  • Dia 43

    Work Away

    16 de maio de 2017, Bulgária ⋅ 🌬 20 °C

    Slept so much better. The bird woke me up a few times but it was easy to get back to sleep. Will didn't sleep as good but still acceptable.
    I had a big big bowl of Nesquick even though it backfired on me yesterday and I ended up being so hungry.
    THIS SUNSCREEN SUCKS. I swear it's greasier than normal. Yuck yuck yuck.
    Before we left for the morning Will got the splinter out of my leg. He treated It like a full medical procedure.
    Every ant Will sees he calls Antony and talks to it. Be has made the same joke over 50 times and still chuckles about it...
    Will is a really annoying name to write out all the time because it doesn't autocorrect it to having a big W because it's also a word...
    Team Canada and Kazakhstan weren't really prepared for battle this morning. They were both in jumpers and Kazakhstan (I think him name Darni) could not have looked more Asian if he tried. He was in like a gold sweater that had purple and white patterns. Long beige trousers, old sneakers and this huge weaved sun vision that really emphasized his sticky out ears and glasses.
    Johanna stayed behind today.
    We went in different car to the fields. It has really comfy seats but it's a bit of a bomb. Lucky Will always gets to sit in the front seat and I have to sit next to 2 boys who I felt were both uncomfortable about my close proximity and even more so about the fact I was in shorts. I presume neither have ever held a girls hand.
    Both socially odd.
    We saw either a fox or jackal on the way. It was like a combo of both.
    Today's duty was the same as yesterday - continue trying to save the fields from weeds and trees.
    Though today I didn't really bother with salting and bagging as much because I don't think it works (half the crap I cut down had old bags underneath..)
    Will got out HUGE stump out though. it took ages. Maybe an hour?
    The other 3 barely moved all day working on big roots. The others didn't manage to get their stump out which naturally Will kept bringing up all day. Lol
    I just went up and down rows chipping away :)
    We has a banana break which really did help me get through to lunch.
    On the drive back I either saw a falcon or eagle. Ether way it was a kickass bird.
    We had a delicious omelette for lunch with salami stuff and onion mixed in.
    I then did 2 loads of washing because I'm out of clothes then me and Will went for a walk around the lake.
    It felt like we walked for ever. We had to walk the wrong way for a long while just to find a bit of the stream narrow enough for us to cross to the other side. There was a goad herder there and the dog was so suspicious of us lol. He had to be called off from barking/attacking.
    I hate walking on sand it hurts my back.
    Unfortunately, there is so much rubbish. People are so stupid. I'd understand if there were no bins but the bins are big and everywhere. The Romani people actually drive away from bins to dump their rubbish in the forest? What logic is that?
    On the walk there was so many burs and because my socks were extra fluffy they kept on attaching.
    Will took a shit In the woods. He is happy he didn't have to use the hole.
    We found a beautiful spot to sit around the cove and took some photos and have a lie down on the picnic rug we brought :)
    Once we got sick of the ants crawling on the mat and the annoying rocks underneath we walked up a bit further and took turns throwing rocks into the lake and having comps on who's rock made the bigger splash. We also did some discus throws. I loved doing little athletics. I want to do it with my kids like dad did with me :)
    We walked back - a different way to avoids the poo hahahah and once back in the village ran into Baba Benka. The woman can talk. She yapped on and we had zero idea what she was going on about. She didn't care. She kissed us goodbye. I love her. I'm going to adopt her as my spare grandparent. I have learnt how to ask her to be my grandma.
    It sounds like "Moleia buddy moyata Baba." I will ask her soon. She visited the house later in the day to bring us sheep yogurt and to invite us to dinner soon.
    We were looking at Johannas keyboard but it's weird. She said that German keyboards are different - the Y and Z are swapped? That ruins the whole 'typewriter' can be written on the top row, fun fact.

    A South Korean cyclist couple have just arrived .the crazy duo have been traveling by bike for 2.5 years all over the world.
    We will be picking roses today so I avoided napping.
    Kazakhstan and Canada hadn't seen the lake so they went on a tour while i prepared the shopska for dinner.
    Their capsicums are weird, like a huge chilly.
    We ate left overs for the barbecue, played cards, drank teas and are now in bed.
    Excited to finally pick tomorrow.
    I'm tired.
    It's 10pm - alarm set for 5:20.
    P.s Will is so pleased. He found the other Oreo packet.
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