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  • Hari 7

    Day-4 @Prague

    29 Disember 2023, Republik Czech

    This was our last day in Prague, and we wanted to round off our trip by visiting the places we had planned but couldn't visit: The Spanish Synagouge, The Hanging man and Letna Park.

    On our way to the Spanish Synagouge, we came across a Hanging Angel, which felt as if it was made out of a nest. The connecting thread was so thin that it almost felt like the angel is floating!
    We reached Spanish Synagouge, and were greeted with a big crowd guided by the tour guides. We were blessed again by Mr. Kafka at the Synagouge, and this time with his absurd Statue, where one had to touch his boot to get good luck!
    We went inside the Synagouge and got to know that there was an entry fee (and due to some music event also held over there, the entry fee was quite hefty. We decided against going in, but we're able to get some glimpses of the exhibits - quite posh and expensive.
    We decided to have our brunch at a Cafe nearby - Mansson's bakery. It gave a feeling of a British owned bread and breakfast cafe, and the cakes and coffee offered here were delightful. They boast of preparing world's best Carrot cake (it becomes hard to believe when someone claims they prepare world's best something), but it was not disappointing. Liked it. It was filling, and delicious.
    Then we proceeded to watch the actual hanging man, and to be fair, after reaching there, Firstly we got the glimpse of a hanging woman! (Woah! Where did she come from! ) We were searching for the man too, and I didn't expect him to be hanging by an umbrella on a wire!
    I guess the Hanging man was feeling lonely, so to give him company, the Hanging woman decided to join in his situation. When the wind blew, it was feeling like both would really fall down - they were shaking so vigorously.. After enjoying the conundrum of their fall, we left to have lunch at Vegetarianska Samoobsluha, and again were not disappointed. This time we also decided to get something for the dinner as parcel, and we were amazed that it still managed to be cheaper than a meal in Germany!
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