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  • Giorno 6

    The 'World of Franz Kafka'

    28 dicembre 2023, Repubblica Ceca ⋅ ☁️ 8 °C

    "Nothing is the way it looks"
    "I am free that is why I am lost"
    "I write differently from what I speak, I speak differently from what I think, I think differently than the way I ought to think, so it all proceeds to deepest darkness.."

    These are some of the quotes we were greeted with in our visit to this Museum. Situated right below the City Municipal office in the Old City square - Starometska Namesti, it has a dark theme. We were welcomed initially with the caution "Please leave your logical mind behind to explore the absurdness of the world", and still we dared to enter here. This museum was created by Mr. Miroslav Joudal, who was a Police Photographer earlier, and in his job, also observed the absurdities in the world, and got interested in Kafka's works. He was inspired by Kafka, and created this museum trying to recreate the thinking and philosophy of Kafka.
    There were some very weird paintings on our way to starting point of tour, and I think Miroslav did a great job in creating a museum how he wanted it to be - Dark areas with few lights here and there, making the place look depressing. There were references and explanations to his famous works - The Metamorphosis, The office, The letter to his Father, Before the Law, The Burrow, etc. Each story has Kafka in the view-point of the character and his job (Sometimes lawyer, sometimes a writer, sometimes as a Fly / Insect, and the absurdities he sees through them. This part was interesting to know. There was also many background that was given on his life, how he had a really terrible father, who was always scolding and discouraging him, how the government officials and the bureaucracy that was meant to be 'for people', was almost always against them. Just to point this absurd hypocrisy, there was a reference to the broken pillar in dire state, and how right above this, was a Municipal office, which looked beautiful and elegant.
    In the end, there was a place where many small video clips / stories were being played on a screen, which were absurd, and wouldn't make sense normally. And the fun part - it is not supposed to make any sense. If we feel it doesn't make sense, then we are viewing the videos and in-turn, the museum in the right mindset - "The world is full of absurdities".
    Once out of the museum, we were feeling thoroughly weird. I guess the museum served it's purpose after all. 🤷

    We went searching for good restaurants to have dinner, and on our way grabbed a Trdle (Chimney Cake) filled with cream and strawberries and chocolate, which tasted absolutely delicious. Still we were hungry and decided to visit Namaste India again, after we ran out of patience finding something new to try. We happily ate our dinner and retired to our hotel for the day.
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