Verenigde Staten
Madison County

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    • Dag 3

      Hot Springs Resort & Spa

      19 april 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 45 °F

      Woke up this morning to an INSIDE temperature of 51 degrees. Brrrr. There was ice on the windshield. Got myself and everything ready for travel, coffee made, unhooked the camper and dumped. My grey tank was full, of course, I was hooked to water last night so I used more than I would have otherwise. But still 2 days I think is a good amount to go between dumping and refilling water. Maybe I could make it to the 3rd day. I have 2 extra gallons of tap water just in case I run out. And I suppose if I found a very remote place, I could dump some grey water even though not supposed to. My fingers and toes were freezing this morning.

      I drove just under 2 hours into Hot Springs NC to the Hot Springs Resort & Spa. I had a reservation for a 1.5 hour Mineral water spa with my own private cabin and gas fire pit. Thank you to my neighbor, Chris, who told me about this place. It was very relaxing. I was in tub 5, which is located right on the water where the creek meets the river. I saw two Canadian geese floating down stream on the river into the rapids. Not sure how they can stand water so cold. I was pretty much emerged to my chin the whole time. The low jet hit my lower back just right. It was 45 degrees outside and the wind was whipping through so too chilly to get out. The water they say is pumped in from a mineral spring and it's 100 degrees. I was wishing the water could be about 2 degrees warmer, but that's not possible they day. I was in the water the whole time, never broke a sweat. It was my first bathing since leaving home so I brought my biodegradable soap and washed my hair. It was a little rough exiting and getting dressed in 45 degrees but I managed and headed back to the van to eat blow dry my hair and eat lunch.

      Next venture of the day: hike the Appalachian Trail to Lover's Leap
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    • Dag 13

      Return To Hot Springs

      29 april 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      Rebecca's flight was at 7 am, so we traveled the 4 hour drive from Louisville to the Knoxville airport through the night to have her there by 5:30 am. We traveled a couple hours until around 1 am when I started to feel myself nodding off. So an hour and a half away from the airport, we stopped for 90 min to sleep before continuing the trek. After I dropped her off, I slept 2 more hours. Sleep the last two nights has been in small increments and definitely insufficient. My body is feeling it.

      I had scheduled another appointment at Hot Springs Resort and Spa, and I'm really glad that I did. It was a completely different experience. I arrived a few min early for my 9:15 appointment. The day is about 25 degrees warmer than last week and the trees are much fuller and greener. I thought I was getting tub 5 again but I got tub 15. This tub is much less expensive, doesn't have the fire, and is located at the center of the back of the property on the creek. It's just as beautiful, peaceful and private though. More light filters in. It's situated next to a gentle waterfall on the creek, so I listened to the gentle sound of the water bubbling down the creek for the next hour. To my right, suspended above the creek are two large ducts to pipe the hot mineral water over to the tubs. The water in tub 15 is considerably warmer than hot tub 5. I'm very happy about that. I contemplate that this must be because it's closer to the source and has less time to travel through the potentially cold metal conduit before reaching the tub. I'm glad I got to visualize the pipes though and see and feel the hot water coming into the tub, because after my last experience I was thinking the whole mineral water thing might just be a scam. I'd booked my second spa experience before doing the first, otherwise I might not have come back. I'm really glad I did though.

      I had a whole hour in the tub. I'm guessing the water was 102 degrees. It was relaxing. I listened to the creek and the birds singing. The train went through town, and I could see it as it crossed the creek. Returning to the van, my legs felt like noodles.

      After 4 days of two people living in the van, going like mad people from place to place, the van needed some serious clean up and organization, so I sat there in the resort parking lot, cleaned up the van and had my coffee.

      I then drove into town, walked around a bit, bought a magnet for my van at the outfitters post, and a another bottle of that fantastic wine at the gourmet store next door. The brewery and restaurant wasn't open yet, so I walked to the Red Bridge and then returned to the van and took a short nap. As I pulled out of my new favorite little town, the mayor and two other women were standing outside city hall, one of them was smoking. The voting polls were open. The hikers were repacking their backpacks and the Harleys were lined up on the street as the bikers were arriving for lunch at the brewery. Part of me wanted to stay and enjoy the Friday afternoon. The brewery is attached to a bar and behind that is a restaurant that serves tacos and lots of other hipster delicious foods. There's a large outdoor area with picnic tables and a band stage. It looks like a really fun place to hang out. But I must travel on.

      I'm not missing home. I wouldn't even say I'm ready to come home. I miss my friends and family at home, but they are mostly managing fine without me. I heard gut wrenching news about a fatal drug overdose of a young girl that lives in my condo. So sad.

