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Rugby District

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Top 10 Travel Destinations Rugby District
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    • Day 15

      Scrum down - Ball out

      June 1, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      I'm on hallowed ground, instructions are you look at OBS ( Old Big School) where it all happened and Webb- Ellis picked up the ball and ran. Yes folks I'm in Rugby where the Brits invented the game but of course we Colonials perfected it 😉.
      Rugby is a beautiful town dominated by the school. My friends Jarlath & Jenny Norman sent their son to Rugby school, a private ( or in the UK, public) school.
      The history of the school is interesting. In the 1800's the school pupils revolted and there was an armed stand off between pupils and the local militia.
      My friend, Jarlath , his father was head caretaker at the school and Jarlath as a child can remember helping his father mow the lawns.
      My Great Uncle, Billy Wallace, was one of the first All Blacks, and he played at Rugby. These were the days when they toured for 6 months and were greeted like hero's on their return.
      During my days in Rugby, we drove around the countryside and walked a lot. We saw Guy Fawkes house, built in 1605, where he planned his attack on Parliament. So Rugby has had them all, the good and the bad.
      My friend Jarlath is a retired Army Captain, Parachute regiment and last served in Afganistan. Jarlath and I also worked together in our later jobs and I had Jenny work in my team.
      Today, Sunday, we had a classic British pub lunch. It was delicious and not badly priced. I had a "warm beer" to wash down the Sunday roast. Afterwards we strolled back to Jarlath & Jenny's.
      Tomorrow, I'm off to Tamworth to meet Dave and Bev and then travel by car to Cheltenham.
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    • Day 22

      Day 22 - Last Day 😞

      October 7, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

      Well all good things must come to an end. Packed up for the journey home, checked out of the hotel, and walked down to our regular Banff cafe for breakfast. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and everything looked so beautiful. Felt really sad to be leaving 😞. We had plenty time to kill so we had a walk before setting off to Calgary airport.

      Easy journey, easy check-in, and uneventful flight home. We didn't fly till 8pm so we lost a night's sleep - neither of us slept on the plane so we were very tired by the time we landed at Heathrow and then put the clocks forward an hour.

      Canada you were truly amazing. We couldn't have asked for a better holiday, everything lived up to our expectations and we had a wonderful 3 weeks.
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    • Day 4

      4 Days Vacation Package Tanzania Safaris

      January 4, 2023 in England ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      Spend your time well in the parks by going for this four days safari during green season time. The stunning and beautiful landscape will freshen up your mind. Book Fly in Tanzania green season safari booking (by BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO L.T.D) with the best Tanzania great Serengeti wildebeest migration –western Serengeti safari tour operator Company that’s BURIGI CHATO SAFARIS CO LTD who also organizes vacations/travels (including 4 days Tanzania serengeti green season fly in drive out safari tour) and tours to Burigi (Burigi Tours) and Safaris to burigi chato national Park (Burigi Safaris). For east Africa safaris we are located Arusha, Moshi, Burigi, Chato, Mwanza and Zanzibar Tanzania.
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    • Day 6

      London day 3

      July 12, 2022 in England ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

      This morning we woke up early and got our all we can eat breakfast. Then went to the hop on and hop of bus that was about 2.5 hours and saw major sights of London.

      We went back too our hotel to get our bags there and checked out. We where so late that we nearly missed our train to Coventry but we made it there.

      After the train we took a cab back to grandma's house. After that we got there and started to fold washing. We finished that on good timing for bed time it was time to go to sleep.
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    • Day 11

      Wide narrow canal

      October 6, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      To our surprise, the conversion of at least the Warwickshire section of the former Warwick and Napton Canal, from narrow canal to wide canal, didn't begin until well into the 20th Century - the late 1920s in fact!

      The famous Grand Union Canal Carrying Co. bought the ailing canal from receivership and built new wide locks and infrastructure to try and revive fortunes through allowing more and bigger waterway vessels with easier passage from the Midlands to London. It was all too late; the development of a faster railway network and the freight capacity of a single train, not to mention the reduced costs for that freight, was spelling the doom of most canals for commerce.

      Today, as we tackle each of the twenty locks from our overnight mooring at Gibralter Bridge to Leamington Spa, right beside us lie some remnants of the old canal.
      The defunct narrow locks no longer have gates but were converted into overflow channels for the new wide-locks, and in some places are now private moorings for boats.

