North Vietnam

maj 2016
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    The month of You

    11. maj 2016, Vietnam ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

    With all your fears and imperfections. With all these right and wrong things you've done. With your commitments and believe that she will save you. I still accept the way you are. Funny to say, but you are the only true thing I had in my life. Unexpected, pure, deep, strange, amazing, passionate, natural - all it became so real to me. Forgetting my uber hipsterism and stupid independency. The feeling when you just afraid that someone might be hurt more than you. When you honestly can't find the words to express what's going on. And how to prove that this could be the best thing you could choose. When you are ready to learn someone's crazy language and move to the furthest place of the planet just to stay together. And have a party to all the friends. And get this airbnb. When all time goes to counting the days until you leave and asking for another morning waking up to see those eyes. The funny way you move your nose when you're dreaming. The silhouette of your back. The way you look. The way you walk. The tone of your voice. The little bones on the top of your shoulders. 27 little brown spots on your back. The same sound you make when you yawn and orgasm. Uncomfortable silent minutes when my imagination messing up saying it's just the time which will pass and it all will be different. As silly as it may sound but I really wanted to show you who I am. And I still couldn't be myself as I knew the things which happened did hurt you. You said I'm crazy. But Ive never been like this before - I was just crazy for you. You inspired me to dream about sleeping on rooftops and finally learning geography. For the first time I felt I met someone so similar to me. I wanted to tell you all my secrets but you became one of my biggest secrets instead. It was a month of YOU. Goodnight, my stupid little vanha pieru.Læs mere