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    • Day 8

      Amsterdam (Pt 1)

      July 17, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Amsterdam was an absolute delight and so pretty. Despite us taking it easy, Alysha managed to take more pictures there than anywhere else yet. Below and for the next couple of posts we present photos largely chronologically. The delay in upload has come partly from tiredness and busy-ness, but also overwhelm at what to do with all the photos when this app limits posts to 20 photos each!

      We got into Amsterdam at 8:30am after a VERY early train from Brussels, and walked around (and in Alysha's case, napped for a little) until our canal tour at 9pm, just before sunset. These photos cover our morning in Jordaan (just west of old town in the city centre) and the beginning of us venturing into the city centre.
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    • Day 2

      Day 2: classroom visit and bike tour

      July 21, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Today we went to class and had a speaker give a talk about her work in the “ethical porn” industry as a director and producer. Very interesting.
      Then we went to lunch on our own then met up for a bike tour. Bikes are a HUGE deal here. Amsterdams infrastructure is centered around bikes. They also have ridiculous public transportation. We rode a ferry for free with our bikes and then rode for an hour around the beautiful north end. We saw houses that were built by/for ship captains in the 1600’s. We saw a windmill that had been there since the 1700’s that has enormous granite wheels that pulverize chalk.
      Then I went off on my own. I took the subway back into town. Stopped at the hostel real quick and realized I needed an Apple Store. So I hopped back on a tram and headed into town. So many canals!! Wandered around and saw streets upon streets of restaurants. I need my alone time so I had dinner at this lovely spot Kop van Jut. Nice Dutch comfort food. Then stumbled upon the Rijksmuseum and got myself a ticket for Friday
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    • Day 27


      August 11, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

      Oggi in una delle città più trasgressive al mondo anche noi ci siamo tolti delle soddisfazioni. In un dedalo di strade piene di sexy shop e di coffee shop, nel quartiere a luci rosse, non siamo riusciti a frenare il nostri appetiti 🫣
      Abbiamo resistito fino alle 14 ma poi….
      A parte gli scherzi devo dire che la città è bella da morire, una fra le più particolari che abbia mai visto! Passeggiando fra i canali ci arrivavano delle zaffate di marijuana che lascia perdere 😂, ma ha un’architettura unica che ti fa dimenticare i 20000 passi che servono per ammirarla!
      Torneremo senza la Bella perché con lei ci sono vietate la totalità delle attività, musei ecc ecc
      Domani mulini a vento, che già mi fa presagire un bel pippone introspettivo/filosofico, nel caso passerete oltre.
      A domani
      Sirù: quando mia moglie mi ha detto che aveva voglia di trasgredire ad Amsterdam , mai e poi mai mi sarei aspettato che intendesse mangiare thailandese!
      Canzone del giorno “Vado al massimo” V. Rossi 😢
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    • Day 7

      Cheese, Clogs and a Canal Cruise

      July 7, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      The tour group went for a traditional Dutch dinner in a town just outside Amsterdam called Edam! We saw an authentic Dutch windmill, tried on some clogs, tasted lots of yummy cheeses and played a Dutch game called Shuffle Board! After dinner, we went for a canal cruise in central Amsterdam and had a kiss underneath the Magere Brug (skinny bridge). Legend says if you kiss your partner on/under the bridge, your love will last forever 🩷Read more

    • Day 9

      Day 8 Amsterdam

      September 7, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌙 25 °C

      We were a bit too knackered to pack last night and thought we had it down to a fine art so were up about 7 and all ready packed and showered by 8. Trisha had a coffee in the square looking at the amazing Cologne cathedral which gave us a sitting spot. I went in search of something to eat on the train for lunch. We have really missed having a fridge. I found a Rewe to go which had a great salad bar amongst other things and even had fresh milk. So I got a salad and banana and then got lost in train station trying to get back. I was just thinking about googling the cathedral when I worked it out. Then finally remembered my middle of the night thought that Trish and I should share location on snap chat so we can find each other.

