Estados Unidos
Township of Asheville

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    • Dia 6

      Elk ist noch lange nicht Elch🌞🦌

      3 de março de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Heute verlassen wir wieder den "Great Smoky Mountains NP". Wir haben das erlebt, was wir vor Jahren wegen starken Nebels nicht sehen konnten. Tendenziell geht es jetzt immer westwärts. Gehen wir es an👍
      Doch zunächst fahren wir noch zum "Oconaluftee Visitor Center". Von hier aus starten wir eine tolle Wanderung entlang des "Oconaluftee River".
      Der Fluss weckt Erinnerungen in uns an den "Dechute River" in Oregon. (Nach wie vor eines unserer Lieblingsländer👍)
      Ein ehemaliges Dorf der Cherokee Indianer. Wir sind im Cherokee Indian Reservat.
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    • Dia 5

      Asheville - Blue Ridge Mountains

      21 de agosto de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

      Ankunftsort für die nächsten Tage (Ausflüge) = Asheville Biltmore im HolidayInn Biltmore West.

      Viele Stunden und Meilen später (ca. 550 Meilen = knapp 900 km) sind wir an einem Ort & Hotel angekommen, welcher für morgen Ausgangspunkt einer Wanderung sein soll (gebucht via App von unterwegs). Kontrastprogramm zum Städte-Sightseeing ⛰😀.

      Sehr schön gelegen - mitten in den Mountains - super Hotel mit sehr schönen Zimmern und einer tollen Ausstattung (Indoor und Outdoor Pool 🏊🏻‍♀️ 🏊🏻 ).
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    • Dia 2

      23rd May 2017 Atlanta to Asheville

      24 de maio de 2017, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      Today we discovered ihop, a chain of pancake houses recommended to us as having great food at a very reasonable cost. There was a good menu with every sort of pancake you imagine plus other stuff like eggs, bacon and hash browns – mmm yummy! We had a delicious eggs, bacon and hash brown breakfast there and the bill was half the cost of the breakfast at the hotel. Will definitely be making more visits there again. We left Atlanta on the Interstate and Peter enjoyed opening up the Mustang, delighting in the throaty roar of the engine as she took off, easily overtaking the Big Mac lorries and slower drivers on the Interstate. The plan today was to drive to Asheville, our preference was to avoid the interstates and use the more local and A roads so as soon as we could we left the interstate and picked up Highway 19. It makes us smile to see the signs or hear TomTom refer to the roads for a lot of them have pseudonyms and are known by several different numbers and each sign lists them all whilst TomTom takes ages to announce all the numbers the roads go by. The weather hasn’t been kind to us, it has been raining pretty much all the time we have been here so we haven’t had a chance to put the top down on the mustang yet. The A roads were very pretty and wound way up into the Smokey Mountains, into the low cloud covering them. At some points the bends in the road were very extreme with steep cambers so when you looked ahead you could see crazy winding roads that seemed to lurch wildly one way and another like some Dr Seuss cartoon. Low cloud obscured many of the views but we could see enough to appreciate the vast beauty of the area with umpteen waterfalls and huge ranges of forests. It would be quite spectacular had the weather been better and we had been able to see further. We made a stop in Bryson City to stretch our legs, grab a drink and free wifi and book a room for the night. It was a fascinating little town – not a city by our standards, more like a small town. They have a steam railway which does trips into the mountains – sadly there isn’t another one running until the weekend and we won’t be here then. Americans still struggle with the very English notion of tea, they are all about coffee. One bakery tea shop offered a selection of fruity teas and Earl Grey, which they thought was a plain black tea and were surprised when we told them it was scented. We found a spit and sawdust billiard hall with a genial host which had a great selection of Twining’s teas and settled down in a couple of rough wooden chairs and a scuffed leather topped table to browse the internet and find a bed for the night. We used Hotel Tonight and apps which both seemed to have good offers and settled on Holiday Inn which turned out to be a lovely place with very comfortable rooms. Feeling tired after our long drive we stayed in hotel to eat. The food was delicious, I had salmon with a buttery citrus sauce whilst Peter opted for a rib-eye steak with blue cheese topping.

