Cái Thia

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    • День 49

      Day 49

      25 марта, Вьетнам ⋅ ⛅ 35 °C

      Ho Chi Minh > Mekong Delta

      For breakfast we thought we'd go back to the Café Appartments as we quite liked it last time depsite it being a little spenny. We grabbed over and explored the whole building looking for a different café. The issue is alot of them either did full meals or no food atall so we went back to the old classic. Yet again I went for the drink and 2 cakes strategy - this time a berry tea with an apple crumble doughnut and a "Ferrero Rocher" cake. They were both super tasty of course but so sickly.

      Afterwards it was time for some hardcore haggling at the Ben Thanh Market. Infamous for its busting narrow corridors between the stands selling all the fake merchandise that your heart could desire. But this wasn't time to mess around. No sir. Strategy was of the upmost importance. Step 1: know what you're looking for. For me, I wanted some colourful crocs, a patagonia mesh back cap, and a big and bright North Face duffel bag. It was going well, I scored a nice looking Patagonia cap for just over £3. But that's when the plan started to go awry. I happened to clock some neon yellow Nike running shorts. Now if anyone knows anything about me, 2 of my favourite things are bright colours and pretending that I run. Me and the lady enter a fierce battle of negotiation. I was fierce but she was flirting with me probably just to drive the price up. Her slapping my ass aside, I stayed strong and we settled on just less than £6.50. Decent deal but if I stayed stronger I could have driven it down a bit more. Okay its croc time. I didn't know exactly what colour I wanted but it had to be bold and bright. Unfortunately as they all stock very similar knock-offs, the crocs were are the same mundane colour (atleast the ones that would fit me) and I had to abandon ship.

      It was now time for the final showdown for a duffel bag. Me and Alfie both wanted one so we could use that to our advantage. We also both wanted a bright colour in the largest size which let us narrow our choices a bit. Eventually we found a seller who had a bright large duffel as most of the brighter colours were for the smaller ones. Unfortunately we both wanted the yellow one so either we matched or someone had to get a different colour. Deciding to accept the future confusion when we had our climbing gear in the van, we got matching duffs for just over £11 each. We'd have liked to have knocked it below a tenner but Alfie showed our hand too early that we wanted 2. Que sera sera!

      We grabbed some lunch (more banh mi for mi) and grabbed our bags before leaving to get our bus to Can Tho. Unfortunately this was where I made the grave mistake of leaving my sliders behind - to be continued! We hop on this bus and lemme tell you - it was nice. I would argue the nicest bus / minivan we had been on so far oooh we were living la vida luxury and I made sure I enjoyed that trip the best I could. We ended up in Can Tho, passing where our homestay is so we had to get a grab back up. Google Maps said we needed to get a ferry up to cross the river without having to do a big loop so hopefully a driver would accept our ride. Luckily it wasn't long before he cruised up in his sleek new car and we were on our way. Not knowing what he was planning, I saw that he continued following the GPS towards the river crossing. It wasn't until we got there that he looked very confused and asked us for the address. For a tense little while we weren't sure what was gonna happen. He spent some time looking up something on his phone, then calling someone, then he ended up leaving the car and running over to presumably the ticket office. He came back with a receipt and gave us the thumbs up. Onwards! Well onwards when the ferry was ready to board.

      Eventually after a crossing and another drive we had been delivered to our guesthouse and we tipped decently after probably ruining this guy's evening. As we checked in we were given the menu straight away to order our food as it was somewhere between 8 and 9. Whilst we waited we checked into our room where it seemed that our triple room was designed for a couple and a kid and not a fully grown adult. We played some darts whilst we waited - which was more of a throw and pray instead of play but it was actually quite fun hurtle the darts and try and get them to stick. We say hello to the cute little dog on the property and eat our yummy dinner then head to bed. It was an expensive day with all the travel and shopping but worth it I think.
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    • День 50

      Day 50

      26 марта, Вьетнам ⋅ ☀️ 35 °C

      Mekong Delta

      We got up for breakfast at 7 because we had signed up for the boat tour this morning. Breakfast was simple but beautiful: a soft baguette with a tomato and onion omelette with little bits of cucumber cut into heart shapes. Sitting right on the riverside but now in the daytime was really nice as we could actually see out across the river. We hopped on our boat and headed out. Moving at a slow pace it let us really take in the quaint scenery - well except for the loud as hell engine that I sat right infront of.

      Stop number one was actually a stop to a different set of boats. We hopped on the classic sampan boat (small wooden paddle propelled raft that are used alot on the Mekong) and each given a reed conical hat to wear. They miscalculated the numbers so I ended up sitting on the very front of our boat. Feeling like an Instagram influencer, we floated down a small offshoot and passed lots of floating plants until we got to a bamboo bridge and then we headed back the way we came.

