United States
Welsh Congregational Church (historical)

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  • Day 16

    Day 11, Youngstown, Ohio

    August 17, 2013 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    Day Eleven - We planned to get out of Washington early to beat the traffic but when we slept in it became a non option.

    It seemed a much smarter idea to leave it a little later to get out after the peak hour rush. Only one problem, the peak hour never ends in Washington.

    This was going to be Bec's last day with us once we got back to Youngstown. Once there she would be on campus and moving into her new apartment with her room mate Shannon. Took a rest stop and looked for an RV park in or near Youngstown to settle ourselves down for a few days, absolutely nothing closer than 24miles (40k) which was a bummer.

    Oh well it was that or sleep in a Walmart carpark but they normally only allow single night stopovers. So we headed out to Country Acres campground and we were very pleasantly surprised. It had tons of things to do on the lake and even activities for kids and adults, a great place.

    Youngstown is an old wealth town from the last century and the mid 1900's that went into decline with the closing down of the steel industry back in the 80's with much of the population moving out into the outer lying hamlets (suburbs) where all the growth had been with shopping centre's and other industries. To this day the centre of Youngstown looks like a ghost town, but the University is slowly buying up a lot of the city area due to its expansion into greater technology industries. As the new gas industries explode in the area Youngstown will be reborn so a lot of opportunity exists here for those entrepreneurial spirits willing to take a chance.

    After dropping Bec off at campus we headed to our park and settled in with the van. Bec's coach Nick and his wife came out to collect us and we went to a lovely Italian restaurant in the local township of Ravenna. Was a lovely night and great to catch up again. Dropped us back and we got an early night as tomorrow we needed to head to the airport and pickup a cheap hire car for the 4 days we were going to be in the area.

    So good night and see you all tomorrow.
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  • Day 17

    Day 12, Youngstown, Ohio

    August 18, 2013 in the United States ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

    Day Twelve - This morning was a sleep in day as we only needed to head into town by midday to collect a Budget hire car to get around for a few days so we could just leave the RV hooked up in the campground, much simpler that way than moving a 34ft Bus around the centre of a large city and university.

    We had Shannon's offer to come out and collect us to head back in to the airport which was the only place available to collect a hire car in the weekend, but with the distance they had to travel to get us I decided to make another plan of attack.

    What we chose to do was head into the airport in the RV to collect the car, take the RV back out to the campground and do a re-hookup and then head into town to help Bec with settling into her new apartment. Worked beautifully but meant we didn't get there till after 2:00pm, not to worry, got the shopping done and then met Shannon's parents at the apartment as well. They had come up from Pittsburgh to help the girls get settled and were a lovely couple that bend over backwards for the girls.

    Off to Target, a little bit different to the Targets we have in Australia, these stores are massive and carry a lot more variety. Collected all the things she needed for the apartment and then proceeded to head back there and assemble the bedroom items she chose to add to her room. Most main furniture items are provided on campus but some additional storage never goes astray.

    The car we got by the way was a Dodge Challenger, a mid size car but very nice to drive and quite a sporty looking thing, handles well too.

    Our day was pretty well taken up with helping Bec get settled and also to take a bit of a look around to see what sort of vehicle we may be able to pick up for her later on as a car really is a bit of a necessity due to most of the shops and resources being out of the centre areas now and out in the suburbs.

    By the time we got all that done it was pushing 9:00pm and I was ready for the sack, said our farewells and headed back out to the campsite. Into bed and tomorrow is another day.
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  • Day 14

    Youngstown, Ohio

    August 14, 2015 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    After all our days in the car and travelling we all decided that rather than take another stop along the route to Youngstown, we would just make it a straight through run and get back late evening.

    Well our 9 1/2 drive turned into 14 hours with a couple of stops and some considerable traffic roadworks along the way, but we finally made it back into Youngstown around midnight and straight off to some well earned rest.

    A little note that you might find interesting. In the above photo you will notice a boring version of a snap showing a woman in the car along side us. You probably can't see it but what makes this snap more interesting is that she is smoking a Turkish Hookah pipe whilst driving along. It was hilarious when we first saw massive amount of smoke pouring out of her windows we thought the car was on fire. Not until we slid alongside did we notice the long pipe and hose that she was playfully consuming. Hopefully it was just some essence she was smoking and nothing else but it did make the highlight of our day, we all laughed our heads off.
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Welsh Congregational Church (historical)

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