      I want to get back home by Saturday so I have more than 24 hours to get ready for next week. I want to see my new best friend Kris and finish watching season 6 of Outlander together. I want to see my favorite local band on Sunday night at the Hippy. I want to walk the beach and see the sunsets once again. Onward south.
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    • Dag 3

      Crazy Night- Battery Depleted

      19 april 2022, Verenigde Staten ⋅ 🌙 45 °F

      I had a pretty crazy night. I had just finished eating dinner when the power flickered and all the plugged in appliances stopped. The portable heater stopped running, my phone flickered as the charging stopped. I looked at the battery panel, Inverter control and Balmar system and it was so low (<20%) that it had shut itself off. This happened to me once before, so I knew the only way to get it turned back on was to plug in to an electrical outlet. Only takes a second, but have to plug in. Well, it wouldn't have been such a big deal except that it was only 9:20 pm and it was already 37 degrees outside, plus I had no phone signal at all. I did have just under 3/4 tank of gas.

      So, I figured I had three options: 1) wake up Lindsay the kind host on the property with 2 small children under the age of 6 to see if she could move me to a non boon docking space. 2) turn the van engine on and off throughout the night to keep the van warm (but I wasn't sure how well this would work at freezing temps) or 3) drive to Ashville, find a place to plug in briefly and be in a place that has phone service and fuel.

      Now mind you, I was 8 oz of wine in and had just popped a muscle relaxer. Three days before leaving on the trip I went to the orthopedic urgent care. I had been having pain in my butt and hips for over 3 weeks, and the last week it was so intense that I couldn't work. I diagnosed myself with piriformis syndrome. I had 3 massages, 2 chiro adjustments, 2 physical therapy appointments, a myofascial release session, had iced and heated and stretched, and was taking ibuprofen. At the urgent care they did an x-ray which I knew was pretty much useless for diagnosis of what I had. They found a couple other things, but none the less, Dr agreed with me on the piriformis diagnosis and prescribed me a steroid pack and muscle relaxers...

      In my dilemma, I chose the third option... get to a place with more resources. I knew I only had 2 hours before the muscle relaxer would kick in and I wouldn't be able to keep my eyes open. I quickly buckled up the van for travel and set out back to town. There was no phone signal, so I had to go off my memory on how I got to this remote location. I found Hot Springs, but on a week night at almost 10 pm, the town was shut down. Now having phone signal, I pulled over to get directions to Ashville which was almost an hour drive away.

      So I headed off on the steep, curvy mountain roads in the pitch black of night, the only lights being my headlights. Sign says 8% grade, "okay brake 3 seconds every 10 seconds". Ears popping, runaway truck ramp, my screen displays "possible ice on roads"... I find a small town gas station that is closed, but I spot an electrical outlet on the front of the building. It's not secured to the concrete, so it's sort of dangling in place. I put my coat on and quickly jump out to plug in for a second. That instantly restarts the inverter, so now I'm charging as I'm driving.

      I roll into downtown Ashville at 11 pm. All I see are homeless men. I wonder how they will stay warm tonight. I just need to find a gas station, so I can top off my tank and then a safe, well lit parking lot to sleep in. I ended up in the Trader Joe's parking lot. I woke up every 30-60 min to turn on the engine or turn off the engine so i could have heat and recharge the battery. The heat or the cold woke me up each time. It wasn't a very restful night.

      Today, I'm just recovering I guess. Might take a nap. I joined The Joint recently so went to see the chiropractor here in Ashville. Thanks to a friend who gave me a Massage Envy gift card I have a massage scheduled for 3 pm.

      I spent an hour on the phone with tech support to find out how to work the automatic engine start up when the battery gets low... only to find out that this battery system doesn't have that option. I've done Ashville before, so today I will just rest. I need a good night's sleep.
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    U kunt deze plaats misschien wel onder de volgende namen::

    Madison County, مقاطعة ماديسون, Медисън, মেডিশন কাউন্টি, Condado de Madison, Madison konderria, شهرستان مدیسون، کارولینای شمالی, Comté de Madison, Madison megye, Contea di Madison, マディソン郡, Madison Kūn, Hrabstwo Madison, میڈیسن کاؤنٹی، اتلا کیرولینا, Comitatul Madison, Мэдисон, Округ Медисон, Медісон, میڈیسن کاؤنٹی، شمالی کیرولائنا, Quận Madison, Condado han Madison, 麥迪遜縣

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