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    • Day 35

      Santiago 3

      May 21 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Noch ein Tag in Santiago, Wetter unverändert, daher mach ich heute Sightseeing in Santiagos Gassen und am Markt, der wirklich alles bietet. Lass es gemächlich angehen. Geh noch ein bisschen in Shops stöbern, essen, einkaufen zum Essen und Wasser und am späten Nachmittag wieder nass ins Hostel. Dort treffe ich auf 4 deutsche Pilger und einen Australier und es wird ein netter Abend, an dem viele Infos ausgetauscht wurden, da jeder einen anderen Camino machte und einer war mit Rad unterwegs.Read more

    • Day 9

      Wow! What a day!

      May 21 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 50 °F

      It may have been rainy but it was a perfect day because of what God did!

      We’ve have been praying that God would intersect us with people that needed to be encouraged on the Camino with the hope that only Jesus can provide.

      And today was THAT day. Meet Maya & Malikwa. They are students that met at an exchange program in Japan. They are doing the Camino to build their friendship but also look for answers. They are both in relationships with guys they aren’t sure they should be with or move on. They asked God, “ we need answers but not sure what to do.”

      Well, God showed up! As Brett & I began walking today we ‘just happen’ to be behind them. We could hear them processing God, relationships and the future. And as our paths crossed we began talking.

      Here is what God did:

      - We found out one of the girls parents live in Vegas.
      - We talked for 2 hours about relationships, building a solid foundation, how do you know if he’s the ‘right’ guy and then began talking about faith, where they were with God.
      - They asked us questions about relationships, marriage and faith.
      - We ended our time sharing God’s truth, our testimony and at the end we exchanged numbers and prayed over them.
      - She texted an hour later saying, “Hi! Great talking to you and your wife. Thanks so much for the spiritual and relationship guidance . Next time I’m Vegas I would love to meet up again”.

      And then God did it again…

      - An hour later during our walk we met Joe. He’s been walking the Camino for 42 days, he’s doing all 500 miles. He has 4 days left. He felt God asked him to do this walk but wasn’t sure why.
      - I asked him what question is he bringing to God, he said “I need forgiveness” We spent the next hour talking about God’s forgiveness and at the end we prayed together and exchanged numbers. Only God.

      Oh by the way, did I mention he’s 70 years young. 💪🏽

      On a side note I had octopus today 🐙. It was squishy and rubbery. And awesome!

      Today was a very good day.


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    • Day 16

      Day 4 Cycling Coastal Camino Oia to Vigo

      May 21 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      Today we ride 40+ km from Oia to Vigo. We had rainshowers during breakfast and were treated to some local fisherman out on the rocks fishing for mussels according to our host. One of them fell in then they get right back up on the rocks. Tough work.

      Your journey continues along the coast,cycling past small fields and villages before reaching the pretty resort town of Baiona following the coastal road to its marina. We are following an alternative route to the official Camino from Baiona to Vigo here, which is closer to the coast. The official Camino involves several complicated
      forest sections which we don't recommend for bikes. The historical centre of Baiona
      is worth exploring, with many medieval buildings and several religious monuments. The view towards the ocean is dominated by the Monterreal Fortress, and you can also go onboard a replica of La Pinta Caravel, one of the ships used by Christopher Columbus. As you leave Baiona behind, you'll continue to follow the coast to the city of Vigo.

