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    • Dag 13


      14. oktober 2017, Uruguay ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Alles chli eifacher und langsamer als in Buenos Aires, alli nämeds chli chilliger obwohls au e grossi Stadt isch... mir hend fasch alles z'Fuess chöne erkunde und sind per Zuefall am Canabismuseum verbiicho wo mir de feini duft hend chöne schmöcke... isch nämli legal döt zum kiffe, das schmöckt me au immer ide Strosse... Mir hend ime Hostel mitere wunderschöne Dachterasse gwohnt wo alles mit viel Liebi igrichtet xi isch und d'Lüt sind oberfründlich, au wenn mir no fasch kei Spanisch chönd... aber mir sind fliessig am lerne... Üsen Usflug noch Punta del Este het sich nöd wahnsinnig glohnt, isch chli snoobig xi,... riese Hochhüser... grrrr...defür hend mir Seeläue vo ganz noch xeh :)... vo Montevideo us hend mir üs denn ufde Wäg gmacht noch Salto Uruguay für de Grenzübertritt noch Concordia Argentinie zum als nöchsts zu de Wasserfäll Iguazu z'cho wo mir üs im Moment riesig druf froied!!Les mer

    • Dag 17

      On the River of Silver

      14. desember 2018, Uruguay ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Imagine the common air traveler: Getting to the airport early after a so-so night's sleep waiting for the alarm to sound, waiting in line at the airport to check in, waiting in a security queue, waiting to board the plane then sitting back down to wait another hour when the flight is delayed, waiting...waiting... It doesn't matter where you travel, it's pretty much the same. And I do know...it could be worse. 😏

      But we made it to Montevideo, Uruguay (yay!), a broad city of nearly 1.5 million people on the Río de la Plata (River of Silver)--the widest river in the world--and we are grateful. We were welcomed into the temporary home of our granddaughter, Juliana, who is on a university exchange here. Wonderful to see her after four months away from Corvallis. We caught up over wine and dinner, then dropped hard into slumber, all content.

      Our photo of the day is a downtown Montevideo restaurant recommendation from a fellow flyer.
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    • Dag 19

      First Tango in Uruguay

      16. desember 2018, Uruguay ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      In yesterday's "footprint"--that's FindPenguins speak for "blog entry"--I included a photo of Palacio Salvo. Today we toured that same ornate 30-story building, constructed in just five years and completed in 1928. Afterward, in the ground floor Tango Museum, we learned about the somewhat unseemly origins of this sultry dance and its first composer (his sister helped, but wanted no credit), Uruguayan Matos Rodriguez.

      At a restaurant for lunch, I finally had the chance to use my most practiced Spanish phrase: "¿Dónde está el baño?" I was very proud. 😊

      The day was very warm, probably mid-80s. For our finishing flurry, we headed back to the Rambla to watch the sunset and dip our toes in the river. I thought there'd be just a few observers, but the area was thronged with people riding carnival rides, browsing the wares of craft vendors, wiggling their behinds to some catchy Carnival-style drumming, and lined up at McDonald's for a late-night beef fix.
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