United States
Wills Hole Thoroughfare

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    • Day 6

      Six Flags / Point Pleasant

      August 16, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

      Started our drive back towards Canada but not without some fun stops along the way. Alexa and i have talked about this specific day for a few months lesding up to now. Mostly because this particular six flags has the world's tallest roller coaster at 425 feet tall ! Plus a whole bunch of other huge crazy coasters as well.

      Decided to begin our day on the smallest of all of them but a really unique one called The Joker where you ride beside the track and your seat can fully rotate on its own in free motion independant of the ride. Hands down the scariest thing i have ever done including sky diving many years ago. Poor alexa screamed so much and so loud you'd swear she was being murdered next to me. I was absolutely not ready for that experience wow!

      We were both really shaken up by that ride and it helped to be in line for a while for our next few rides to calm the nerves. Rode superman which has you lying face down. Then green lantern which is a stand up roller coaster. Both of which put you through a lot of loops and inversions. Then the rain came during our food break which seemed to clear out a ton of people from the park and we were walking right onto most rides.

      El Toro was easily the biggest and best wooden coaster I've ever ridden and it freaked me out cuz i was coming way out of my seat on the hills. Followed by Medusa which probably had more inversions than I've ever experienced but super fun.

      Finally we nervously got in line for Kingda Ka, the tallest in the world. It accelerates you from zero to 200kmh in seconds, shoots you straight upwards to the top, slowly crests the peak and then straight down all 425 feet with a barrel roll. I waa soooo scared sitting there waiting for take off. The entire up and down takes about 7 seconds and its actually hard to even have time to be scared. That initial drop feels all kinds of wrong but its over so fast. We loved it so much, we got right back in line and did it again! Feels like you've strapped yourself to a rocket that tries and fails to take you into orbit haha.

      After that, rode the amazingly smooth and wild single seat Jersey Devil, got alexa completely soaked on the congo rapids, then wild mouse in the dark called The Dark Knight and finished with inverted coaster Batman.

      Drove 30 minutes to the Jersey Shore to Point Pleasant Beach and found a nearby place for a late meal, some cards and still chatting away about today's experiences. Pretty sure we talked more about the terrifying joker ride more than everything else combined. But the best was alexa telling me 20 times what an amazing day she had :)
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