      We took our starting group photo after our hearty breakfast and headed out. We got right back onto the bike path by our hotel then followed the trail through some of the village and kept either on the bike path or little detours here and there past horses and houses but staying along the coast. We came across one of the largest stone piles from various locals and pilgrims and had fun looking at the painted rocks. In one part of the mountain we saw the old cannons fortifications built into the rock. It was a really rocky shoreline until we got to Baiona which had beautiful sand beaches. Coming into Baiona, we had a nice descent into the town. There was a large statue overlooking the town and the Monterreal fortress. This is definitely a fishing and tourist town based on the seafarer statues and symbols and the beautiful beaches. We stopped for a coffee and pharmacy break, then got going out of town. We came across a really nice red and white tiled area, waved to a school group on a field trip and made our way to a beach to eat our lunch. We stopped at Praia (beach) America. A lovely man stopped and asked if he could take a photo for us. After, Joanne discovered he took a selfie photo of himself as well🤣🤣We had a very friendly dog stop and hang about because he could smell our food. His owner came over and we tried a bit of a conversation then eventually he got his dog to go!! We enjoyed the beautiful scenery while eating. We had a couple of steep hills and meandered until we got to a nice gravel path along a little river. With 7km to go we had an older man who heard our bike bell but panicked and didn't know which way to go to get out of our path. I braked and the gravel grabbed my tire and down I went. My knee and hands took the brunt. I had to sit for a moment and get cleaned up with bandaids on my one hand but just left my knee until I could clean it up at the hotel. Just another part of the adventure😬🤭
      We found the last 4 km the worst trying to navigate up hills, along busy roads, through forested paths in parks, up steep hills and just when we thought we arrived our own gps said we were still 10 min. away. This is the part of their navigation app that needs work. This happened 2 days in a row, where we still had km to go to get to the actual hotel even though it shows we have arrived🤪😝 I cleaned up my scrapes and Anthony got some ice for my knee and then he and Joanne ran out to check on some changes to our train ticket from Santiago de Compostella back to Porto. A really great ride today with fantastic scenery. An okay meal in the hotel, then more icing and off to bed. We done a total of 178 km in 3 hrs 42 min.
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    • Day 26–27

      Day 25 Melide - Salceda

      May 21 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      25.2 km (740.2 km from the start). 31.000 steps. 5h 5min on the road. 1658 calories. 5.7 km/h

      Melide provided what I have been craving for in 20 days - deep pan pepperoni pizza 😂 It was greasy, fat and disgusting - and I loved it 😇

      So many people on the Camino. Very few with big backpacks, mostly with small bags and no equipment. It was raining again today and many Spanish pilgrims were wet and their pretty new sneakers were suddenly dirty and wet 😂 Welcome to Camino without global warming

      Unfortunately - sad news on Camino. Missing pilgrim from France, age 45, has been found dead on descent from Pyrenees. Experience hiker was missing since Sunday but found this morning. Just a reminder that Camino is not a joke and, especially in Pyrenees it can be a very challenging task.

      Staying at Salceda - small 27 km from my finish line. While I am enjoying my well deserved beer - some Spanish pilgrims decided to have a party. It is going to be a fun afternoon - after they remember that they still are missing some 11 km before their stop for today 😂😂
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    • Day 34


      May 20 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Aus meinem Hostel musste ich ja raus , da alles überfüllt und auch Tickets f. Zug(Platzreservierung) gab's f heute keine, daher musste ich ein anderes Hostel buchen. Das mit den Zügen ist bei Renfe ähnlich wie bei ÖBB, nur in Spanien gibt es keine Überfüllungen, du musst halt warten, bis du wieder ein Ticket f. Zug bekommst, außerdem beginnt Ticket Verkauf immer zu bestimmten Zeiten f.bestimmte Tage, das erfährst du am Schalter, f.den du schon eine Nr. benötigst(4 Versch. Arten).
      Genug davon, ich hab ja Zeit und gehe erst um 9 Uhr zum Frühstücken, sitze drinnen, da ja Nieselregen und beim Verlassen ruft mich jemand, Adam und Archie sitzen im Neben Cafe. Also doch noch getroffen und nachdem die auch erst in 2 Tagen wegfahren verabreden wir uns zum Essen am Nachmittag. Und am Weg zum Hostel ruft mich jemand, ja die 3 Mädels (D, UK und Irland),sie sind am Weg zum Tatooladen und lassen sich tätowieren, eine Muschel, auch die werden kommen
      Im Hostel eingerichtet, mach ich mich gleich auf zum Bahnhof, erfahre aber, dass ich erst am 22.5. hier wegkomme und Verkauf beginnt erst um 16 Uhr .
      Auch Ted und Harry trafen wir wieder und um 13 Uhr treffen wir uns wieder bei Kathedrale, auch Kate kommt und gehen zum Essen. Chorizowurst in Weißwein mit Brot, schmeckt wirklich gut. Dann wieder große Verabschiedung .
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    • Day 130