      We have a travelling kettle which happens to be an American one – we bought it years ago in Las Vegas when we couldn’t find anywhere that did a decent brew. Again it has proved invaluable as all the hotels seem only to have coffee making machines in the rooms. The only drawback is that it’s a whistling kettle so when it boils it emits a screeching whistle which would waken the dead and doesn’t have an automatic off switch – it keeps going until its unplugged! This then results in one or both of us frantically racing to grab the cord and pull it out of the wall, invariably if we are sitting in bed one foot gets caught in the covers so we end up sprawling across the bed and floor scrabbling to reach the kettle cord whist the kettle carries on with its ear-splitting noise. Bet the people in the room next door wonder what on earth is going on!
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    • Dia 4

      Biltmore Estate

      31 de dezembro de 2020, Estados Unidos ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      Marveling at the beautiful Biltmore Estate, where grandeur meets history. Did you know? It's America's largest privately-owned home, boasting 250 rooms! 🏰🌳 #BiltmoreBeauty #HistoricSplendor #FunFact #FamilyLeia mais

    • Dia 6

      North Carolina

      3 de março de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      Auf der Weiterfahrt wurden wir immer wieder an den Stamm der Cherokee erinnert, mal mit schrecklichen, mal mit schönen Eindrücken.
      Da der "Blue Ridge Pkwy" immer noch nicht befahrbar war, erreichten wir einige Ziele nicht. Wir fuhren durch bis Asheville, suchten uns ein Hotel mit Terrasse und einem "Panda Express" nebenan. Lecker 😋 😋 😋
      Übrigens: wir sind wieder in North Carolina🤭😊
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    • Dia 3

      Wednesday 24th May - Exploring Asheville

      25 de maio de 2017, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      The weather predictions were for tornados and rain of biblical proportions. Although we had some very heavy showers it wasn’t too bad really and the tornados must have got stuck in the Blue Ridge Mountains for we never saw any. Today was spent exploring Ashville. It’s a really gorgeous town, very arts and crafts and art deco buildings with 1920’s style clapperboard houses. We purchased tickets for the hop on hop off trolley bus tour of the town and learnt so much about the history of it as well as sightseeing around the various districts. It wasn’t expensive, only $52 for the two of us. When the guide found out we were from London (everyone has heard of London so we always say that, no-one has heard of Wilstone) he asked us to say aluminium which he pronounced aloominon. We have found that the Americans find our accent very attractive and like to hear us speak. We decided to give the Biltmore Estate a miss partly due to the weather and partly due to it being very expensive £95 each! It would be just like looking around a National Trust stately home but much pricier. Asheville has a number of interesting shops including a Christmas Shop which I couldn’t resist visiting and where I bought some gifts for the family and a very old general store called Mast. It was like stepping back in time. There were wooden counters, wooden floors and vintage windows and displays. There are several more branches, all very original and old. The oldest dates back to the mid-19th Century. The town of Asheville was created in late 19th and early 20th Century by the grandson of a far sighted wealthy industrialist who made his money in shipping and railways - Mr Vanderbilt. He started the Staten Island Ferry and took over lots of shipping and railway lines. The grandson inherited his grandfather’s wealth bought a lot of land in Asheville and started building – to very strict guidelines. Anyone else who built had to adhere to these guidelines too, hence creating the typical buildings of the town. Biltmore village on the edge of the Biltmore Estate – where Mr Vandebilt lived was built by him for his workers and has one of the grandest McDonalds you will ever see. All the buildings are of a style and very beautiful.

      Most of the residential streets are lined with big mature trees giving them an old world peaceful atmosphere. Once again we logged onto the late hotel bookings websites and I spotted a fabulous looking B&B hotel – The Princess Anne Hotel. It turned out to be a real gem – our best place so far and the measure for all future B&B’s to reach. Everyday between 16:30-18:00 complimentary hors d’oeuvres - wine and cheese, is served in the lounge and the price includes a full breakfast. Our room has a separate lounge, bedroom, bathroom with walk-in shower, kitchenette with a hob, fridge, sink, wall and base units and we got it for a third of the price! Very lucky! The hors d’oeuvres time is an opportunity to socialise with the other guests and we chatted to a couple in their 40’s who had driven 18hours to get to the Blue Mountains from Maine and were cycling around – 30-40miles per day! They are obviously serious cyclists and recanted when they had cycled up the Alps. Another couple also from Maine were snowbirds – people who go south for the Winter, they were on their way back home having spent 6 months in Florida.

