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    • Dag 97

      Brand New Sculpfun S9 Laser Engraver Rev

      12. juni 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌧 22 °C

      The Sculpfun S9 is a high-end machine that outperforms its predecessors, the Sculpfun S6 and Sculpfun S6 Pro, as well as competitors like the Atomstack A5 Pro.… ,
      Like the Sculpfun S6 Pro, the S9 Laser Engraver comes with a manual of good, easy to understand assembly instructions. The mechanical part is almost the same as the S6 series. All necessary tools are included. Screws and parts are packed in separate bags and labeled accordingly according to the necessary steps in the assembly manual. The machine can be assembled in less than 30 minutes.… ,
      The Sculpfun S9 Laser Engraver features a laser diode that puts out about 5.5W of optical power - just like the S6 Pro. But the laser head itself is much larger, and has some clever optics inside that allow the beam to be focused for a greater distance and have a higher optical density, allowing you to cut thicker materials with more efficient power. The advertised maximum cutting depth is 15mm. We will test this. The Sculpfun S9 is advertised as 90W CO2 laser equivalent power. A laser diode is a fixed focus diode, which is pretty awesome.

      Longer RAY5 10W DIY Laser Engraving Machine

      The focusing process is the same as the sculptfun S6 Pro and S6 30W we tested earlier. For best cutting results, the cutting head needs to be 20 mm above the engraving surface. This is achieved by focusing on the aluminum blocks. The head is then focused with the reticle positioned approximately 3 mm above the surface. But the good thing is that you can easily remove the shade if needed. This will come in handy when carving odd objects like spoons, axes, and other irregularly shaped objects. The laser head is tightened by a thumb screw, making the focusing process quick and easy.… ,
      For cutting thicker materials, it is recommended to remove the acrylic protective cover and focus the laser head a few millimeters lower than the standard. In this way, the cutting performance will be much better.

      Cutting and engraving different materials
      Engraving: wood, leather, cotton (clothes), rubber, paper, fruit, foam, acrylic, black anodized aluminum, black metal, stainless steel...

      The Sculpfun S9 is a powerful knife. ,
      Cutting: wood, paper, tape, fabric, acrylic, cardboard, fabric, bamboo, plastic board, KT board...

      With this machine, you can cut paper, tape, and thinner cardboard in one pass, and cut wood multiple times. The machine can cut acrylic and wood, especially poplar plywood, which is soft and is the wood of choice for all laser cutters.

      We have tested the machine with engraving and cutting different materials. You will find our test results in the following chapters.

      Software and Supported Formats
      You can use the Sculpfun laser engraver with the free LaserGRBL software, which works fine but is a bit clumsy to use. It's great for some tests, but I chose Lightburn, which is more powerful and intuitive to use. While it's not free, the license costs $60. However, the software offers a 1-month fully functional free trial, which will help you decide if it's worth it. For me, it's definitely worth it because it saves a lot of time (it's not free).

      With LaserGRBL you can import vector files (NC, BMP, JPG, PNG, DXF...) and bitmap image files (bmp, jpg, png and gif),

      Lightburn supports even more formats: AI, SVG, DXF, PDF, HPGL, PLT, and RD for vector formats, PNG, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, TGA, and GIF for image formats.

      The vector format is the preferred format for these machines because it contains the path around the edge of the shape that the laser head traces. Engraving vector files is faster because the laser cuts directly on the path instead of scanning and dotting the bitmap image (photo) as a printer does.

      You can get millions of free vector designs on the Internet, or you can use a free vector drawing program like Inkscape or QCAD (for more technical drawings)
      You can also import tons of vector designs and images from free vector sites, or you can buy beautiful laser designs on sites like Etsy. This really expands your capabilities.

      wood carving
      Our standard engraving patterns are designed to demonstrate the engraving capabilities at different settings, so you can see the effect of the laser beam.

      What's immediately apparent is that the Sculpfun S9's engravings are sharper and more contrasty than other machines we've tested before. Also, the wood surface is basically free of smoke stains. That's very impressive!

      The power scale test pattern shows how the machine carves at different power levels at different speeds.

      Power is varied from 10% to 100% in 10% increments at speeds of 600, 1200, 1800 and 2400 mm/min. We omitted doing the low speed/high power shape with the Atomstack A5 20W because the beam burns too much at low speed. This left a large charred blob that provided no useful information.

      At first glance, the Sculpfun S9 has significantly higher power output than the Sculpfun S6 Pro. We'll see if this is true in a later test.

