Conor Trip

juni - august 2017
Et 54-dags eventyr af Fitzgerald Family Læs mere
  • 38fodaftryk
  • 6Lande
  • 54dage
  • 70fotos
  • 1videoer
  • 43,7kkilometer
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  • Dag 10


    25. juni 2017, Japan ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    きよう、 マヤと ダデイといっしょに フォレスパプール に 行きました。 マヤが 新しい 友だちコレクションと 言うゲーム で あそびました。 マヤが みゆうちゃん の お家🏠に 行きマシュマシュ。

  • Dag 19


    4. juli 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 25 °C
  • Dag 20

    Long day today

    5. juli 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    This morning, mammy woke up at 5:40am, daddy woke up at 6:00am and me and Maya woke up at We woke up early because we were going mountain hiking at a mountain called Diamond head (Le’ahi). I was really sleepy and jetlagged because I slept at 12:40pm last night! Me and Maya ate breakfast in the car because we had no time to eat in the restaurant. The car parked at this place called Diamond head park or something. We got out of the car and started hiking. There were some stops in the way, so we stopped and drank water. I was tired when we arrived at the top. We saw the view of Waikiki and we could see our hotel. We had to go down so we just went back.

    We went back down and rode the car. We were going back to the hotel! is what I thought…… We were heading to a shopping center! We ate really good pancakes at a place called eggs’n things. They were huge! We went home after the pancakes. We went to the beach and played around. The waves were really strong! After the beach, mammy and daddy got me a fidget spinner!
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  • Dag 20

    長い 一日

    5. juli 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    今朝は 6時 30分 に 起きました。 なぜならば、今日 ダイアモンドヘッドという山をのぼるからです。
    ダイヤモンドヘッドは、くるまでホテルから 15分くらいのばしょにあります。さいしょは たいらだったけどだんだんきゅうに なりました。かいだんをのぼったあとに ちょう上につきました。ぼくのとまっているホテルとかきれいな海が見えました。山を下るのは 山をのぼるよりもかんたんでした。ち上についたら、車にのって アラモアナショッピングセンターに行きました。そこで、大きくておいしいパンケーキをたべました!
    ダディとママが、ぼくに すごいフィジェットスピナーをマーケットでかってくれました。さいしょのねだんは29ドル95セントだったんだけど、お店のおじさんが、ねだんを15ドルにまけてくれました。ラッキー!!
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  • Dag 21


    6. juli 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    This morning, I woke up at 5:50am to go to starbucks for breakfast. I went with mammy and Maya and daddy to buy the food and eat in in the hotel room. Me and Maya got a chocolate chunk muffin, mammy got a bagel with cream cheese and daddy got coffee and a bagel.
    Me and mammy ate at the balcony but Maya and daddy ate inside. We were going to a holiday condo in Kaua’i.

    I played on my 3ds in the plane but it was only for about 20 minutes. I was hungry but not that tired. We went to the rent-a-car place and rode our car. It took about 15 minutes from the airport to the holiday condo.When the car parked, daddy went outside to do something. (I am still hungry!) After 20 minutes daddy came back to the car and announced that we could get in our house in 30 minutes. So finally we got to eat our lunch. There were many restaurants close by so we walked to eat.

    Maya recommended a chinese restaurant called Panda Express 🐼 . I got a kids meal with broccoli beef and fried rice. It was so good! Later we went to the pool.
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  • Dag 21


    6. juli 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 25 °C

    けさ6じに起きてスタバに行きました。ぼくとマヤはチョコマフィンをたべました。そのあと ひこうきにのって カウアイ島に 来ました。車に乗って あたらしいホテルに行きました。ホテルはすごく広かったです。こんなホテルってすごいなあと思いました。今日のランチは ホテルの前のショッピングセンターの中のパンダエキスプレスという ちゅうかりょうりやさんでした。ぼくはブロッコリービーフとチャーハンをたべました。ブロッコリーをぜんぶたべなくちゃいけなかったので、ビーフとブロッコリーをいっぺんにたべました!
    明日は ジップラインをしに行きます!
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  • Dag 22