      Vigo & Santiago de Compostela

      May 19 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Heute unternehmen wir die letzte Stadtbesichtigung vor dem nächsten Seetag. Wir legen in Vigo an. Wir haben von Costa einen Transfer nach Santiago de Compostela gebucht. Harry möchte heute mal seine Drohne mitnehmen, um den "Ausleih - Prozess" von Costa kennenzulernen (alter Qualitätsmanager). Immer wenn seine Bordkarte abgescannt wird, wird das Schiffspersonal informiert, dass Harry's Drohne einbehalten wurde. Wie immer, wird er sofort gefragt, ob er seine Drohne von Bord mitnehmen möchte, was er diesmal bejaht. Daraufhin "sprintet" ein Mitarbeiter in den „Keller“, holt die Drohne unverzüglich und übergibt sie an Harry - das hat schonmal prima geklappt! 👌
      Ich gehe in der Zwischenzeit schon mal voraus, um unseren Bus Nummer 15 zu suchen. Nach ca 5 Minuten kommt Harry bereits mit seiner Drohne und wir setzen uns nebeneinander 🚌.
      Der Großteil der Mitreisenden sind Deutsche und Österreicher, aber es gibt auch ein paar Brasilianer 😎.
      Sofort gibt es eine "Diskussion" zwischen einer Brasilianerin und einem Österreicher. Die Brasilianerin möchte gerne liegen, womit der Mann hinter ihr dann keinen Platz mehr hat. Ein Kompromiss kann, auch mit Hilfe unseres Guide, nicht gefunden werden, sodass sich die beiden Österreicher schließlich umsetzen müssen. 🤨
      Die Fahrt bis Santiago de Compostela dauert ca. 1,5 h. Unterwegs beginnt es auch noch zu regnen 🌧. Wir sind gespannt, ob das mit unserer "Wanderung" (5 km) auf dem Jakobsweg klappen wird 😳.
      Wir haben lediglich 3 h Zeit zur freien Verfügung, bis wir wieder zurück am Bus sein müssen.
      Den Besuch einer weiteren Kathedrale lehnt Harry (gar nicht begeistert) ab . Da es gerade nicht regnet suchen wir erstmal den Pilgerweg. Unterwegs entdecken wir einige Pilger mit einem Rucksack und verfolgen diese, hinauf auf einen Berg 🏔 … Als wir bei einer Bäckerei vorbei kommen, schlägt Harry vor, etwas zu Essen zu kaufen. Wir kaufen schließlich ein leckeres Baguette, für nur 75 Cent 😳. Jetzt fehlt nur noch etwas Käse oder Schinken. Wenig später entdecke ich einen Mini-Market und ein leckerer Käse ist schnell gekauft - pimp your Baguette 🥖 🤩.
