Ankunft in New York

Gestern 17 Uhr Ortszeit in New York gelandet bei sehr starken Regen. Das Einreiseprozedere war eigentlich gar nicht so schlimm wie ich es mir vorgestellt hatte,ging alles easy über die Bühne und wirRead more
Gestern 17 Uhr Ortszeit in New York gelandet bei sehr starken Regen. Das Einreiseprozedere war eigentlich gar nicht so schlimm wie ich es mir vorgestellt hatte,ging alles easy über die Bühne und wir waren dann schnell wieder raus aus dem Transit
raum. Danach ging es allerdings etwas komplizierter, die Bahnen nach New York Manhattan zu finden und als wir sie gefunden haben, war der Fahrkartenkauf etwas holprig.Read more
Met everyone downstairs
First ones as usual - story of my life.
Everyone reimbursed us which was great.
Walked a good decent amount to find the Empire State Building.
I was put on map duty so naturally we went to the wrong side of the building and had to work back around. 🥴🥴🥴
The line lady was so rude holy Moly. Just yelling at people. Just wanted to ask a question and just screaming GO TO THE BACK OF THE LINE
This whole time (my life) I have though a New York accent was some sort of European/American combo accent hahaha like half Italian or something.. nope.
Line was so long but people got kicked out of it if they were too early so we went straight to the front cause we had the opening time of 9am which definitely turned out to be a great choice.
It’s a maze to get to the top. If it was full, I can imagine it’s mayhem. Like the line for a rollerocaster.
It has exhibits along the way like a King Kong gorilla hand taking a chunk of the building and displays of all the movies featuring the building.
Can’t imagine the men who built it - They weren’t strapped to anything. Bonkers and straight up ballsy. Stupid, actually. 😆
Got to the top and it was a big room with views from windows and I was momentarily worried I had booked the wrong thing but did the rounds, got back on the elevator and went up another 8 levels to the outdoor viewing deck.
Great visibility so we were lucky!
Got a great group pic!
2 sides better than the others but all views great.
Went outside to look for food me and Helen but got accosted on the footpath by a bus tour person and we decided to get it.
Deal was $89 for 2 day access hop on/off bus. A ferry around Statue of Liberty and access to night tour.
Other 2 couples paid then our turn. Not 89 - 104 after hidden fees and taxes 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃
Loathe. It’s total BS.
Would have backed out If the others hadn’t already paid.
Cranky about that then even more cranky when we got on the bus and there was no live guide - just shitty headphones with audio that doesn’t always match where the bus is actually located.. and only spouts occasional facts anyway. 85% of the time it’s music. 😑😑😑😑😑😑
Saw nothing of note on the way as we went to stop 9 trying to find little Italy or little China. Couldn’t find anything but dirty streets.
Literally walked for ages and everyone is just so indecisive.
Found a Chinese place eventually. Not overly fussed by options but had sweet and sour pork which i at least recognized so herded everyone in.
Food was crap lol but appreciated they only asked for 15% tip.
Ate in Chinatown though so that’s a bucket list tick.
There was this high guy that used the toilet and was in there for 20 mins. He Is ok, but was concerned for his welfare for a wee bit. 😅
Walked to find the bus.
Next stop we agreed to get out was at Wall Street. We walked through battery park and I saw the Statue of Liberty from the distance. She is small.
We then went to see the raging bull.
Got a pic with its balls. The line was really long because we are a mature society.
Vicki (George’s wife is so negative about everything. No fun) hard to describe, just shakes her head and makes faces a lot. I don’t think she means to. Not a bad person but also not a vibe.
We then walked to the 911 memorial. It was beautiful.
George silently pointed out on of the firefighters who died had RET next to his name. I don’t know why this specifically upset me but I walked away do I didn’t start obviously crying. He had no obligate but helped anyway.
It was a very moving place. Very tasteful. The pools are on the footprints of were the building were. The new world trade building is super tall and next door.
Helen showed us a pub covered in emergency services badges - was full so we just popped our head in and a globe statue that was between the two buildings that survived. It originally represented world peace it now represents resilient and hope.
Had a look in the door at the local fire brigade too, they are/were obviously the first first responders.
Dude on the corner yelling some speech over and over again. Loved him hahah
We then walked until next bus stop.
They over sell tickets. And don’t have enough buses. Lucky we got on. Only ones that did. Big line and a 30 min wait and probs not getting on the next one because of the size of their group.
Got angry about the bus situation once I got back on. Waste of money for transportation.
I’ll need to let it go hahah
Once back we went to our room for a shower before walking to Resturant with everyone to meet Anita and her husband Glenn.
Took a gamble on that Anita might pay so bought pot pies which were expensive at $29 each.
Cha Ching! Hahahaha yewwwwwww.
Best Anita quote was “oh you both can’t eat gluten thats cute”
She also gave us a present with a bit of money bless them. They have nearly covered our stupid bus money 😆
Just really enjoyed talking with everyone but it was a happening place so hard to hear.
After we walked to bar nine which was a hoot and a half cause no one wanted to be there but Anita and hubby - having a great time bopping along.
Will got it in one - a great spot if I was 5 years younger, drunk and single. But we’re not haha
It was live singers taking requests. Neither particularly good but when they did a song you could belt with them I enjoyed. Vicki and George jut sat down by themselves looking miserable haha
Finally got out of there said goodbye and parted ways.
Will dying to poo so we rushed ahead - Had to organize toilet paper for Will cause we were out.
He had to sit there for ages but it did eventually come lol.
They don’t have sanitary bins here.
I will always be cranky we didn’t go to 911 museum. Was top of my list but no one else interested. 😢😪
Nothing better than going to bed when actually tired.Read more
In Chinatown haben wir den Bus verlassen und sind ein bisschen durch die Straßen gelaufen. Hat uns irgendwie nicht so gepackt hier 🤷🏼
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Blick aus dem Hotelzimmer
Ankunft in Chinatown, Regen
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