  • Dia 318


    15 de fevereiro de 2018, Austrália ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    food wasn't as good this flight.

    Blah blah blah. 14 long hours.
    I watched some mentalist episodes.

    Once in Sydney I had a near panic attack in the customs bit. The machine couldn't verify my passport photo.........
    had to go to a real person instead.
    Basically long story short I left my passport on the floor and walked off then obviously couldn't find it.
    I was in my snow jacket so the heat made it 1000 times worse and I was shaking and Will had already gone through so I couldn't let him know what was going on.
    Figured out where to look for my passport and all was ok.

    Got backs and had nothing to declare so a quick exit.

    Caught the train home to epping.

    Stupid Gerty was faking sick. I took her to the vet. She is fine...

    Drove Debbie home.

    Met Harvey.
    Went to Jess' and surprised her and Jaxon ❤️ she was close to crying and my eyes got warm.
    He had hugs.
    Jaxon is huge and talking 😍😍
    Met Edgar. What a cutie - BIG puppy.

    We went to helen and bills.

    Jess came with and told them she bought them something and they had to Come outside to see.
    We popped out from behind a corner.
    Helens responds
    "What the fuck" she then cried which set of jess and half me.

    It was wonderful.
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