      We were at our train platform pretty early, and Trish went and got her salad. No drama on the train today. We hadn’t reserved our seats but no one moved us on so was all good. We switched trains at Utrecht so we could go directly close to our accomodation and had a 1.2 km walk when we arrived and chose not to try the metro to get closer.

      Our room is rather tiny. We are at an Airbnb which is a one bedroom flat. The owner, his wife and their 8 month old baby relocate to the lounge when they have guests. But Peter is really nice and been helpful when I contacted him before we arrived and part of the charm was having free bikes to use.

      So after putting some washing on, didn’t realise the front loader would take 3 hours so my clothes for going out were limited, we were off on our bikes whizzing around Amsterdam. It was soooooo much fun! Trisha did really well, probably didn’t expect it to be nearly as chaotic as it was and also probably surprised that she survived the experience! Bikes, people, cars and trams were everywhere.

      The sights were pretty cool. Lots of boats in the canals, pretty bridges, found the flea market, looked for optician shops, found some lens cleaner and basically just absorbed the atmosphere. Found a gelato shop and mine was limoncello and mango. They also sold hemp cookies, great combination!

      So it just got busier and busier so we decided that we had had enough and started the bike back. Found a spot where lots of people were swimming in the canal which was a bit surprising.

      We have access to a fridge here, so planned a supermarket visit. Trish stayed outside with the bikes and probably wanted to send out a search party for me. For a start it was a huge supermarket and I was feeling the responsibility of deciding what to buy. Then I used the self checkout and my Wise card wouldn’t work. There were several people waiting for assistance which took quite a while. The assistant told me that only European credit cards were accepted, really? But then said cash was ok and there was an atm at the entrance. Of course my Wise card wouldn’t give me cash - found out later that I had disabled it in the app. So it was outside to Trish who also didn’t have the 25 euros we needed. I had her Wise card and she kindly told me her pin which I have forgotten. So got cash out on her card and then had to try and find my shopping. I nearly fell over it on the floor and the lady who had it said do you still want this? At that stage not really! Then back to the cash lane and finally outside to Trish.

      So back to our room and had a lovely dinner with some yummy chocolate for dessert. We had thought about going out tonight but have piked out. Maybe tomorrow.

      30 degrees, 10,836 steps, but several hours of biking too.
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    • Day 3–5

      Amsterdam & The Hague

      June 6, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      Last 2 days of Netherlands based myself out of southern Amsterdam in a lil suburb called Diemen-zuid (10th pic) about 25min cycle from city centre (which according to the locals is a lot).

      - First things first in Amsterdam i rented a bike again because its about twice as fast as driving walking or taking the train.
      - Legged it straight to my walking tour where again a lovely tour guide called Nick gave us a historical tour of Amsterdam mostly centered around the red light district (which was very filthy).
      - Here i learnt that all items in the canals and houses are brought into the house through the hooks on the tops of the buildings poking out over the windows. A lot of the houses have a slight lean forward to prevent cargo bumping the building as it gets lifted
      - Weed is not legal here it is instead tolerated, and no one knows where the weed sold at "coffeeshops" (coffeshops sell weed, cafes sell coffee. An important distinction i think) actually comes from, its believed that its all criminally supplied and the gov turns a blind eye due to the 2billion in taxes it creates each year whicu funnily enough is pumped back into anti drug campaigns
      - Netherlands is only 14th in EU for drug consumption (Italy, spain, France are 1/2/3)
      - the thinking behind tolerance of weed was that they would take the hit to solve the bigger issue of hard drugs. Amsterdam like most major cities in the 80s had a massive heroin problem which the tour guide showed us photos of, the same streets in the red light district we were walking down littered with junkie needles and prostitutes
      - Covered the Dutch East Indie company which at its highest point was valued at a mere 6.7 trillion dollars (greater than all the top 50 companies in the world put together in 2024) which isnt that surprising giving it was based off slavery and colonisation. This company was the first multinational and offered shares to the Dutch people so that the Dutch people had the first ever middle class in history. Along with this in its peak the Netherlands average citizens worth was 4x greater than the 2nd richest country at the time (france). Learning all this made it difficult to feel too sympathetic for the dutch when learning about there WW2 experiences shortly and how they very abley assisted with herding up Jews
      - they have odd names for lollie brands (2nd pic)
      - awesome rubber ducky store (3rd pic)
      - Overall i thought the touristy areas of Amsterdam were dirty smelly and a waste of time. After i left Amsterdam for the first time it was quite funny and validating to search up people thoughts on Amsterdam to which a lot of them said "best thing to do in Amsterdam is leave and go to another dutch city"

