  • Tag 226


    15. November 2017 in Montenegro ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

    Goood sleep :)

    So we did nothing all day😂😂
    I looked at work aways and that was the only thing I'd consider productive.

    Our tv doesn't work so the dad came and took it to get fixed.
    We were like it's fine don't woryy about and he just kept saying "no I MUST fix it" - he was very cute.
    Off he went to get it fixed. How very efficient lol.
    Within 30 minutes he was back. He fiddled with it for 30 minutes and made 2 phones calls and hey presto - the sound came on 🎉 off he went lol.

    We went out for dinner - we put a Chinese place into our map but along the way we came across a Hard Rock Cafe so we popped in there. We didn't spend a cent today so the prices evened out to be ok lol.
    The mango berry cooler was there 🎉🎉🎉 (had it in Poland)
    We had chicken wings and I had bruschetta. Food I actually wanted 😭😭
    The waiter was unfortunately very good so we felt obligated to tip because he was going out of his way.
    Damn lol
    Walked home and I fell asleep on the couch. William the complete dickhead woke me up at 1am by tickling my face so I opened my eyes and he was standing over me and I screamed.
    Heart rate was through the roof.

    Thanks to the big idiot I was then wide awake and watched pride and prejudice. I liked it much more than when I saw it with mothers group lol
    If I hadn't made myself read the book I probably still wouldnt have got it.
    Just proud of myself cause it proved I understood the book correctly haha

    We Skyped Jess and Jaxon kept trying to hug the phone 😭❤️