      Jo and Chris have adopted a completely different routine for working the Grand Union locks from that of the Oxford...
      It goes something like this: Chris ties Pelangi at the lock mooring whilst Jo checks for boats approaching from below the lock and starts or completes its filling from the right hand, odd looking ground-paddle raiser. If the lock is less than half full, then Chris does the same on the left hand mechanism to speed the filling up, and when the top gates are ready to open, drops the paddle back and recrosses the lock to bring Pelangi in. Jo opens one of the gates - nearly 8 feet wide - and closes again after Chris is in, then also drops the paddle she'd opened.
      Now, with Pelangi loosely tied, we start the descent: this time Jo crosses the bottom gates and raises the paddle - it's hard work as it takes over twenty turns of an often stiff mechanism to raise/lower each paddle. Chris does the same on the right-hand side and waits for the gates to part slightly - they usually do as water levels equal on each side - making sure Jo can safely return across the gates, rather than have to walk right around the lock.
      Then Chris can throw the mooring rope down onto Pelangi's roof and either jump down or, if a deep lock, climb down the lock-ladder and take Pelangi through the gate that Jo has opened. PHEW! - now repeat twenty times.

      It's half the work if two boats, and thus two crews, can work a lock together; and easier still if there're boats coming up each next lock, as they'll have inevitably left the lock full of water and maybe, if in sight of us, left a gate open as well. We aim to do the same for them, of course.

      We have one short staircase lock to tackle just a mile after Long Itchington.
      The procedure is similar, except that the bottom gates of the one lock, are the top gates of the next; so we have to be sure that the lower lock is empty, otherwise we'll flood the lock and its surrounds with the contents of the lock we're coming down in!

      We meet several oncoming boats, so many of the locks are set for us to go straight in, and soon we are moving from open countryside into the urban landscape that is the edge of Leamington Spa. We find a suitable, though shallow, mooring just after passing under the railway bridge of the Cliltern Mainline.
      Tomorrow we shall rest from navigation; a few chores to do and then we can enjoy another evening out. Lovely!
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    • Day 4

      Second day of coventry

      July 10, 2022 in England ⋅ ☀️ 12 °C

      The time has come the second day of coventry we woke up at 6:30 am and had breakfast. After that lovely breakfast we got packed for the Transport Museum we where excited to see the fastest car in the world. We finally saw the world's fastest car which is the Thrust SSC.

      After that we went to a Cafe and had a bacon bab and coke. We loved that Enzo got a mini Thrust SSC model. We did a challenge with mints to see who can hold the polo mint the longest in their mouth. Darius won that challenge.

      After the polo challenge we went shopping for cookies and food. Then we went home and unpacked the shopping and went out for dinner at The Queens Head. It was very cool there.
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    • Day 3

      Coventry first day

      July 9, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 15 °C

      We got up and went to have have breakfast. After that we went for a walk with Grandma around the block with Kyle and Jack. We had a very nice time.

      We came back and went to the Coventry Cathedral that got bombed. We lit candles for the people who have died and also went to the new Cathedral.

      We saw Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom. After that we did the Sim cards for our phones. We then went out for dinner at T.G.I Fridays where they give unlimited cokes. They had the best ice creams ever. After that we went home feeling tired and we got showers and went to bed
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    • Day 5

      Day 2 of London

      July 11, 2022 in England ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      This is day two of London. We got up had all we can eat at our hotel that was yummmmy.

      Then we went to changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. We couldn't see much cause it was very busy.

      Them we went to Costa for lunch of cause that was yum.

      This is the best part we went to Madame Tussauds at London. We saw Zendaya, Tom Cruise, James Bond, and the Rock. That was fun and exciting. There was a really cool 4D marvel theater it was so amazing there.

      Oh My God the best part of the day was still to come. I even got the thing I wanted, a blue slushie! It was Wicked the theater musical. It was so cool 😎 Then it was time to wave down a taxi and go to bed.
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    • Day 21

      Warwick castle

      July 27, 2022 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Today was Andy's sister birthday. We woke up had toast and fruit for breakfast yum yum. Then we went to Warick Castle- yay ! I was so excited for today.

      Once Aunty Lynda, Uncle Ian, Kyle and Jack got here we headed off. Once we got there it was a 20 minute walk to the front.

      Once we got there we took photos at the Castle. After that we did the War of the Roses. That was sooo cool and showed jousting.

      Then we had lunch and did the Birds of Prey exhibition. That was so cool. We saw so many amazing birds flying over our heads, including Owls, Eagles, and even a Condor. They were huge! It was so much fun.

      We also went out for dinner at TGI Fridays!
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