  • Tag 182


    2. Oktober 2017 in Marokko ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Kept everyone up coughing 😏

    Woke up with the intentions of going to a Hammam.
    Reception told me yesterday they would take me -
    What a bunch of geese. . 'staff' will be getting a low score on my review. They didn't know what I was waiting for... they eventually figured it out and took me to the hammam. Well, he tried to...
    he had no idea where he was going and had to ask 5 different locals for help. I was so worried because he walked in complete circles that I wasn't going to find my way back because I left my phone in the hostel.
    Eventually he found one but it was closed...... 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
    It is their literal job to know these things.
    They offer it as a service.....
    so cranky.
    He tried to make small talk as we walked back but I was not in the mood.
    I'm back at the hostel now and I'm not sure if I still even want one. I would google myself if the damn hostel had internet..

    Ok found one with a high rating on google so Will escorted me there.... my Hammam was by far my favourite and most ridiculous experience in Morocco.

    Ok so I had to buy stuff at the door - a exfoliating glove, black soap stuff and 2 other bags I don't know what they were.

    Went in and it was like a public swimming pool change room.
    I had to remove all my clothes except my undies then go into the next room with my cleaner - she also got nude 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    It was sort of like a steam room. Just a massive square tiles room with a bunch of naked woman in it washing.
    They aren't shy with the water - taps were always running.

    I just sat in the corner naked while my lady went somewhere - she came back 5 mins later with a bucket.

    In the bucket she put the black soap and a green powder and made a paste. She rubbed it all over me - I then had to take my undies off for her to do my bum 🙊
    She then took me into the next bus room which was slightly hotter.
    I sat on the floor for 10 minutes in this goop watching other nude ladies wash.
    I felt surprisingly unembarrassed. Seeing some of these woman gave me some real body confidence hahahah

    Anyway waiting waiting waiting...
    sweating sweating sweating..
    she then came back and used hot water to wash it off me.
    Her sign language skills weren't the best. She struggled to communicate with me what she wanted me to do.

    I then got taken back into the 1st steam room where she then threw a bucket of water on the floor (which saturated my undies still lying there) to clean it and made me lie down on my stomach - and so began the scrub down..
    she wasn't gentle.
    I had heard from people that they were horrified by the amount of dead skin comes of them when getting a hammam so I purposely have been poor with my shower hygiene and my oh my... YUCK! Hahaha rolls and rolls of dead green skin.
    You know when you run your hands together and you get the little green stuff ... like that only some where half as thick as a cigarette.
    So satisfying.
    After she did my back etc I then rolled over my side then back then side again.
    The ass, boob and inner thigh scrub were, errr, interesting.
    I have never been so exposed.
    Where she was scrubbing my boobs her face sweat was dripping onto me lol.
    And her boobs were dancing everywhere hahaha oh god.
    this was so bizarre.
    She then washed the dead skin off.
    I didn't need my hair washed so I didn't buy shampoo at the front but she must have though I just didn't know because she borrowed someone else's and washed my hair.

    She then put the last of the little powder sachet things into a new bucket and made a other paste - this was suppose to be a massage I think?
    It was more of a thorough rub down.

    When doing my arm she basically placed her boob into my hand. Cute.

    When doing my legs - she though the appropriate place to place my foot was between her boobs hahah

    I had the giggles a few times

    She also did my face which was too tame for my liking hahah

    So exposed.
    So very, very exposed.

    She then washed me down again.

    My undies were so wet but I had to put them back on to walk home.

    I put all my clothes on and left.
    I get to keep my glove woo ha

    I hated the walk home. Because I was by myself I got called a whore a few times and a bitch too.
    How lovely.

    Got home and recounted my tale.

    We sat around for a bit charging our phones before we loaded the maps and headed for the kings palace.
    A 4km walk there and we couldn't even take a photo 😑 dudes with guns everywhere and you couldn't even cross the street to look.
    So yeah a long walk to see a door.

    We walked back to the hostel and chatted to our English friend for a while. Her name is Finnula which is super strange. As is she.. she is nice though :) #fbpals

    We then headed out to watch the sunset In hope of the same beauty as yesterday- nope.
    Crappy sunset but we did like sitting watching the water and people fishing.
    We spend far to long watching and waiting to see if the waves would push 2 separated plastic bottles close enough to each other to touch.
    Stupidly satisfying when then did finally touch.

    Sitting on this wall was probably the nicest spot in Rabat/Morocco. (Excluding the waterfall)

    Walked home - will went back out to get food for himself.

    I bought my morocco magnet - it's of a door. All the other magnets had buildings and shit but I didn't know what the buildings were because they all look the same. 3 terra cotta mosques next to each other.. woo... pass.

    I was in hysterics this evening... some girls came back from the Hammam and where losing their shit at the worker 😂😂😂😂
    They were told it was a spa.
    One chick kept going in and out of Spanish to get her point across.

    I doubt this will read funny in year to come but on the off chance I remember (workers name is santiago)

    " make sure you read the hostel review tomorrow.. it will read FUCK YOU SANTIAGO, lets go to a "spa" that will be nice, that will be fun *trails off into Spanish*

    I was in my bed listening to her complain about how she felt like a tajine chicken in a pot... when she got her glove out to use as a prob I couldn't breath 😂
    "Do you want a massage? " *pretends to rip skin off*
    The over dramatic version and accent were just so so funny.

    The American dude -Gedrick - has gone off with some other blokes to get one tonight. He had taken an extra 150 dirham to try convince a worker to try jerk one of the other guys off 😂😂😂😂😂
    I may never see him again. He may go to jail.. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂

    I asked him a question earlier but he couldn't see me and he was so startled.
    He was like " man, don't do that! I'm so baked, I thought i was hearing voices"

    I would like to get to know him more. I know he served in the air force for 8 years and served in Iraq - he Lives on a farm and lived in Japan. He just seems so interesting.
    he is also the only person on my travels who makes their bed everyday. Evidence of Military training right there!

    We are packed and ready to go.
    I don't know if I am meant to check in to our flight or not but I have no internet so I can't check..
    Let's hope not.

    - A man kissed Wills arm in the street
    - Will (& many others) had to pee in the shower because our hostel just didn't have available toilets
    - lots of gum trees out and about