      Nach ein paar Metern beginnt es leicht zu regnen. Auch unser Versuch aus der Stadt zu gehen, gestaltet sich schwieriger als gedacht. Die Stadt ist mit knapp 100.000 Einwohner ganz schön groß. Deshalb drehen wir um und ich schau mal, ob ich in der Nähe einen Park (Drohne fliegen) finden kann. Keine 10 min entfernt ist ein Kloster mit einer schönen Parkanlage. Hier fliegt Harry mit seiner Drohne über das Gelände und sieht sich die Stadt von oben an. Nach ca. 45 min kommen immer mehr Touristen und wir entschließen uns, das Fliegen zu beenden und etwas auszuruhen.
      In der Nähe entdecken wir ein Café in einer Bibliothek. Hier bestellen wir uns ein Bier und erhalten noch einen kleinen Snack Teller mit Tomaten Kräcker und Apfelschnitz dazu.
      Langsam wird es wieder Zeit, den Rückweg anzutreten. Wir schlendern gemütlich durch die Altstadt vorbei an vielen Souvenir Läden. Hier gibt es auch sehr schönen Silberschmuck mit schwarzen Steinen. Ich kann mich aber leider nicht entscheiden 🫣. Harry gönnt sich ein sehr leckeres Eis 🍦 mit Limóne und Mango.
      Um 16.30 Uhr kommen wir pünktlich am Treffpunkt an und suchen erstmal unseren Bus 🚌 Nummer 15. Insgesamt sind 5 verschiedene Busse von Costa hier . Als ich mich zu unserer Tischnachbarin stellen will, werde ich von einer deutschen Touristin blöd angemacht, mich doch bitte in die "Reihe" zu Stellen. 🫢😓 - wie hab ich die Deutschen vermisst. Auch im Bus treffe ich einen „netten“ älteren Herren, der mich darüber aufklärt, dass ich auf "seinem" Platz sitze 💺 . Ich solle mich doch auf einen anderen freien Platz setzen … Mutig, wie ich bin, bleibe ich einfach sitzen 😤.
      Auf dem Heimweg regnet es nocheinmal stark. Zum Glück 🍀 hatten wir in Santiago de Compostela nur leichten Nieselregen 🌧. Gegen 17 Uhr sind wir wieder im Hafen angekommen. Im Hafengebäude kaufe ich mir noch einen netten maritimen Gürtel 🥰.
      Insgesamt war es doch ein schöner Tag . Auf dem Schiff 🛳 lesen wir noch ein wenig und gehen dann zum Abendessen. Anschließend hole ich uns noch einen Cocktail 🍹 , den wir gemeinsam im Zimmer genießen 🥳.
      Gute Nacht 💤 🌙
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    • Day 15