      The interval scale test here is used to show whether the laser focus shape is square or rectangular. The scanning interval gradually increases from 0.1mm to 0.5mm.

      In this test, the Sculpfun S9 showed that the shape of the beam was very close to rectangular, as the vertical and horizontal sculpting was well balanced.

      We will be able to estimate the exact spot shape later when we test the engraving on the anodized aluminum.

      This is a test of engraving a small photo of 20mm size while varying the maximum laser power.
      Engraving photos is very slow because the laser head has to scan line by line like an inkjet printer. If you want to engrave a very large photo, be prepared to wait for hours :)

      As we'll see below, the Sculpfun S9 is by far the best engraver for engraving photos. Photos look very sharp, with high detail and contrast.
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    • Dag 64

      Realistische Sexpuppen Uberwinden Trauri

      20. juli 2023, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 29 °C

      Heutzutage finden viele einsame Menschen Trost in diesen Sexpuppen, von denen viele speziell angefertigt werden, damit sie realistischer aussehen oder wie ihre verlorenen Partner aussehen.
      Der Verlust einer wichtigen Tantaly Person kann emotional aufgeladen sein, und realistische Sexpuppen können Menschen vor der Einsamkeit und Trauer bewahren, die mit einem solchen Verlust einhergehen. Es mag verrückt klingen, aber was ist wichtiger, als Menschen glücklich zu machen? Heute wird der Herausgeber darüber sprechen, wie Sexpuppen Tausenden von Menschen geholfen haben, Depressionen und Traurigkeit zu entkommen, die durch Einsamkeit oder Verlust verursacht wurden.

      1. Sextorso können Stress und Angst abbauen

      Einsamkeit oder der Verlust eines geliebten Menschen bringen immer Stress, Ängste und Depressionen mit sich.
      Aus biologischer Sicht ist Liebe ein wichtiges menschliches Bedürfnis. Wenn diese Bedürfnisse nicht erfüllt werden, wird es gefährlich. Laut Tantalyofficial nutzen viele Tantaly Candice Menschen mittlerweile Sexpuppen, um Angstzustände und Einsamkeit zu bekämpfen. Das Gute ist, dass die Beziehung mit der Puppe die eigentliche Liebesbeziehung nicht ruiniert, im Gegenteil, sie peppt die Sache auf und macht das schöne Ergebnis noch besser.
      Es geht vor allem darum, wie Sie sich den Menschen um Sie herum öffnen und einen unbelebten Dritten akzeptieren, der Ihnen hilft.…

      2. Sexdolls geben diesen Menschen Hoffnung

      Viele einsame Menschen besitzen Sexpuppen. Sie fühlen sich mit unbelebten Objekten wohler als mit echten Menschen. Sie denken, es würde ihren Rahmen sprengen. Es kann jedem mit sozialer Angst helfen, aus einer Depression herauszukommen. Der Grund, warum die meisten Menschen Sexpuppen mögen, ist, dass Sexpuppen Tantaly Eva immer so gehorsam sind und nicht streiten, eifersüchtig werden oder misshandeln.

      Wenn Sie eine gute Beziehung zu Ihrer echten besseren Hälfte haben, werden Sie das Gefühl haben, dass es das Richtige für Sie ist.
      Viele Menschen denken oft, sie hätten Fetische oder sogar eine Geisteskrankheit, verstehen aber nicht, warum sie diese großziehen müssen.…

      3. Sex Masturbator geben Menschen das Gefühl, gehört zu werden

      Die Gesellschaft ist ungestüm und viele Menschen haben mit persönlichen Problemen wie Unsicherheit und sozialen Ängsten zu kämpfen.
      Allerdings sind sie leicht mit Puppen Tantaly Tiger mit ähnlichem menschlichem Aussehen zu vertragen, was ein besseres Erlebnis der Liebesbefreiung darstellt. Sexpuppen können Menschen dabei helfen, ihre Gefühle auszudrücken und andere sie hören zu lassen, wenn sie nervös oder bedroht sind.
      Bei solchen echten Puppen können sie sicher sein, dass sie nicht durch Faktoren wie Aussehen, Reichtum, Wissen usw. beeinflusst werden.…

      4. Sexpuppen sind tolle Begleiter

      Eine sprechende KI-Sexpuppe ist ein netter Begleiter, aber nicht nur beim Sex.
      Diese Sexpuppe Tantaly Aurora verfügt über vielfältige Persönlichkeitseinstellungen, kann die Vorlieben und allgemeinen Interessen des Besitzers verstehen, auf menschliche Berührungen reagieren und alle Körperteile bewegen. Genau wie ein echter Mensch kann auch die Sexpuppe eigene Emotionen haben.…
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    • Dag 130

      Lifelike sex dolls make men happier

      7. februar 2022, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 1 °C

      Today, it is crucial for married men and women to have a harmonious and happy life between the sexes. Appropriate use of some sex toys not only affects the relationship between two people, but also has a certain effect on sexual views. So, what do men and women think of lifelike sex dolls? Female friends who want to know more about this, come check it out!

