  • Dia 29

    Day 29: Dubrovnik, Croatia

    19 de julho de 2017, Croácia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    The ferry to Dubrovnik was pretty cool. We sat in a room that looked like a movie theatre and it took 3 hours to get there. Our travel routine is pretty simple, I'll watch Netflix, play games on my phone or read and Zoe will nap.

    When we got to Dubrovnik, we had some lunch, did our groceries for the next three days and then found our Airbnb.

    After making dinner (I cut up a whole chicken with the worst knife in the world so I'm pretty proud), we went on a hike to see the sunset and all of Dubrovnik. It took us about an hour the get to the top, but the view was totally worth it. The sunset was gorgeous and there were wild horses.

    Zoe and I then walked around and I sat and looked at the view for twenty minutes. Instead of walking around where we last were together, Zoe decided that I had walked off and spent that twenty minutes looking for me apparently.

    We then had to walk down the hiking trail to get back and we realized half way down that we probably should have taken the cart as it was pitch black and it was all rock. Anyways, we made it alive and our calves will feel it all tomorrow.
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