  • День 140


    21 августа 2017 г., Англия ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    Jaxon is the most ridiculous person to sleep with.
    He literally spent the night flapping light a bird, twitching, shaking as if he was having a fit and sleep laughing and whinging.
    No sleep for me.
    The little shit woke up at 4:30 and put his fingers up my nostril to let me know.
    I took him out to the lounge room and offered him a bottle but he wasn't keen. He settled for some biscuits.
    I put the tv on but he is not interested. I can't wait til he is haha. The noise from the tv makes the whole room feel more comfortable though.
    I don't know how're passed the time but once the sun had risen properly I took him for a walk in the stroller.
    Bless him, He is so well behaved in it.
    It was drizzling but I didn't care I needed to do something lol. I think I murdered a fair few snails and slugs until I realized they were everywhere! Then dodged them when possible. The slugs are so big. One had a hole in it but was alive??? Looked like a cigarette burn size?
    Didn't seem to bother it lol.
    There is a missing cat picture on every pole and it hurts my heart.

    We saw a fox yesterday. Random area for one.

    I walked in a straight line so I didn't get lost and turned around - I did 2 big laps before poo face fell asleep again.
    People gave me varied looks. Obviously they assumed he was mine... some where really friendly and gave big smiles and others gave judgmental glares like oh another young single mum. Will made a comment later when we were walking him together about how he felt like we were being judged. I was like oooo I feel that too!!!
    It's silly because we are most definitely old enough. Will wants a sign to let ppl know he isn't ours hahah

    I pushed the pram through some dog poo 😒

    Getting in the house with a pram holding a sleeping child really difficult. All the doors here have doorstops and close if you don't hold them so trying to make sure he didn't wake up and juggle keys and doors wasnt fun.
    He slept for an hour but stirred so often I didn't get a solid nap in.
    I woke Will at 8:30 because I was having another reflux vomit. Jaxon had a good look see lol.
    He took over and I had a 1.5 hour nap.

    I had a shower with Jaxon which was different to say the least. Hard to maneuver in such a tight space haha
    Having a bath tub would make things easier. I had to hug him tight the whole time cause he is scared of them since he got a little burned at home with Jess lol

    We went out to get iron tablets and finally got some.
    We had brunch at a coffee shop and got a 1£ muffin for Jaxon to nibble on. Uhm IT WAS DELICIOUS. Going back for sure.
    We then Walked towards milwall stadium which is next to the south station.

    He saw the same dog that was sitting on top of the caravan when we took jess - was there again. We think he likes keeping watch haha.

    We walked past/around the Milwall football stadium.
    This is such an industrial area. It's almost like slumbish except every had a good attitude. Everyone was working hard.
    The area we are staying in Is like 75% black people. Not a bad thing, merely an observation.
    We walked and walked and then walked past the WIDEST dog either of us had ever seen. It wasn't that big but omg it was like a table.
    We got to a park but Jaxon had fallen asleep again so we waited for him to wake up before we had a try on the play equipment.
    He loves slides but dislikes swings.
    It was too wet unfortunately so we didn't stay long. Great little park though.
    THEY SOLD V AT THE PETROL STATION. I was so excited about this - first place since we left home.

    Jaxon did a massive poo and it leaked into the cushion hahah
    We had sandwiches for lunch
    Entertained him then fed him dinner. He loves Indian food because of daycare. Nearly inhales his purée.

    We played with him making him walk backwards and forward to each of us for ages, then a throw/bounce/catch/fetch game before putting him down to bed.
    He wasn't as easy to get to bed today but we got there :)

    This morning (on Wills watch 😜) he fell into a chair and has a bruise under his eye forming.

    More importantly....
    note the date:
    Oh my heart.
    We have obviously hugged when he had been hurt or when I have picked him up and made him hahah but never has he approached me for a cuddle and only that.

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