      The Hague (Den Haag)
      - The true capitol of the Netherlands, i took the intercity train (5th pic) into the haag from my little suburb train hopping on the metro, train line and tram line which was quite stressful at first as the transfer times were so short. If i didnt know where I was going i missed my tram/metro. Figured it out though and I was very impressed, puts sydney trains (shitty rail) to shame
      - Chemists or drug stores of old used to have this open mouthed jester (6th pic) on the more fancy store as a sign that there was someone inside you was willing to taste your medicine before you took it to see if they got sick, similar to a food taster for a king.
      - Visited the prime ministers residence and parliament which I have to say was gorgeous (7/8 pic), there was news crews there covering the elections and about 18 black fancy BMWs all identical parked out front with men in suits rocking (from my perspective) quite poorly concealed handguns and sub machine guns
      - shopping mall for extremely expensive items (9th pic), the architecture was meant to invite and encourage people to stroll through the shops. This was built late 1800s, and is 3 stories tall, funnily enough most of the houses above the stores are empty which is odd because its central and very pretty right? Yes they are but the only entrance to the apartments are via the store below
      - Den Haag was really nice and very pretty full of old buildings, a great middle ground between Amsterdam and Utrecht

      On my last night in NL i had dinner at this cannibal themed restaurant (11th pic) which i wont lie was disturbing, luckily the ribs were well worth it. I went with a friend of Mums from work and having the local knowledge of food and drink spots made me think a lot more highly of Amsterdam.

      Randomly cycling into Amsterdam about 20 ambos firetrucks and police went past slowly on the highway, but since the bikes faster i instead just had a 30min cycle into the city filled with siren noise

      Most of the women cycle in heels!!!! Crazy
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    • Day 26

      It's 'Boat Day"!!

      August 26, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Not sure why it’s showing us in the Netherlands?? Oh well. A little review of last night before we hop on the AMASonata.
      On our second last night in Budapest we had the opportunity to try a langos. Delicious. Lángos is famous Hungarian street food, which is basically a fried bread dough. The basic dough is made of water (or milk), yeast, flour and salt. Lángos is fried in oil and usually served with toppings. For Hungarians, the most popular topping is cheese and sour cream and that was our choice. Deep fried pizza. Amazing.

      Well, we got brave and worked our way into a RUIN BAR. “Back in 2004, a run down building on Kazinczy Street in District VII was saved from demolition by a group of entrepreneurs looking to open up a bar/community space. Rather than redeveloping they chose to work with the building’s ramshackle state, adding quirky furniture and decorations, creating a mix’n’match aesthetic and making use of a space otherwise destined for ruin.
      The venture was a success and provided the template for a new generation of bars. The ruin pub was born, with Budapest’s Jewish District district the focal point for this new nightlife trend. Buildings in varying states of decay were rescued and, rather than being totally renovated, ruin bars worked with their natural surroundings to create quirky and unique spaces”. We chose the Red Ruin Bar. Located in the heart of Budapest and not far from our condo, the RRB is a communism theme bar with red lights and a sense of humour about the political past. When you walk in, the first thing to see is a mural of Karl Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Mao Zedong celebrating in birthday hats. Definitely a different vibe. After 2 beer, one wine and a sparkling water, we were out the door… after spending only $12.00CDN. At least we can say we did it.