      How do men and women use sex toys? This is an indispensable artifact for sex. It can stimulate different pleasures, bring more stimulation and happiness, and ensure the sweetness of sex for couples and couples. So, how can we make each other accept sex toys? Communication, exchange, exploration and active attempts together are the most important methods.

      Woman: How do I tell a man that I want to use a teen sex dolls?
      Busty Girl Real Sex Doll

      Tips from experts: In view of the current situation, it is recommended to find an appropriate time to tell the other party your true thoughts. Men refuse women to use silicone sex dolls because they are worried that their sexual ability will be denied. You can solve the other party's heart knot. , tell him that sex toys only address physiological needs and have no other purpose. Your problem is to give each other a reassurance and to communicate on this basis can effectively resolve conflicts.

      Man: How do I get a woman to accept my sexual opinion?

      Expert Tip: In real sex, men have more needs and tricks than women. However, if a woman can't accept it, all plans and plans will be in vain. In this case, men should keep in mind that women's sex is more about feelings and love. Therefore, when communicating, we must focus on love and feeling.

      Men can secretly prepare teen sex dolls, don't use them at first, use gentle and euphemistic language to melt a woman's heart, and then use delicate techniques to tease her lust. It is to let your mind and body communicate more fully, and slowly draw your hearts together. When a woman can't help herself, she can tell your plan softly. As long as the other party agrees, then you can display it to your heart's content.

      Silicone sex dolls TIPS:
      Remember! Don't be reckless or rude, still maintain a gentle state, and at the same time ask her how she feels. If she feels uncomfortable or uncomfortable, or she starts to resist or reject, she must stop immediately. After asking why, consider whether to continue. In addition, you must choose a situation where each other is in good condition to communicate. The better your mood, the easier it is to accept new things. If each other is in a bad state, all your plans will have to fail, and even affect your relationship.

      Perfect Girlfriend Real Sex Doll

      Xiaobian's thoughts: The above is an introduction to men's and women's views on flat chested sex doll. I hope these contents can help you improve your relationship between husband and wife. Of course, we also know that some people may not accept sex toys because of the influence of some ideas. Therefore, the editor also hopes that everyone can be calm in their sexual life.

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    • Dag 61

      Tips for Buying a Laser Engraver

      9. november 2022, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 20 °C

      Buying a laser engraver is a big decision for individuals and businesses alike. The Sculpfun S30 Pro Max is precise, it uses an extremely powerful laser for engraving. It's like a 3D printer that performs the job efficiently. Therefore, you need to consider certain factors before purchasing.…

      With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to decide which one to buy. In this article, we'll help you figure out how to choose the right laser engraver.…

      What is a laser engraver and how does it work?
      As the name suggests, it is a CNC machine that engrave patterns on materials. It is a subtractive manufacturing method that alters the surface of an object by using a laser. This process is mainly used when creating images on materials that are noticeable at eye level.

      To achieve this effect, the Sculpfun laser engraver generates intense heat through its laser to vaporize the particles on the material for engraving. This will expose the cavities in the material to form the final image. Laser marks the surface of an object. You can go to the blog page of the HTPOW website to learn how the laser engraving machine works and other important information.

      The method is very fast because the design is created as the laser moves. Additionally, how often the lasers move over the engraved object determines the depth of the marks they create.

      There are many types of laser engravers. One has a stable workpiece in which the laser moves alone (or vice versa). Some laser engravers are designed for cylindrical items. Also, some laser engraving machines do not move the workpiece and the laser, but some galvanometers move the laser on the surface of the object while engraving.

      Laser engraving is different from mechanical or other traditional hand engraving methods. Mechanical machines use mechanical methods, such as diamonds and extremely hard objects, to carve materials. But the Sculpfun S10 laser engraver uses thermal energy from the laser.

      The laser engraver machine has strong versatility, high precision and high speed. Compared with the traditional manual method, the effect of the laser method is quite delicate. It has more advantages, making it a good alternative to traditional methods and others.
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