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    • Day 18


      October 15, 2023 in Uruguay ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

      Wir genießen es, mal in einer Großstadt am Meer zu wohnen. Na ja, eigentlich ist es nur der Rio de la Plata. Fühlt sich aber an und sieht aus wie das Meer.
      Am Wochenende hatten wir uns Fahrräder geliehen, um damit die Rambla zu erkunden. Insgesamt zieht sich die Strandpromenade über mehr als 20km. Im östlichen Teil sind die gehobenen Stadtviertel und die schöneren Strände. Aber uns gefällt unser Barrio in der Ciudad Vieja am Besten 😀.
      Unser Schiff ist immer noch in Brasilien. Wird jetzt wohl Freitag, bis wir unser Auto bekommen. Glücklicherweise können wir unser Airbnb verlängern.
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    • Day 24

      Montevideo 🇺🇾

      January 25, 2023 in Uruguay ⋅ 🌬 25 °C

      Mit de Fähre vo Buenos Aires uf Colonia del Sacramento und vo det us mit em Bus uf Montevideo simmer spaat am Abig ih eusem Selina-Hostel ahcho. S Selina in mtv het erscht grad Ahfang Jahr eröffnet. Dementsprächend isch au d Infrastruktur gsi.. S isch em guete Ruef vo de Selina Chetti leider nid eso grächt worde. E gueti Bar unwiit vom Hostel entfärnt het am Eron aber trotzdem no de Abig grettet. Warum? Sie hend 1liter-Bier gha. S europäische Stelle Artois isch nämlich sowieso s beschte. Ich zitiere de Eron: Europäisches Bier mit Südamerikanischem Bier z vergliiche isch wie wenn du d Bahnhofstrass mit de Plaza Cataluña vergliichsch 🤣
      Guet die folgende Täg sind leider nöd eso ufregend gsi. In mtv isch leider nöd so viel los gsi, am Abig hemmer amel au nöd viel möge mache. S isch de Taag dur rächt heiss gsi!
      Ich han nach 6 Täg entlich wieder Olive gässe (han scho rächti Enzugserschiinige gha). D Olive sind in Uruguay au würkli sautüür. S Ihksufe im Supärmärt isch au würkli tüürer wie bi eus ide schwiiz.
      S guete ah Uruguay isch aber, dass kei Mehrwertstüür verrächnet wird, wenn mer mit ere usländische Karte zahlt. So hämmer also ide Restis immer 22% gspared 🙂
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    • Day 13

      Starbucks Uruguay

      October 19, 2023 in Uruguay ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      My first time in a Starbucks this trip. There was a breakfast mix up at my hotel so I “had” to head out and find something. Not hard here, there are many places to choose from. Today, I picked Starbucks. A small coffee and an avocado bagel. $250.00 Uruguay pesos. Around 6.50 usd. But the views were the reason I choose it.Read more

    • Day 46–52

      Montevideo, Uruguay

      January 9 in Uruguay ⋅ 🌬 79 °F

      We can't quite wrap our heads around this city. It's big, but seems small. After a day here, we realized that half the population has left for vacation somewhere else. It's like Italy in August. Everyone takes a holiday at the same time. If you live in a city with great beaches, where do you go for vacation? To other beach towns apparently.

      We have a nice apartment 4 blocks from the largest beach, Pocitos. It's a mile long arc of a beach similar to Copacabana in Rio. But the comparison ends there. There are no beach restaurants or bars. The street on the beach is all high rise condos and we find it so odd that there are car dealerships and paint stores instead of restaurants and cafes.

      We walked through the old town during the day on Sunday and it was post-apocolyptic. Streets were empty and trash was blowing everywhere around graffiti stained buildings. Lots of homeless people about. But if we did that 2 months later, I'm sure our experience would be different.

      Uruguay makes their own wines and we're sampling them. For reds, the Tannat is king. The grape is originally from SW France near Toulouse and it seems to thrive here. It's great with steaks, which we're eating every other day. Why not? When in Rome. We haven't found a great white wine yet.

      This is probably the spendiest country in Latin America with the best economy, but it's still much cheaper than the US. And to our surprise, there is an 18% refund on restaurant bills if you pay with a foreign credit card. So after a standard 10% tip, a steak meal for 2 with a bottle of wine is $50-$60 and an apartment near the beach is about $75. Steaks are so big, we split them and are still full.

      So far, it's been beach time in the morning and then sightseeing in the afternoon. There are several museums. We stumbled onto a Gaucho museum at a former cathedral-like bank. Banco Republico is the largest bank here and they turned their old colossal bank building into a museum. The building itself is the museum because it looks like Grand Central station with marble everywhere.

      Our Pocitos barrio is on the upscale and trendy side but with so many people gone and half the businesses closed, it just has a strange vibe. We feel totally safe though.

      We went back downtown for museums on a Monday and it was livelier. The 1972 Museum was fascinating. It has artifacts and displays on the 1972 Uruguayan rugby team plane crash in the Andes that inspired the movie and book "Alive" and the recent retelling on Netflix's "Society of the Snow." It was nominated for the best foreign film Oscar last year. I highly recommend it.

