Gap Year

mei 2023 - januari 2024
Travelling the world one country and one day at a time! 🌍 Meer informatie
  • 9Footprints
  • 3landen
  • 258dagen
  • 78foto’s
  • 6video’s
  • 19,8kkilometer
  • 18,6kkilometer
  • Dag 1

    Departure SYD-LA

    7 mei 2023, Australië ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    Day one began with a 13 hour flight to LA. Great food and great seat! Felt surreal in business class but got like 6 hours sleep laying down like I was at home.

  • Dag 4


    10 mei 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    For me LA showed both the good and the bad of America. Besides the constant smell of weed in the air everything is super far away in the city and massive, plus there are homeless people and crackheads everywhere. Eating at restaurants is an interesting experience, the service is incredible but figuring out how to tip and pay is hard. We definitely got some side eye when we forgot to tip! It was great to catch up with my Grandma though and spend some time with her exploring the city. Started off at Venice beach and Santa Monica but they were nothing special compared to Bondi although there was a cool vibe at Venice beach. We went to a couple museums including The Getty and a car museum, where it took John (my grandpa) almost 8 minutes to complete a lap on the simulator. We also explored some farmers markets where I bought some menthe à l’eau, and we went on a tour of the Hollywood hills in my Grandma’s car. One thing I noticed was the LA sky is always really nice and sunsets/evenings make you feel like you’re in a movie especially at Griffith Park. (La La Land 54:50)

    Anyway, I became a quintessential American for a couple days: ate lots of burgers, went to Hollywood, saw some celebrities and ate more burgers.


    🍔 Go to In-n-Out it’s as good as they say.
    ⭐️Griffith Park: there’s a bunch of cool walks in the park plus the observatory is cool, saw a very good show in a planetarium.
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  • Dag 4

    La Cruz

    11 mei 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    Went on a day trip to La Cruz on the bumpiest highway I’ve ever been on. (We were going 140km/h!!) I got to see some family I hadn’t seen in a while including Jorge who I got on well with. The main purpose of this day trip was to visit my abuelo’s/grandfather’s grave in a cemetery 30 minutes out of town. It was a nice experience and we attached a plaque in memory of him. I got to see some Narcos graves too!! It was really a hot day so afterwards we of course had to buy some beers on the way to lunch which were extremely cheap! We ate at a seafood restaurant on the beach where I had a massive michelada (the red drink which is beer, tomato juice, clam juice and lime juice as well as spicy chilli) which tasted disgusting. Had some fish and ceviche before heading to the family terreno/family house where I went for a swim. It was cool to see the town again I will for sure head back to stay there in the future.Meer informatie

  • Dag 5

    Mazatlan pt1

    12 mei 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Wow Mazatlan!! Couldn’t of started any better with some amazing tacos and horchata across the road from the hotel. After the day in La Cruz and lots of swimming in the pool and spa we finally got to explore the city. Driving along the Malecon/Seaside promenade we arrived at the faro/lighthouse. After 336 long stairs we arrived at the top, sweating and dehydrated the beautiful view fixed us instantly. Afterwards we visited the observatory which was basically a museum, aviary, iguana sanctuary and distillery all in one. We saw some cool birds, fed them and made a new friend who hung around on my shoulder. We had a lovely lunch on the rooftop, beer in hand of course, specifically a Pacifico which famously comes from the city. A quick try of the local reposado tequila and we were on our way back to the hotel on a pulmonia/a Mexican tuk tuk basically, like a golf buggy. Later that night we met up with the cousins for dinner before I went out with a couple of them which in hindsight wasn’t the smartest idea the night before the wedding. The rooftop club we went to was awesome with incredibly loud music and some sort of fire/sparkler every 5 minutes, it was completely different to Sydney. We drank about 5 bottles of tequila mixed with sparkling water and a bit of lemon soda which is the customary way in Mazatlan. Got absolutely smashed on tequila before returning back to my cousins Airbnb at around 3 where we played uno and jammed out as they had a full dj setup. Only got home at about 5 am but was well worth it.Meer informatie

  • Dag 7

    Mazatlan pt2

    14 mei 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Mazatlan only got better with as you’d expect more beer, tequila and dancing! Saturday was wedding day with the first stop being the church. I put my suit on that I nearly left in Sydney and stopped for an impromptu photo shoot next to some colourful buildings before attending what I would call marriage counselling. Being in the church was fun but the whole ceremony was a little bit different. Anyway, next was the state ceremony which we skipped in favour of lunch before heading to the nicest wedding party ever. It was on a massive outdoor area that overlooked the whole city plus ocean and had the nicest sunset view. Initially it was a little hard to get into the Latino dancing but after a while and a few tequilas I had picked up some new dance moves and didn’t stop dancing till 2 am. I witnessed a spectacular dance between the newly weds including fireworks and Alicia keys, what’s not to love! Spent a lot of time talking with my cousins Luis Carlos and Rosalia as well as the other 300 people in attendance. Eventually it got to that time of the night where the spicy tamarind vodka got passed around which was surprisingly very good, to the extent that even John was having multiple turns of people pouring it into his mouth. The mariachi band arrived at 1 am where the bride, Julissa sang a Mexican classic that I didn’t know. The night ended with more dancing and a sick feeling in my stomach probably from all the cubas/rum and cokes I drank. The festivities continued the next day at this seaside hotel event space for the post boda/wedding party. Unlimited ice cream, carnitas/pork tacos, drinks and gorgeous views were provided as I was able to spend one last day with my cousins. I highly recommend coco horchata, best drink ever!!⭐️ We didn’t quite get to eat lunch with them as we had to catch our flight at 5 but it was a nice way to say goodbye. After what felt like an endless amount of hugs and kisses we left Mazatlan after the best 4 days!! ❤️Meer informatie

