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Borough of Fair Haven

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    • Dia 3

      Day 3 Fairhaven NJ

      23 de agosto de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 75 °F

      Day 3's journey took us out of New York and into New Jersey. It was quite a trip through NYC. You saw from the video how fun we both found it. Really we only traveled 39 miles, but for us, it feels like 100's. This is further South than we have ever been before and it feels like we are REALLY on our journey.

      What could go right? After the amazing sights and sounds of NYC and merging from the East River with the Harlem River to the Hudson, through Hells Gate and into Sandy Hook Bay, WE SAW DOLPHINS! Our first on the boat. And what a sight it was. There were so many. They breached in groups of as many as 4 and they just played right in front of us for like 10 minutes. Then we moved on to New Jersey. This is not your mother's New Jersey, that's for sure! Holy cow, how these people live! We kept reminding each other that at least half are Bernie Madoff's or Elizabeth Holmes' and sleeping at night is probably hell, but these houses! My goodness. We also got a ton done, we put three days into one and it felt very accomplished by the end.

      What could go wrong? Well, we did a lot because this job of getting the prop off is a heavy one. Dave had to buy a $250 tool to save us thousands of getting pulled out of the water. He also risked jellyfish stings and the bends by scuba diving under the boat. But in the end he got it off and it is on its way to the mechanic to be repaired. We also got things to fix a swinging door, unlatched curtains, a kayak bungee to replace the one that went flying into the water on release, etc. The projects, they do not end. :)

      We are in this spot until Saturday. It is a beautiful residential mooring that is an easy walk to everything we could need over the next couple of days. It was a very quiet night as well, so we feel well placed. The day time is very rolly with a stream of boats zooming by, but it can't all be perfect. Right?

      Favorite Part of the Day (besides the Dolphins): I must preface this by saying that our dogs walk just about every day 2+ miles. They are well conditioned on some pretty good hills. Anyway, the last two walks we have taken them on have been just about two miles and hilariously, about 1/2 way through, when we hit shade, Cookie lays down and refuses to move. It's as if she is saying, "Hey, I have no idea where you are going, it's hot and I am not up for whatever epic adventure you are taking me on." It cracks us both up. Yesterday, she laid down and rolled in the grass and looked up at us and laughed!

      Last note: Many people want to know what we use to get around. We have 3 apps, a built in Garmin and a library of books to get us where we need to go. I am VERY glad Dave can read them all, I tell you that. They look like a lot of nothing to me most the time!
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    • Dia 5

      Day 5

      25 de agosto de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌧 72 °F

      Yesterday was a ground hog day. We did everything we did the day before, again. :) Pat came and saved us again. We had a lovely lunch. Dave fixed the propeller. We walked the dogs and then we cooked a nice meal on the boat and watched the sun set. All in all, for a repetitive day, not too bad.
      What Could Go Right? We got the propeller back on and the guy who fixed it complemented the age and tenacity of the brass. "They don't make them like that anymore." Seeing Pat again was really lovely. The sunsets make me smile every time. Our new dinghy engine makes life feel a little bit easier. It is so nice!
      What Could Go Wrong? All this rain has really showed us the light (is that a reverse pun) into the holes on our boat. That's a total bummer! Dave keeps working on them and they keep popping up. We started looking at new boats today. :)
      Best part of the day: A walk with Pat to the hardware store. It was fun sharing our adventure with someone.
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    • Dia 4

      Day 4

      24 de agosto de 2023, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☁️ 70 °F

      We had a spectacular day yesterday with a visit from the wonderful Pat Knapp. Dave showed her the boat and we had a great lunch and a walk. She very generously helped us out with an ongoing issue and we can't thank her enough.
      What Could Go Right? Well, seeing family is nice on this adventure. So, if you are ever so inclined to come meet us for a lunch or an overnight, let us know! We would love it. We have a lot to be grateful for and this easy pace is so relaxing.
      What Could Go Wrong? The dinghy motor breathed it's last breath and a replacement was quickly found! The rain has showed us many a leak in our tiny vessel and this very minute, Dave is running around with a hand drill and caulk! Today Dave replaces the propeller and tomorrow we should be on our way. The weather does not look favorable and some tough decisions are being made about route and destination timing. Stay tuned for how we fare. As you all might imagine, Dave and I do not always agree about which is the safest, best way to maneuver. Where Dave sees challenge to overcome, I see problem to face!
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    Borough of Fair Haven

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