  • Dzień 64

    Day 64: Amsterdam, Netherlands

    23 sierpnia 2017, Holandia ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    We slept in a bit and grabbed some breakfast. Our ticket for the Anne Frank House was at 11:30 so we took our time heading over. It was really worth waiting till the next day because we spent two hours there. It's just so hard to hear that they almost made it to the end of the war, but were killed within weeks of liberation. Only Anne's father survived out of the eight that were in hiding. This is also only one family out of millions who faced the same fate. I certainly recommend anyone who visits Amsterdam to visit the Anne Frank House and Museum.

    After Anne Frank, we stopped and I had a Dutch pancake with nutella and banana. It was as delicious as everyone said it would be (however it highly resembles a crepe). After we walked around a bit and went into a cheese shop, bought some cheese and a fresh baguette and made our way to sit in Voldelpark before our 5:00 pm entrance time at the Van Gogh Museum.

    We spent a while at the museum and saw a lot of his famous paintings, drawings and letters. He did an average of one painting a day after cutting off his ear until the day he died. We also saw a few Monet paintings which was neat and a few other artists' work as well. It was interesting seeing the original paintings that I learned of during my five years of art classes in high school.

    After the museum, we headed back and had a late dinner at the hostel. I've gained a new found appreciation for tomatoes in Caesar salads.

    P.s. I'm on the "s".
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