      Our beer of choice in Budapest has been the Soporoni brand. It doesn’t take much to develop a loyalty to a product. A great waitress on our first night was more than willing to share a few local facts with us and it really created a nice experience. Soporoni is named after the city of Soporon. Sopron is situated near the western borders of Hungary, at the foot of the Alps, 60 km from Vienna and 220 km from Budapest. It is known as the city of loyalty. In 1921, the residents had a choice to leave the monarchy or stay as part of Hungary. They chose Hungary and now we enjoy the beer.

      And now, we are off to our boat. Checked out of our condo in the morning and grabbed a tram to our boat to drop off our luggage. As boat check-in is not until 3:00PM, we’re off to check out another area of the city.
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    • Day 61

      Bus-y day

      November 3, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

      Our original bus out of Brussels was supposed to be at 8:45 and take 3 hours, instead we left at 11:30 and got to Amsterdam just before 4 and they dropped us off at a different stop. But we got here 🎉

      We decided to take the train to the city center to get to our accommodation rather than braving a 2 hour walk in the rain with our packs. Our accommodation this time is similar to the space pod hostel - it's a pod type room with just a bed and a little walkway.

      After checking in we decided to get lost and just wander, we somehow made a wrong turn and ended up in the red light district, which was "interesting", after escaping the strange street we ended up at a hot food vending machine shop, where we grabbed some snacks.

      We strolled for a while longer before getting some fresh stroopwafles and heading back to the accommodation to sleep.

      Step count: 14k
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    • Day 15

      Netherlands day 11

      April 14, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ ☁️ 12 °C

      On our last day in the Netherlands we spent the morning walking through Amsterdam with our newly acquired friends. In the afternoon we went to a small farm where we were shown the authentic clog making process, followed by a farm dinner that was made from products off of the farm.Read more

    • Day 4


      August 5, 2024 in the Netherlands ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Aujourd'hui nous sommes allés à Amsterdam.
      Thomas avait repéré un parking relais et un métro pour nous emmener au centre d'Amsterdam et c'était vraiment très pratique.
      Nous avons déambulé dans les rues au gré de nos envies. Les rues se ressemblent un peu toutes. Des briques et des canaux. Mais c'est très joli. On s'arrête quand même pour une petite gaufre typique à la cannelle.
      Après une pause déjeuner chez Avocado Show pour manger, nous repartons pour visiter le Rijksmuseum et voir quelques Rembrandt, Vermeer et un Van Gogh. Nous n'avions pas pu réserver le musée Van Gogh car c'était trop tard, dommage !
      Et enfin comme j'avais trop mal aux pieds nous prenons le tram pour nous ramener vers le quartier rouge (2km quand-même) et nous nous baladons encore un peu. Avant de reprendre notre métro pour récupérer la voiture. Petite journée de 22000 pas, très sympa avec le soleil au rendez-vous !
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Amsterdam, አምስተርዳም, أمستردام, ܐܡܣܛܪܕܐܡ, امستردام, Амстердам, Горад Амстэрдам, আমস্টারডাম, ཨེམ་སི་ཊར་ཌམ།, ئەمستەردام, Άμστερνταμ, Amsterdamo, Ámsterdam, آمستردام, Amstardam, Ámsterdan, אמסטרדם, ऐम्स्टर्डैम, Amstèdam, Amszterdam, Ամստերդամ, AMS, アムステルダム, ამსტერდამი, Amesterdam, ಆಂಸ್ಟರ್ಡ್ಯಾಮ್, 암스테르담, Amstelodamum, Amsterdamas, Amsterdama, 阿姆斯特丹, ആംസ്റ്റർഡാം, अ‍ॅम्स्टरडॅम, အမ်စတာဒမ်မြို့, आम्स्टर्डम, एम्स्तरद्याम, ଆମଷ୍ଟରଡ଼୍ୟାମ, ਅਮਸਤਰਦਮ, Àmsterdam, ایمسٹرڈیم, امسټرډام, Amesterdão, Amsterdams, ඈම්ස්ටර්ඩෑම්, Amistardam, Amsterdami, Damsko, ஆம்ஸ்டர்டம், อัมสเตอร์ดัม, ئامستېردام, אמסטערדאם, I-Amsterdami

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