jahr.
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    • Day 1

      Victoria Embankment Gardens

      March 4, 2014 in England ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

      Ricordo ancora l'emozione di essere in Inghilterra, l'emozione di salire sul quel treno che mi portava in centro, l'emozione di prendere la metro e scendere a Covent Garden e l'emozione arrivata ai giardini e sentirmi veramente a Londra.
      Non prendeva la linea telefonica quindi ho perso un po' di tempo per chiamare a casa e avvisare che andava tutto bene e poi...
      Questa la prima fotografia...
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    • Day 2

      Hungerford Bridge/Golden Jubilee Bridge

      June 5, 2017 in England ⋅ 🌧 13 °C

      Beschwingt von dem Musical sind wir dann zur Tube gegangen. Die Station Embankment liegt direkt an der Golden Jubilee Bridge. Trotz Regen wollte ich unbedingt noch einmal einen Blick auf das nächtliche London werfen.Read more

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    London Charing Cross, CHX, Charing Cross, צ'רינג קרוס, チャリング・クロス

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