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    • Dia 8

      Dole Plantation/ Turtle Bay

      20 de dezembro de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌧 26 °C

      Today I woke up and made some guava pancakes for the group before we headed out to the Dole plantation. After a little traffic and a lot of beautiful views we arrived and instantly felt the hot sun beating down on us. After perusing the jewelry carts and taking some pictures in a giant pineapple William, Brenna and I found ourselves in a very short line for the maze. The length of the line was quite deceiving as it took us over 40 minutes to get to the front. Once we were in we all split up and I was left to my own terrible sense of direction. After 10 minutes I ran into William who had already gotten three of the eight stations and laughed when I told him I hadn't gotten any. After 20 minutes I only had found one station but my luck changed and in ten minutes I found four more. In the end it took me 59 minutes with the help of the map and cutting through the bushes. Not a very impressive time seeing as it was said to take 30 to 40 minutes. Next we went to Turtle Bay where we went snorkeling and saw hundreds of barracudas and many other beautiful fish but no turtles. With nothing in our stomachs we headed back to the hotel but decided to go the scenic route and stopped at a popular shrimp shack for a snack. At this point I wasn't feeling too well so I opted for just water to sustain me for the car ride back. We had views of beautiful cloud covered mountains that were full of lush green foliage as we made the long drive back. After a hot shower and a quick nap we ate a lovely spaghetti dinner before taking some NyQuil and drifting off to the sound of the waves.Leia mais

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