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  • Day 215

    Snow monkey park, Nagano, Japan

    May 8 in Japan ⋅ 🌫 8 °C

    We headed to the snow monkey park as early as we could, first in line for the express coach there, excited for the day ahead. When we arrived we started the walk up, and noticed the sign stated that the wild monkeys weren't at the park yet.

    We held back, then sauntered along the half an hour walk to the park. Even then there were no monkeys! We chilled some more, literally as it was cold, before decided to go into the park anyway. We waited anxiously for the monkeys to show up, chatting to some brits on holiday, looking around the gift shop, and trying to spot other wildlife in the area. Lunch time came and went, and hungrily we still waited.

    After talking to an employee we got news that the monkeys were on their way, and finally spotted one making their way down. Then hundreds of monkeys descended, swarming over the relatively small onsen area. They ran around people's legs, not scared of us at all, then started playing and running around the area. Small arguments started between monkeys, with shrieking and fighting that dispersed quickly. Never have the words monkey business seemed so appropriate.

    We gleefully took photos of them enjoying the area, trying to remain 1 metre away even when they sat next to us, although they didn't want to use the onsen they were more than happy to eat the food that staff were throwing around for them.

    One of the best monkey experiences we have had, but soon had to head back down the long path to get the bus back so we could actually eat!
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