      We hopped back on our engine powered boat (not that the other ones had anything wrong with them but may have been a bit slow for the whole tour) and unknowingly headed towards some factories. This might sound like an odd stop, which at first I thought so too but it was actually quite interested. We got to see how they made different things like rice wine (which I had a sip of at maybe 10am and was POTENT especially for the time of day, so unlike Daisy, I decided not to finish my shot. They also had different falvoured ones aswell as a jug FILLED WITH SNAKES? I have no idea what it was but I wasn't touching that. Next we saw how rice was popped like popcorn to make something very close to rice crispies, then they were put into blocks and sometimes flavoured to make quite a nice snack - probably what that Thai farmer offered us when we were in North Thailand. After we saw how coconut flesh was crushed down and heated to make these little candies. They had loads of different candies to try and I ended up buying a small bag of banana candy. Finally, outside the shop they had a (unfortunately probably heavily sedated) snake chilling in a cage where you could pick it up or stroke it. It took me long enough to be bold enough to touch it let alone pick it up and it felt weird but also quite nice.

      After we were heading to a "local floating market" and I don't know about you but in my opinion a floating market had to be... well... floating? This was just a local market for fresh (or maybe not so fresh) produce and meat. It was cool to see but to be honest I didn't really want any half alive fish or chicken that was sitting out in the open. After, we headed to a fish farm which was mostly just some water and the occasional dead fish before heading back to our homestay.

      Back at our place, some people brought over a couple new dogs who were somehow smaller than the other dog I met yesterday. These must have been weeks old as they were so so tiny and kind of still learning to walk properly. After spending arguably too much time cuddling the little dudes (also arguably not enough time), I tracked down my swim shorts from our washing load and went for a dip in the pool. I ended up playing catch with a couple German dudes who were pretty chill. I had some grilled chicken and rice for lunch before chilling for a little while, admiring the waves rock the plants.

      As you may know I'm not a big chiller so decided to see if I could go for a swim in the Mekong itself. It was a bit brown which put Alfie and Daisy off but I took the initiative and went by myself before meeting a Dutch girl who had been travelling for about 6 months and was going around painting her travels which I thought was awesome. Loads of little sketchpad that she had to keep posting back home. She ended up jumping in the water with me, as well as an English dude who had just arrived. The 3 of us swam in the river (carefully not to get hit by a boat) as the sun set. One of the German dudes had a drone and got some quite cool videos that I'll try and upload.

      After a while, the orange sun had fully set (this time not even disappearing under the classic Asian haze) and I went and found Alfie and Daisy in the pool. After informing them they had missed the sunset, we ended up playing a botched game of volleyball where strategy went out the window and it was more of a mad dive for the ball before it hit the water. We had dinner then planned our onward travel whilst playing uno. Alfie and Daisy were tired so they went to bed and I aimed to follow right behind them but ended up getting sucked into a pool game with 3 Germans, an English, and a Vietnamese dude who we referred to as 'boss man' as he lived here and also didn't speak a word of English.

      What followed were a few of the most intense games of German rules 3 verses 3 pool I had ever played. A mix of insane shots as well as massive whifs made for a tense set of games. I had gotten a few lucky shots right at the start which gave everyone a false impression I was a wildcard player. Boss man decided to bring out some rice wine aswell which I didn't want but you can't say no to a shot that had already been poured for you. Luckily this one was more tame than the one this morning. It was also no longer morning which helped a damn lot. Boss man went to bed and we wrapped up after another couples games before I tried to sneak into our room without waking anyone. This failed immensely but I got showered and headed to bed.
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    • День 57


      21 февраля 2020 г., Вьетнам ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Am 19.2. sind wir zum südlichsten Punkt unserer Vietnamreise aufgebrochen, dem Mekong-Delta. Wir wohnen etwas abgelegen auf einer kleinen Insel mitten im Mekong. Die Anreise hatte es in sich: Zuerst fuhren wir mehrere Stunden mit einem Schlafbus, der bis schätzungsweise 1,65 cm Körpergröße bestimmt sehr bequem ist. An der Haltestelle wurden wir von zwei Motorrädern abgeholt, die uns inklusive der Riesenrucksäcke bis zu einem kleinen Anleger gefahren haben, von dem aus es mit dem Boot zu unserer Unterkunft ging. Wir haben eine kleine Hütte auf dem Wasser, total cool! :)
      Bei einer Bootstour haben wir noch mehr von der Region gesehen. Hier wird sehr viel auf dem Fluss transportiert und viele Gebäude sind direkt vom Boot aus zugänglich. Die Insel selbst ist sehr grün und es wird viel Obst angebaut. Wir waren ganz beeindruckt, wie groß so eine Jackfruit werden kann...
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