      If you get the chance do make time to visit Asheville, it is well worth it.
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    • Dia 7

      ...einer dieser Tage 🌞😊😎

      4 de março de 2022, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Heute hatten wir nur ein Ziel, den "Chimney Rock State Park". Wir fahren mit dem bereits 1949 in Betrieb genommenen Aufzug, der in den Felsen gehauen wurde, bis zur Aussichtsplattform, dem Ausgangspunkt für die Besteigung des knapp 100 Meter hohen Granit Monolithen. Dort angekommen eröffnet sich ein fantastischer Blick auf die umliegenden Berge und die weitläufige Natur. Wunderschön👍👍👍Leia mais

    • Dia 48

      Off to North Carolina

      21 de maio de 2018, Estados Unidos ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Nashville was awesome and we definetly want to go back. There is so much we didn't see and experience.

      We made it out of the KOA by 11. We even got a swim in the pool before we set off, as well as tenpin bowling and a swing on the hammocks. Our plan was to stop in Gatlinburg, a small mountain town that the locals at the festival said to visit. We were staying in a cabin at Asheville so we didn't need to set up a tent, so we could check in late.

      Well, Gatlinburg didn't happen. Brandon needed to go to the bathroom and we therefore we pulled off and stopped at Cummins Falls. What a great little surprise. It was a short walk to the overlook of supposedly one of the best swimming holes in North America. It was awesome and we will be back some day to swim in the hole and sit under the falls.

      We made it to the Asheville East KOA a bit after 7pm, losing another hour as we made it to the East Coast. We didn't have a tent to set up, as mom upgraded us to a cabin as she used to work at this KOA. It is a large KOA, and is has 2 lakes and has the Swannanoa River running through it. The KOA advertises about tubing down the river, but the river was fast and very high as they had over a week of rainy weather. No way could we let the kids go in there.

      Mom raved about the Pisgah brewery not far from the KOA, so we planned on eating dinner there, but we didn't realise they didn't serve food. Josh bought some beer to go and we went to the little town of Black Mountain and had an amazing dinner at Trailhead. It was the best dinner we have had out, felt healthy and tasty, and with 2 beers and dessert, with tip was $50. So affordable.
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    • Dia 15


      14 de maio de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

      1 individual changing rooms for ladies to get into their bathing suits
      2 pool. Not pictured: old-timey gym, steam bath box thing, etc
      3 one of several storerooms. House had a walk-in refrigerated room.
      4 turns out this wasn't the laundry room. The real one had industrial sized equipment
      5 this is Joan of Arc. There ain't a lot of female saints to go opposite your males. some of the grotesques were griffins, notable persons, a bear with a honeypot
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    • Dia 15

      Biltmore Estate

      14 de maio de 2016, Estados Unidos ⋅ ☀️ 18 °C

      The camera in this phone takes good quality pictures but something about the zoom or field of view or something is too small. I could hardly get any good shots of anything in the house.

      Biltmore is "America's Largest House" (trademark.) The house is 120 (?) acres (house only), 250 rooms, 70 bathrooms, indoor bowling alley, indoor pool, Otis elevators (house had cutting edge amenities from day 1, including central heat and its own phone system.) Vanderbilt (grandson of the train baron) eventually bought 100,000 (?) acres of the surrounding land - land denuded of all trees in his time. Frederick Law Olmsted, his landscaper, was one of the first Americans to realize land needed conservation. Vanderbilt's efforts led to the creation of the US Forestry Service. The drive to the house is 3 miles through magnificent (man-made) landscape. By buggy this was 45 minutes. You were supposed to leave your cares behind. The driveway enters the grounds parallel to the house - so you can't see it till you turn the corner. The grounds are similarly laid out with genius. The compound is so big they have fly fishing lessons, Range Rover offroading lessons, etc. The house is full of Renoirs, Singer Sargents, a Ming vase or 3, Albrecht Durer engravings, etc.

      1 cantilevered giant spiral staircase
      2 where to start? roof is 5 stories up and still is monogramed. House has 50 fireplaces and 16 chimneys, hmm. House has gargoyles but high tech invention downspouts
      3 main dining hall, 3 fireplaces
      4 giant organ opposite fireplaces
      5 two stories floor to ceiling of books, spiral staircase, giant fireplace, door hidden behind 2nd story of fireplace so guests in bedrooms could get a book. Vanderbilt picked every book himself.
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    Você também pode conhecer este local seguindo os nomes:

    Township of Asheville, Asheville Township

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