  • Dag 11

    Mexico City

    18 mei 2023, Mexico ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    The second biggest city in the world didn’t disappoint. People everywhere, insane traffic, 25 million people all at 2300 metres above sea level. A late night taco munch was a great way to start off on arrival. Mondays are the worst in Mexico and the US, everything is closed, we tried to go to some museum but we had to settle for exploring the centre of town. We had breakfast at a really cool cafe/bookshop before taking a bus to the centre. We arrived to the massive central square where a protest was happening before walking for like an hour through the streets stopping at markets and finding things along the way. We stopped for lunch at a local pub with live music, which was entertaining before relaxing at our hotel. For dinner we went to this awesome Italian restaurant where I had the best empanadas and sauce ever along with a popcorn cocktail. Day two was filled with castles, museums and a visit to Coyoacan which is a beautiful area where I bought a shirt and ate churros. That night we attended a lucha libre (basically Mexican WWE) which was interesting but wouldn’t go again. The next day was an early start at 4 am where we were transported to the famous pyramids. We went on an insane sunrise hot air balloon ride over the pyramids that was actually one of the coolest things I’ve ever done. We met a nice Australian girl who was with us the whole tour including another impromptu photoshoot at the pyramids. I bought a bracelet, drank some pulque which is amazing and tastes like flavoured yakults. We then had breakfast, explored the pyramids on foot, made some Mexican clay figures and then continued on our massive day to a restaurant near our hotel where we watched the champions league. Next stop was back to Coyoacan where Frida Kahlo’s house and her art was located. We finished off our Mexico City trip with dinner with my cousin and breakfast the next morning at a fancy bakery. Finally it was time to leave Mexico as we got on our plane and flew back to Tijuana where we crossed the border back to the USA.Meer informatie

  • Dag 16

    San Diego, CA

    22 mei 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    San Diego was 5 days full of family. We stayed at my aunties parents house but I spent a lot of time at my auntie and uncles house playing with my cousins Tavi, Aila, Fidel and Paz. On arrival we did some shopping ate some tacos and went to my cousin Aila’s spring recital where she played the flute. We had our first of many barbacues that night. The next morning we visited Costco where I bought my favourite cereal and sat in a massage chair for 30 minutes. We then we’re dropped in downtown where we went aboard the USS Midway, an aircraft carrier turner museum that we could have spent the whole day on. We went on this flight simulator and went upside down multiple times. That night I joined my cousin Fidel at a baseball party in preparation for the big game on that Saturday. There was lots of pizza and I made some s’mores before I destroyed some 8 year olds at basketball. The big game finally arrived and Fidel’s baseball team was on fire, smashing the other team 25-1. Instead of celebrating Fidel had to go to his beach soccer competition where I cheered him on to an undefeated championships winning first place and a trophy. That night we had a big barbacue with three families. We ate massive steaks, jalapeños and drank tequila, beer and lemonade. I played soccer, basketball and baseball with the cousins for hours which I really enjoyed. Sunday didn’t start off well with Chelsea losing to Man City but more baseball and hanging out with cousins fixed my bad mood. Another family dinner that night welcomed both my Grandma’s to the city. A trip to the batting cages with my auntie Aspen on our last day was fun and I finally got the hang of it hitting nearly every ball at 65 miles an hour. Played some tennis after which was too much for my hands as I discover many blisters and cuts that night. My last night was very relaxing as I stayed home with my cousins doing just dance and making homemade tacos with lots of mayonnaise and salsa verde. To get to our 6:30 flight the next day we woke up super early and packed in what was a quite chaotic morning. But anyways it was great to see my whole family again and live a more suburban life for a couple days. Cant wait to go back to San Diego!! ❤️Meer informatie

  • Dag 19


    25 mei 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☀️ 20 °C

    Madison is a very beautiful and green city but I don’t think I would ever visit here if not for our family that live here. They were very welcoming and fun to be with. It was really nice to meet some new Havas family and see their life on the other side of the planet. We spent lots of time just hanging with family but we were still able to explore a bit. We visited the botanical gardens, the state capitol and the massive University of Wisconsin Madison which looks so much fun. We went on lots of walks and ate a lot of Hungarian food! Had a really good pho, tried frozen custard which actually tastes the exact same as vanilla ice cream and had the biggest Cinnabon of my life. Yeh not too much happened here but was fun anyway.Meer informatie

  • Dag 21


    27 mei 2023, Verenigde Staten ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Chicago was actually so good and much better than I expected it to be. We stayed in a really nice hotel in a nice area where I had a king bed all to myself! We spent the first day meeting more family where we had a nice dinner together. The second day however we were able to look around the city. We took the L (metro) into town to the bean which is this massive mirrored sculpture that looks like a bean. On the way we witnessed the Memorial Day Parade which I didn’t know was on. Afterwards we went to the art institute of Chicago which has to be the best and biggest museum I’ve ever been to. I got lost a couple times and you could easily spend multiple days in there. I saw so many of my favourite paintings from Monet, Van Gogh and my favourite painting Nighthawks. Next we went to try authentic deep dish pizza which comes from Chicago. It was so busy that we had to wait an hour so in the meantime we went to a pub and had a beer. I had a Guinness. We finally got our pizza and it was massive and so thick I had about three pieces. One spontaneous thing we did was climb a random skyscraper to get a free view of Chicago’s skyline. We just walked into a building got into a lift and went to the top. The people were really nice and as it was a restaurant we were allowed up to get good views of the city. Then we went for a walk along the river which is surprisingly clean before catching the L back home. I really enjoyed Chicago and highly recommend it even though it’s not as popular as New York and LA it was probably the nicest big city so far.Meer informatie