United States
City Cove

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    • Day 26

      Day 24 - Day in the life of an AT hiker

      July 27 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Stayed the night at Rangeley Saddleback Inn. Expensive and not worth it, but I was low on options.

      Went to Rangeley Adventure Co to buy some gear. Mostly dry bags, as after 3 days of rain literally everything in my pack was wet. The guide book is getting mouldy. Also stocked up on food - noodles, protein bars and a dried beef lasagna mix that I thought I'd try.

      Then took a shuttle back out to the trail ($15).

      Staying tonight at Sabbath Day Pond Lean-to. When I arrived there were 4 guys in the lean-to and one tent setup. After some banter, the oldest one of the bunch began listing the diseases the occupants of the lean-to had (covid, malaria, ebola, the flu, etc). I gave an unconcerned nod and said I was relieved that there was nothing serious going about the camp then.

      Even so I decided to sleep in my tent. Set it up on a platform, something I'd not done before. Used rocks and shoved sticks in the gaps to serve as anchor points. No idea if I'm doing this the correct way or not. At least it will hold if there isn't any wind.

      Tonight I ate two packets of noodles as well as one of the leftover rolls. Looks like I'm finally getting an appetite on the trail.
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