      Day 3 Cycling Coastal Camino

      May 20 in Spain ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

      Today we are cycling another 50+ km from Viana do Castelo to Oia and our gel seats arrived - yaaay.
      Start the day towards the beachside town of Vila Praia de Ancora, cycling along the coast
      to get there and avoiding the challenging climb where the official Camino route goes. Continue with a coastal cycle path
      that connects you to Moledo, just before reaching the pretty town of Caminha at the mouth of the River Minho as you head more inland. There is a beautiful parish church
      here, the clock tower and the decorative fountain in the charming square of Praca
      Conselheiro Silva Torres. Here you have to take the scenic ferry and cross the River Minho, the natural border with Spain. Cycle
      through the fishing town of A Guarda to follow the Camino along dirt tracks and tarmac roads to the village of Oia, where a 12th century monastery dominates this
      small but attractive village. A small beach can also be found in front of this monastery.

      We typically have the same breakfast each day and make a sandwich and take some fruit or yoghurt for lunch. We saw the couple who are following the same route as us with the same company and they are having trouble with the bike seats too and found yesterday very difficult.
      We got ready to head out with our gel seats and the first sit felt much better🤗 Macs Adventure set our navigation for the Coastal Route so we apparently bypassed the mountain and looking at it, we were happy with that!! We had an absolutely gorgeous day on the coast. The weather was very warm today even with the ocean breeze. We saw a few round, stone structures right on the shore ( possibly decommissioned windmills?). We came across several Forts all from the same era, looking at their design and square shape. We passed the Praca Fort before stopping for coffee and a snack in Ancora, which also had a fort. Today we had such a fun mixture of paths. We were on smooth bike paths at the beginning and end of our ride today, we cycled on long sections of boardwalk, through some really nice forested paths, we had sections of cobblestone, but not as bad or as much as yesterday. We had one section of it today that we could not possibly ride up. The cobbles were massive. We had a section of zig zags through farmland with cobbles, then flat road. It reminded us of biking on the farmland towards Abbotsford. We had a beautiful ride right along the ocean on boardwalk which turned to deeper sand so had to walk our bikes through that and down some stairs. We had just a few small hills and a few sections we walkwd up because of the steep grade or ginormous cobbles. We had some really nice sections along old walls again, and lots of sections with old lower rock walls bordering properties. Many were breaking apart, but visible. We watched a man herd his sheep across the road, right near us. That was fun. We rode to the ferry which takes us into Spain, but it was broken down so the lady sent us about a km or so down the road to see Miguel and take his "fast" ride over. You can see by the photos that we were in for an adventure. Miguel was just fantastic and friendly. He had such an amazing personality and looked after us all, our bikes, and us "ladies" by giving us life jackets to sit on and also put on. He was constantly checking if we were okay. It was a very quick ride across to a beach. We got ourselves off the boat with Miguels helping hand. Though I tweaked my knee slightly which took me a bit to get warmed up again so it wasnt hurting while riding. Thankfully no worse. Miguel offloaded our bikes and we sat right there on the beach and enjoyed our lunch. We were off our route for navigation, so had to wind our way through the streets of Meledo then through A Guarda to get back on track. From here our ride was so beautiful along a nice gravel path past older homes and the old rock fences just off the ocean. We tried to stop for a beer in Oia, but we were a bit too late because the time here makes us an hour later yet. We are now 9 hours later than home. So our greeting to other pilgrims also changed once in Spain. We are now saying Buen Camino, not Bom Camino (Portugese). We saw lots of pilgrims walking again today.
      We found our Hotel Glasgow right on the ocean with a beautiful pool( too cold to go in, unfortunately). We showered then I sat in the sun, did some stretching and journaled. Today was my favorite ride of our 3 so far with the landscape variety, gel seat and fewer cobbles!! We had a nice "Pilgrims" dinner option tonight. We had wine, sparkling water, Hake fish, pork, Russian salad ( similar to potato salad) and squid that was the best we have all tasted. We are all so tired today.
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    • Day 8

      The Hope of the World

      May 20 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 46 °F

      The day started out bright and early cause today was the BIG walk, 15.5 miles and hoping for no rain. Well God showed up in a BIG way!

      👉🏽 Sun ☀️ was out!

      👉🏽Visited churches along the way. I think about all that entered but walked away without hope. Praying for those lost and alone.

      👉🏽 Praying together with my bride as we walk the Camino is one of our favorite times.

      👉🏽 One store we passed had a ‘free hugs’ sign. No one was standing there. I asked Brett if I could stand there and give free hugs. She said I could but that she was leaving 🤣.
      I got the message!

      👉🏽 We finished the day with a pilgrims mass. The country is predominately Catholic, but as I finished the day and sat by the bench i saw the sun setting as it lit up the cross on the church. Was reminded that Jesus is the hope of the world.

      The ending of a wonderful day.



      Route Summary

      15.5 mi, 1832 ft

      Portomarín to Palas de Rei

      After leaving Portomarín, a town that dates back to the Romans which was an important stop along the route in the Middle Ages, you will set out on foot for Palas de Rei. This stage will take you through the region of Monterroso and Palas de Rei, crossing renowned villages like Gonzar, Castromaior and Ligonde. The first half of the stage goes right by the main road and the second over roads paved specifically for the pilgrims.
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    • Day 33

