  • Dag 10

    The Island

    18 januari 2017, Kambodja ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C


    Otres Beach to Koh Ta Kiev (Cambodia)

    We got a 9am boat over to 'the island' but didn't get breakfast as no where was open... Too many party animals, their night was going until 6am with some top tunes. Could hear the music but didn't keep us awake as we were so close to the sea (8m close!!) so we could hear lapping waves over top tune age.

    We've been told there's no power etc on the island so leave with fully charged devices!!

    The boat ride is on a long boat and takes around 45 minutes.... Leaving the usual 20 minutes late!! Bloody Asians!!! On the boat are supplies such as water, food and one very hungover bar man who went to last nights shinanigans.

    We arrive and climb into the water to be greeted by hippy Aussies and Americans woooo.

    We get our accommodation sorted which is a large rabbit hutch on stilts with no door or windows! We are even closer to the sea with some private beach!!! Ahhhh it's amazing!!!! We're about 3m from the seas in a place called crab shak. We have a bed.... A hammock and a couple of wonky chairs. It's brilliant!

    We decide to mooch down to long beech and wonder whether we will actually see Pakora and Tal here! It's an island with about 6 different places to stay so we reckon we won't see them.

    But to our surprise we walk down the beech and there sits Tal!!!! We all look at each other surprised and then he sends us into sunrise thirsty pakora with the Pakora mating call! Obviously she thinks we're Germans replicating the sound of the TP bird!!

    We end up spending the day playing catch with the go pro and generally getting burnt and beered!

    We were all getting bitten to death as soon as the sun started to set so Noblet and I decided to swim home to avoid further bites! As we swam the bay we were surrounded by a glow! We had found the infamous plankton which people pay to go on excursions for!!! HAHA! It's brilliant! Every time they touch you they glow it's almost like you're a god! They light up under your feet and are absolutely amazing!

    We swim for ages amazed by these creatures, but after around half an hour the novelty wears off and I start to think that fish eat plankton, and sharks eat fish, and
    Sharks are most active hunters at dawn and dusk AND we're in unfamiliar water, is this a good idea?!? After about ten minutes in this thought zone I freak myself out and walk the last section of bay (if I could've lasted another 200m we would've made it all the way!

    With hind site I was so glad to have made this decision as there were massive sea urchins all over the rocks we would've had to go over at low tide!!!

    But at the time I was a massive bottle job. As we got out of the sea Noblet held onto a tree for balance and left an illuminous handprint on the bark from the plankton!!! AMAZING!!

    Back to camp for zzzzZZZZ

    man: Charlie for letting us come here and fook with the itinerary!

    Donkey: holly for not dealing with sharks (or lack of them and blaming national geographic)
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