      The historic center is a strange hodgepodge of old and newer, ugly architecture. There are a lot of art Deco buildings that are quite beautiful, but for every one of those there's about 10 ugly or abandoned buildings covered in scribbled graffiti nearby. I haven't seen any graffiti that I would call art. The guidebook said the centro historico is used in films as a stand-in for old Havana, but I can't see it.

      It seems like the only way this is the richest country per capita in South America is because the population is so small, about half of that of Wisconsin. We did walk to the ritzy business section and there was a lot of money and Mall culture there.

      In general, there's just not a lot to do here for a tourist except beach time. We walked by the Montevideo selfie spot sign near the beach. There were busloads of tourists stopping to stand in line to take photos. Deanne read that that is one of the biggest tourist hot spots in the city. Oh man, I think I'm a spoiled traveler if that's someone's highlight. It's freezing back home so I'm not complaining! But, we are missing Buenos Aires with its huge leafy parks, it's range of restaurants, etc

      More photos and videos are here.

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    • Day 375–381

      Zurück in Montevideo

      November 27, 2024 in Uruguay ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Wir sind zurück am Ausgangsort unserer Reise, in Montevideo.
      Die letzten Tage werden wir in einem feinen Hotel mit Pool und Rooftop-Bar verbringen.

      Der UNICAT ist für den Hafen eingecheckt, jetzt stehen wir am Straßenrand und warten, bis die Abgabe (14:00 Uhr) erfolgt.

      Ein bisschen Freude und ein bisschen Wehmut …
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    • Day 11

      Selina, Montevideo

      October 17, 2023 in Uruguay ⋅ 🌬 57 °F

      I arrived at a Selina Co-living hostel. I’ve wanted to try one since I heard about them. Basically it’s a hotel with a mix of single rooms with bathrooms (mine was $24.00 usd a night), some rooms with shared bathrooms, and some bunk type rooms. There is a large common room, a decent kitchen, tables to eat, desks to work from, a patio and a common area. It’s a bit like an adult’ish fraternity or sorority. Every night at 6:30 is yoga, Friday and Saturday is a movie, wine tasting on Tuesday. These are all over the world and such a great idea. I can see these as a thing for older travelers who want to make friends but not travel together. This location is a block from the beach.Read more

    • Day 341

      Uruguay H3 #311

      December 6, 2024 in Uruguay ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      This is the start of the Uruguay H3 14th Anniversary weekend, and with a few visitors already in town . . . why not throw on a hash. I was happy to volunteer to set a live trail, with no scouting, and just winging it. Turned out ok, for nearly 6 kms, unless you were the FRB, and you got to do that checking (BtC managed to score over 7 k). We wrapped things up with a round of beer, before wandering out into the night for dinner. Another great day on the hash.

      Tomorrow, we have a 2-3 hour drive out into the countryside for an outstation celebration.
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    • Day 13

      Montevideo River

      October 19, 2023 in Uruguay ⋅ ⛅ 59 °F

      The city is built adjacent to the water. It follows the coast line with bays and peninsulas. But for me the water is not relaxing. When I sit in a cafe on the ocean with beach and sand I find it calming. This water is far from that. It’s brown, murky, and except for the evening kite surfers, no one is in it. It must be that the water is not truly the ocean , it turns out to be a river. (The widest river in the world). So this water is more like being lakeside in Michigan. A never ending run of little waves and a pretty good breeze.Read more

    • Day 109–112

      Ungeplant in Uruguay - Montevideo

      January 29, 2024 in Uruguay ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

      Gelegenheiten sollte man nutzen - also auf mit der Fähre nach Uruguay. Die Fähre von Buenos Aires brauchte nur ein paar Stunden und wir hörten auch nur gutes über dieses recht unbekannte Land. Die Verbindung klappte prima und so kamen wir bestens gestimmt in der Hauptstadt an und erkundeten diese auch prompt.

      Uruguay steht für Wohlstand, europäische Qualitäts- und Preisstandarts, links-Liberale LGBQ und Marihuana-Gesetze, Mate und freundliche Menschen. Man könnte auch sagen, ein etwas besser funktionierendes Argentinien.

      Wir verbrachten 3 Nächte in Montevideo und waren von dieser wunderschönen, historischen und strandnahen Stadt begeistert. Die City bot historische und schöne Gebäude sowie tolle Cafe's und Restaurants.

      Unser Highlight waren aber die Sonnenuntergänge an den Stadtstränden, wo sich allabendlich die Lokals nach der Arbeit trafen um Mate zu trinken, Musik zu machen, zu Essen, zu rauchen oder einfach nur den Sonnenuntergang zu genießen. So stellen wir uns, gerade im Sommer einen perfekten Abend vor.
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    • Day 12

      Creative signage

      October 18, 2023 in Uruguay ⋅ 🌬 57 °F

      I always enjoy good wayfinding. This one is new. When I got off the elevator at the Selina I noticed the floor number on the wall opposite the elevator. Wait! Is that in a mirror? Why yes, yes it is. Here is a photos of the 4 printed backwards on the space between the elevators. CoolRead more

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