      Santiago de Compostela

      May 19 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 17 °C

      Gestern war es so richtig nett. Wir haben zusammen gekocht, gegessen, getrunken und tolle Gespräche geführt. Am Morgen ging's dann schon um 6 Uhr 30 los und es regnete nicht. Ganz im Gegenteil, es schien ein schöner Tag zu werden. Denkste , um 10:30 dann ging's richtig los, es regnete, nieselte, hörte auf, regnete,....
      Frühstück im Cafe mit der ganzen Truppe, dann traf ich Ted und Harry, lief mit ihnen, die sind so nett, traf wieder auf Archie und die anderen. Die machten länger Pause und ich wollte eigentlich weiter, sonst wird mir zu kalt. In Santiago traf ich mit Ted und Harry ein, es war wirklich schön. Wir tauschten noch unsere Nummern aus, machten Fotos und verabredeten uns um 7 Uhr f. die Messe um 7:30. Dann trafen auch schon Archie und Adam ein, wieder Fotos und dann die Mädels. Viktoria aus D ist ja Pastorin und war total gerührt. Dann gingen wir gleich zur Registrierung um unsere Compostela holen zu können. Danach ging es in die Hostels und um 7 Uhr trafen wir uns wieder. Jetzt hieß es Schlange stehen und nachdem gar nix mehr ging, fragte sich Viktoria mal durch und erfuhr, dass gleichzeitig eine Konfirmation war. Also Organisation 0. Endlich drinnen, gab gab es ziemliches Durcheinander, denn die Pilger wussten nicht, dass es eine Konfirmation gab und die Firmlinge waren auch erbost, dass die Pilger sich in ihre Reihen drängten. Es war ziemlich laut. Nach ca 45 min gaben wir auf und verließen enttäuscht die Kathedrale . Stattdessen gingen wir zum Abendessen und saßen noch gemütlich zusammen, nachdem auch noch Kate dazu kam. Valencia/Martin fuhr schon am selben Abend nach Hause.
      Nach einem erfüllten Tag verabschiedeten wir uns, wünschten uns das Beste und versprachen in Kontakt zu bleiben.
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    • Day 33


      May 20 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Day 33 Ribadiso

      Feeling under pressure for time - I want to arrive in Santiago on Thursday and have a couple of days to rest and enjoy the city before setting off with Luca again at the weekend - and rather threatened at the prospect of therefore having to walk up to 30km a day feeling as weary as I was yesterday, I skipped a day's worth of walking by taking a bus. Happy cheat! It's only me (...and petty, competitive people, you know) who take any interest in the 'purist' completion of the Camino: the unspoken rules of the road include always carrying your own bag, never taking public transport, going completely offline even for finding the way, not taking any days off. Now I have broken them all, hooray! (I call it 'grace'!)

      Hilariously, I missed the intended bus stop and had to wait for another bus to go back 20 minutes so I could start at my intended town at 4-doable-days' distance. We pilgrims' collect 'stamps' at every overnight stay and often in restaurants, cafes and churches, did you know? It is part of the Camino culture that every sleepery and eatery has its own logo, so the collection serves as proof of where we have been; at the end, in the Santiago pilgrims' office, the well-stamped 'Credential' enables us to receive the 'Compostela', a rather super certificate of completion. In the last 100km we have to have at least 2 stamps a day over the distance we have walked; that was why I needed to go back and not just double-cheat!

      I managed then to walk over 25km, feeling bright and perky all day ... perhaps I needn't have taken the short cut after all! It was pretty flat terrain today, and the weather was mostly dry and even a little sunny, which of course makes every step feel a little lighter.

      Lugo city centre was much nicer empty and in the bright morning sun than yesterday, when it was full of TOURISTS (those pesky people!), noisy and busy. The other photo subjects just took my eye. The more the days and the distance pass, the less I'm interested in the landscape, it seems. Perhaps it just seems to be 'normal' now; I wonder if I will regret in future taking so few pictures. But I still found several new flowers today! The number of flowers I have identified has is nearing 200: YES IT'S TRUE!

      Ginny and Martin, Orlando. Jenny, Islington. 2 couples from Boston. Dora, Hanover. Laurence, Sandwich.

      It's so good to be here
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