    Princeville Range

    7. juli 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    Today we went to a place called Princeville Range to kayak, swim, and do all that stuff. We got in the car for 30 to 35 minutes. We had to borrow shoes for the Kayaking and trekking. Daddy already had the shoes that we needed so he didn't borrow the shoes. Maya and Mammy borrowed shoes but I didn't, because when I tried my shoes, they were uncomfortable. So I just wore my own sport shoes. We put on sunscreen and mosquito repellent then waited for the other people to come. We rode a bus to 🚌 the Kayaking place and walked through a field. There was cow 🐮poo💩 everywhere! What were the people feeding these cows?! We arrived at the river and listened to instructions.

    We got in the Kayak and started Kayaking! I kept getting stuck so Mammy helped me. The destination was a zipline station. It was so great! We also rode on a zipline coming back. We stopped for lunch at a pond with a waterfall where we could swim and jump off a big rock.

    We walked back to the Kayaking place and Kayaked back. It was better than the first time. We hiked back up a hill and rode the car.

    We rode our car and kept on chanting "kakigori!" Kakigori means 🍧 shaved ice so we wanted shaved ice. On the way for the shaved ice 🍧 we stopped at a beach. We swam with the waves 🌊 and splashed around then went to eat the big 🍧. Mammy did a handstand again!!
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  • Dag 24

    Waimea canyon

    9. juli 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Today we woke up early because we were going to the Waimea canyon and the big island. It took us about an hour to go to the Waimea canyon. I think daddy really wanted to go there. I rested in the car

  • Dag 30

    Lake Tahoe

    15. juli 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    This morning we woke up early because we were going to Kayak at Lake Tahoe. Daddy got a mail from the instructor yesterday saying that we had to be there at 7:45am and telling us about the stuff that we should bring. I was freezing cold and I couldn't change into my swimming 🏊 clothing. I finally changed into my swimming 🏊 clothing, but I was still cold! So I got my new jacket and wore it. I was very sleepy 😴 so l slept in the car. We arrived at Lake Tahoe.
    But there was a huge traffic jam! We waited for 30 minutes then the parking lot gate opened. We parked the car and stepped outside. It was so cold! We followed daddy to our instructor and the Kayaks. The instructor's name was Sean. Me and mammy got in a kayak and daddy and Maya got in a kayak. We were heading to a beach called chimney beach. We kayaked for 4km and saw a huge house. Sean said it was the house of captain whittle who was a very wealthy man. He bought a lot of land on the coast of Lake Tahoe. He was thinking of developing a resort and a casino but he became a recluse which is a person that preferred to live alone. He also bought a pet elephant 🐘! Some people say that captain whittle 's house is haunted! 👻 👻👻We arrived at chimney beach. If you are wondering why it is called chimney beach, it is because there is a real chimney on the sand! The water 💦 was freezing cold and I swam in the freezing cold water!
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  • Dag 32

    ダデイの誕生日 コナー

    17. juli 2017, Forenede Stater ⋅ 🌙 15 °C

    車で ヨセミテこくりつこうえんのグレーシアポイントに行きました。そこでは、ハーフドームという大きな岩や、4つの たきが見れました。家や車がとても小さく見えました。
    そのあとに、マクガークメドウというところに ハイキングに行きました。ぬまちにアメンボやトンボやちょうちょがたくさんいました。また、黄色、赤色、白などの花がたくさんさいていて きれいでした。ぼくたちは、ぜんぶで5キロ歩いたので、ものすごくのどがかわきました。。。
    そこから、ブライズベールフォールというたきに 行きました。そこでは、顔に水てきがとびちって 気もちよかったです。けれど、その水てきは 口に入りませんでした。(とてものどがかわいていました!!)
    つぎに ハイキングに行くときは、お水をもっともっていかないといけないと思いました。
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