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    • Día 79

      A visit to Mulberry Mongoose

      24 de julio de 2023, Zambia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

      We continued our drive, passing village after village. Many of the people in this area earn a living from growing cotton. It is exported to Zimbabwe to be processed as there is no production facility in Zambia. They also make bricks from the local red clay, a back-breaking enterprise.

      As we approached our campsite, Croc Valley, just outside the national park, we passed through the village of Mfuwe. We visited Mulberry Mongoose, a women’s co-operative supported by Intrepid. They make jewellery from wire used in snares by poachers to illegally catch animals. The profits go to help anti-poaching initiatives. It was interesting to hear the story of how the workshops began. Most of us bought something as it is such a good cause. I bought another bracelet to go with my growing collection of African pieces!
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    • Día 80

      Early morning drive in South Luangwa NP

      25 de julio de 2023, Zambia ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

      We were up at 5.0am for a light breakfast of coffee and cereal before our early morning game drive. We were very happy not to have to take our tents down! At 5.45am, our two 4 x 4s arrived and we split into two groups of 10. There is still a clear divide between the old and new groups! We ended up with 9 of the original group and one new member. Our driver was Musa. We set off together, but soon went our separate ways. We spent four hours in the park. During that time we saw:

      • Lots of bushbucks
      • Vervet monkeys
      • Waterbucks
      • The nest of a pair of hammerkopfs, as well as the birds themselves
      • Hundreds of guinea fowl
      • A family of warthogs searching for food in the mud
      • Loads of impalas
      • Groups of baboons
      • Elephants, including very young ones
      • Hippos
      • An African Fish Eagle, the national bird of Zambia
      • Crocodiles
      • Zebras, including one with a nasty gash on its leg
      • Plovers
      • Marabou storks
      • Buffalo
      • Fava bean storks
      • Sacred ibis
      • Thorneycroft giraffes
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    • Día 80

      Craft shopping in Mfuwe

      25 de julio de 2023, Zambia

      When we got back to camp after our game drive, Henry had prepared us a hot lunch. We then had free time before our afternoon game drive began at 4pm. Most of the group went to the pool or the bar or both. Mona and I asked Laban to arrange a taxi for us so that we could go and explore the craft shops and market we had seen on the way in yesterday.

      Our driver, Owen, arrived to pick us up at 12.30pm. His nickname is Mr Tall, for the obvious reason that he is the tallest man in the village! On the way out of Croc Valley, we saw elephants and, unusually, a hippo out of the water. It isn’t far to the village from the campsite, and we felt like frauds for taking a taxi, but we were warned that it was too dangerous to walk. In fact, Owen stopped to warn a guy that we saw walking along the road by himself that there were elephants in the vicinity.

      Once we reached the village, Owen took us to a place to change a few dollars to Zambian Kwacha. The lady in the first place he took us to offered us a shockingly low exchange rate, so we got back in the taxi, drove across the road, and did some kind of dodgy deal with a guy through the car window! 😂

      Owen then dropped us off and arranged to pick us up from the textile centre at the other end of the village at 2pm. We walked up the road through the market, chatting to people as we went. We saw lots of waxed cotton fabrics for sale, and there were ladies with sewing machines in the next road back waiting to make the material up into garments. There were colourful displays of fresh fruit and vegetables and bottles of unidentifiable liquids. Many of the ladies in the market spoke very little English. We loved spending time looking at everything. This felt like we were finally getting the authentic experience we had been wanting.

      After the market, we visited the craft shops, most of which were run by women’s co-operatives, and a couple of which had nice-looking cafés. There were some interesting projects being supported, including one to supply reusable sanitary towels to girls so that they didn’t have to miss any school. There were also some lovely handcrafted items on sale. Mona bought some trousers and a cotton zipped bag. I bought a wallet. We both bought jewellery. I resisted the temptation to buy a beautiful handwoven scarf!
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    • Día 80

      Tribal Textiles, Mfuwe

      25 de julio de 2023, Zambia ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

      We ended our very enjoyable shopping spree at the inspiring ‘Tribal Textiles’, where we met Honor from Chichester, who is just coming to the end of a three-month internship there. She was painting a mural on the outside wall of the shop. She was telling us about an art project she has helped to set up where the local children are making a giant baobab tree out of rubbish they have collected.

      Owen picked us up at the appointed time and took us back to the campsite where we regaled the rest of the group with tales of our outing. We spent the time until our next game drive with the others in the bar.
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    • Día 51

      Mfuwe - Marula Lodge

      4 de octubre de 2018, Zambia ⋅ ☀️ 36 °C

      Version française plus bas...

      Wir sind in Mfuwe angekommen, das Tor zum South Luangwa Nationalpark. Und wir haben Glück: unser Favorit, die Marula Lodge hat noch Betten frei. Wir wollten einen Platz im Dorm, jetzt haben wir sogar ein kleines Zimmer zum Preis des Schlafsaals bekommen. Schnell waren wir uns einig, dass wir an diesem faszinierendem Ort drei Nächte bleiben wollen. Und das zu einem unschlagbaren Preis: 210 Euro pro Person mit Essen und Safaris. In Tanzania zahlt man locker den dreifachen Preis. Und hier ist es nicht überlaufen, keine Schlangen von Touri-Jeeps, die den Tieren hinterherjagen.
      Der Nachmittag unserer Ankunft war bereits genial. Auf dem Weg zur Lodge sahen wir Elefanten, Affen und viele afrikanische Rehe ( bush buck). Die Lodge lieht direkt am Luangwa Fluß und die Tiere sind einfach da und wir können nur staunen. Der Hinweis des Lodgebesitzers: bei direktem Nilpferd und Elefantenkontakt Ruhe bewahren und auf keinen Fall weglaufen, einfach still bleiben und ausharren. Wir machen es uns in den Stühlen am Fluss gemütlich, knipsen ein paar Photos und was passiert wenig später?! Ein riesiges Nilpferd steigt zu uns hinauf und steht irgendwann zwei Meter neben uns, starrt uns an. Wow! Sind die nicht eigentlich super gefährlich?! Dann zieht es weiter und verbringt den restlichen Nachmittag auf dem Gelände um uns, bis es weiterzieht. Später ziehen noch einige Elefanten um die Häuser in der Dämmerung. Ab jetzt darf man nur noch mit einem Nachtwächter zu seinem Zimmer. Wir sind jetzt schon sehr begeistert von diesen Begegnungen und freuen uns auf morgen: 5 Uhr Aufstehen! Gute Nacht!

      Du français, du françaiiis!!! Nous voilà dans l'incroyable parc national de south luangwa en Zambie!! Depuis la Tanzanie, on l'attendait:) Et on n'est pas déçu du voyage! A peine arrivé qu'un hippopotame se pointe dans le jardin du lodge. J'ai le coeur qui bat la chamade mais ce qui l'intéresse, c'est juste de manger les feuillages. Le soir, ce sont des éléphants qui nous rendent visite. Il faut rester prudent et ne pas les approcher. Le spectacle est magique.
      Marula lodge est un superbe endroit en bord de rivière. Le personnel est très accueillant et le prix imbattable!

      Pour plus d'infos et de photos, RDV sur notre deuxième site:…
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